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文学部 フランス文学科

Researcher List >> Peyron Bruno

Peyron Bruno

NamePeyron Bruno
AffiliationSophia University
SectionFaculty of Humanities, Department of French Literature
Job titleProfessor
DegreeLicence B de langue et litterature chn.(Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3), 中国文学科学士(リヨン第三大学), D.E.S.S.(Universite Lumiere Lyon 2), 国際文化交流専門研究過程(リヨン第二大学), Ph.D in Romance Languages(University of Oregon), ローマン語学博士号(オレゴン大学), Doctorat de Lettres & Arts(Universite Lumiere Lyon 2), 文学博士(リヨン第二大学)
Research funding number50296901
J-Global ID200901030666290822


I have two fields of research. In literature, I work on the French autobiographer Hervé Guibert. This author's work is based on his own life. But, he put fiction elements in his writing. I am interested in those parts. I am trying to find what are the functions of this false facts.
In education, I study particularly the way to conduct classes in language teaching through the use of images, graphic animations and simulations.I have two fields of research. In literature, I work on the French autobiographer Hervé Guibert. This author's work is based on his own life. But, he put fiction elements in his writing. I am interested in those parts. I am trying to find what are the functions of this false facts.
In education, I study particularly the way to conduct CALL classes in language teaching through the use of images, graphic animations and simulations.(Subject of research)
Comparative Autobiographies: From the Icarus Myth to the Complex
"Autobiographies comparées : du mythe au complexe d'Icare"
D’un à l’autre chez Simone de Beauvoir, Nathalie Sarraute et Monique Wittig : rétrospection et introspection de l’enfance
Problematic of the fall and of its narration in the autobiography
"Problématique de la chute et de sa narration dans le genre autobiographique"
Goldoni : une didascalie théâtralisée
Fictionnal map
"Carte autofictive" (creative writing)
« De l’expérience » ou la mise en abîme de « Les Essais »
Deviser de visu (Ex-Traits familiers) 2000 2000 2001 2001 1 個人研究 2007/04/14 2007/04/14 0 削除しない
4926 00971154 PEYRON BRUNO 文学部 フランス文学科 教授 在職 8 『エルヴェ・ギベール著の落下の想像 : 『両親』の読書』 Hervé Guibert and the imagination of fall : a reading of "Mes parents""
"Hervé Guibert et l'imaginaire de la chute : Lecture de "Mes parents""
When Hervé Guibert, alias H. G., is viewing himself as Napoleon Bonaparte
"Quand Hervé Guibert, alias H. G., se prend pour Napoléon Bonaparte…"
From manuals using communicative approach to places for language practice

Research Interests

CALL ,self-fiction ,implicit grammar ,語り ,Napoleon ,Interaction ,fall ,autobiographie ,childhood ,map ,語り手 ,imagination ,creative writing ,fall ,autobiography ,autoportrait ,narratee ,autobiography ,expérience ,imagination

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Literature - European / 

Books and Other Publications

Apr 2011   
Chaque mois, d'avril 2006 à mars 2007, 12 saynètes ont été publiées. Elles visent l'autoapprentissage du français.
30 May 2004   
Livre collectif d'auto-apprentissage du français
Dossier Découvertes de la méthode REFLETS (Hachette)\nTravail collectif : 澤田、原田、猪口、ペーロン・Hachette-Japon


International Society for the Sociology of Religion 37th Conference   6 Jul 2023   

Professional Memberships


Research Projects

Self-Learning Surface for Learning Kanji
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
KOBAYASHI TAKAO Taha Sinousy Eman Mohyeldin Toyota Tetsuya 
Project Year: Apr 2016 - Mar 2019
WALL e-Learning
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year: 2010 - 2011

Social Activities

[Contribution] 21 Mar 2021 - Mar 2025
 1 Apr 2006 - 31 Mar 2008

