
高橋 浩

タカハシ ヒロシ  (Takahashi Hiroshi)


上智大学 理工学部情報理工学科 教授
工学士(1986年3月 東北大学)
工学修士(1988年3月 東北大学)
博士(工学)(1997年3月 東北大学)



1986年-1987年 東北大学工学部・同大学院工学研究科 超音波を用いた誘電体結晶評価法の研究

1988年-2012年 日本電信電話株式会社 フォトニクス研究所 光導波路を用いた通信用集積光回路の研究

2013年-現在 上智大学理工学部情報理工学科 超高速光通信方式に関する研究



  • S. Kamei, A. Iemura, A. Kaneko, Y. Inoue, T. Shibata, H. Takahashi, A. Sugita
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 17(3) 588-590 2005年3月  
  • H Takara, T Ohara, T Yamamoto, H Masuda, M Abe, H Takahashi, T Morioka
    ELECTRONICS LETTERS 41(5) 270-271 2005年3月  
    Over 1000-channel DWDM transmission experiment has been achieved. A 1046 x 2.67 Gbit/s, 6.25 GHz-spaced DWDM signal is successfully transmitted over 126 kin field-installed fibres in the test-bed of JGN II by employing a single supercontinuum lightwave source, which generates more than 1000 carriers and uniform precise channel spacing of 6.25 GHz.
  • K. Suzuki, T. Shibata, Y. Inoue, H. Takahashi
    Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2005. Technical Digest. OFC/NFOEC 2 2005年3月  
  • Takuya Ohara, Hidehiko Takara, Takashi Yamamoto, Hiroji Masuda, Toshio Morioka, Makoto Abe, Hiroshi Takahashi
    Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2005. Technical Digest. OFC/NFOEC 3 2005年3月  
  • T. Saida, Y. Hashimoto, I. Ogawa, M. Kotoku, T. Shibata, H. Takahashi, S. Suzuki
    Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2005. Technical Digest. OFC/NFOEC 4 2005年3月  
  • S. Sohma, T. Watanabe, T. Shibata, H. Takahashi
    Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2005. Technical Digest. OFC/NFOEC 4 2005年3月  
  • T Mizuno, H Takahashi, T Kitoh, M Oguma, T Kominato, T Shibata
    OPTICS LETTERS 30(3) 251-253 2005年2月  
    We have realized a novel Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) thermo-optic switch that can operate over a much wider wavelength range than a conventional MZI switch. We constructed the novel MZI switch by incorporating a phase-generating coupler (PGC) as an optical coupler. The PGC generates a nonlinear wavelength-dependent phase, which functions as a virtual wavelength-dependent delay part that cancels out the wavelength dependence of a MZI. We fabricated the novel MZI switch on a silica-based planar fight-wave circuit and achieved a low insertion loss of less than 1.6 dB and a high extinction ratio of 30 dB over a wide wavelength range of 160 nm. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
  • Hiroshi Takahashi, Takashi Saida, Yohei Sakamaki, Toshikazu Hashimoto
    Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS 2005 656-657 2005年  査読有り
    We propose a new way for designing optical waveguides with the optimum shape. This approach is called the wavefront matching method and we describe its fundamental aspects and report some experimental results. © 2005 IEEE.
  • S Sohma, S Mino, T Watanabe, M Ishii, T Shibata, H Takahashi
    Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystem II, Pts 1 and 2 5625 767-775 2005年  
    We review recent progress on optical switches that employ silica-based planar lightwave circuits (PLC) including a 16 x 16 matrix switch, a 1 x 128 switch, an 8-channel 1 x 8 switch array, and a 32-channel 2 x 2 switch array. These switches are composed of silica-based waveguides and have a solid-state structure with no moving parts, thus they exhibit low insertion loss, high repeatability, and excellent long-term reliability. We also describe IC-on-PLC technology, where IC chips are integrated on the PLC surface for higher functionality and greater compactness. We report the results of reliability tests on the PLC switches, and show that they can put to practical use.
  • T Saida, T Shibata, M Ishii, H Takahashi
    2005 CONFERENCE ON LASERS & ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), VOLS 1-3 1 556-558 2005年  
    We propose and fabricate planar waveguide type optical tweezers that use arrayed waveguide gratings as waveguide lenses. We confirm in experiments that the proposed tweezers can manipulate several particles simultaneously without mechanical movable parts. (c) 2004 Optical Society of America.
  • T Saida, Y Sakamaki, T Hashimoto, T Shibata, H Takahashi, S Suzuki
    2005 CONFERENCE ON LASERS & ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), VOLS 1-3 2 1315-1317 2005年  
    We use our recently proposed wavefront matching method to design waveguide lenses with modulated widths. We fabricated a waveguide lens pair in a silica waveguide, and confirmed its operational principle experimentally. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
  • Takashi Saida, Youhei Sakamaki, Munehisa Tamura, Toshikazu Hashimoto, Hiroshi Takahashi
    IET Conference Publications 2005(502) 175-176 2005年  
    We report experimental results for small-angle waveguide crossings designed with our recently proposed wavefront matching method. We successfully obtained lower loss and crosstalk values than conventional straight waveguide crossings.
  • T. Watanabe, S. Sohma, T. Goh, T. Shibata, H. Takahashi
    IET Conference Publications 2005(502) 991-992 2005年  
    We propose a novel compact optical circuit arrangement for a matrix switch. The fabricated 8 x 8 silica-based PLC switch is half the size of a previously reported switch and exhibits an insertion loss as low as 2.5 dB.
  • H Takahashi, T Saida, Y Sakamaki, T Hashimoto
    We propose a new way for designing optical waveguides with the optimum shape. This approach is called the wavefront matching method and we describe its fundamental aspects and report some experimental results.
  • T. Nagatsuma, A. Hirata, Y. Sato, R. Yamaguchi, H. Takahashi, T. Kosugi, M. Tokumitsu, H. Sugahara, T. Furuta, H. Ito
    ICECom 2005: 18th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Conference Proceedings pp.1- 4, 2005 141-144 2005年  
    This paper presents a 10-Gb/s wireless link system that uses a 120-GHz-band sub-terahertz electro-magnetic waves. In the transmitter photonic techniques are used for generation, modulation, and emission of the sub-THz signals, while the receiver is composed of all-electronic devices using InP-HEMTs.
  • Shin Kamei, Yasuyuki Inoue, Akimasa Kaneko, Tomohiro Shibata, Hiroshi Takahashi
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6014 2005年  
    We review the athermalization techniques that have been proposed for AWGs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages provided by each approach. We then describe our recent progress on the design and fabrication of a silica-based athermal AWG with a 1.5%-Δ waveguide and report its compactness and excellent optical characteristics including its extremely low insertion loss.
  • T Honjo, K Inoue, H Takahashi
    OPTICS LETTERS 29(23) 2797-2799 2004年12月  
    A differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution experiment was carried out with a planar light-wave circuit (PLC) Mach-Zehnder interferometer. This scheme has two advantages: it requires no polarization control and has a high repetition frequency, provided that a stable interferometer is available. Stable polarization-insensitive operation was achieved with an interferometer fabricated by PLC technology. Raw key creation at a rate of 3076 bits/s with a 5.0% quantum bit-error rate was achieved over 20 km of fiber. The stability of the PLC interferometer was examined. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
  • Kobayashi Masaru, Asakawa Shuichiro, Abe Yoshiteru, Nagase Ryo, Takahashi Hiroshi
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EMD, 機構デバイス 104(355) 19-23 2004年10月  
    We applied a super-multi-fiber PLC connector for connecting up to 64 ch to the board packaging of an 8 × 8 delivery and coupling switch (DC-SW) module with a fiber sheet. The DC-SW module is composed of plural PLCs and needs a large amount of fiber crossing. The PLC connector can attach fibers to and remove them from a PLC endface and realizes a PLC receptacle module instead of a PLC pigtail module. The fiber sheet resolves the problem of fiber congestion. We demonstrate the smart optical fiber wiring and board packaging of a DC-SW whose optical performance matches that of a conventional switch in which the pigtail fibers of the PLC modules are fusion spliced and squeezed into a package.
  • K Suzuki, T Mizuno, M Oguma, T Shibata, H Takahashi, Y Hibino, A Himeno
    IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 16(6) 1480-1482 2004年6月  
    A low loss wavelength-selective switch is proposed and demonstrated. The switch has a 1 x 4 transversal filter configuration that includes arrayed waveguide gratings and thermooptic phase shifters, and can route arbitrary wavelength input light to arbitrary outputs with no loss variation. We confirmed its operating principle and obtained an average loss of 2.7 dB and a worst extinction ratio of more than 20 dB.
  • Toshimori Honjo, Kyo Inoue, Hiroshi Takahashi
    International Quantum Electronics Conference, 2004. (IQEC). pp.410- 411, 2004 410-411 2004年5月  
  • 鈴木賢哉, 水野隆之, 小熊学, 柴田知尋, 高橋浩, 日比野善典, 姫野明
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OPE, 光エレクトロニクス 104(75) 1-5 2004年5月  
  • 水野隆之, 小熊学, 鬼頭勤, 井上靖之, 柴田知尋, 高橋浩
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OPE, 光エレクトロニクス 104(75) 13-16 2004年5月  
  • K Takiguchi, K Okamoto, Kominato, I, H Takahashi, T Shibata
    ELECTRONICS LETTERS 40(9) 537-538 2004年4月  
    Pulse waveform shaping with a silica-waveguide-based circuit employing an arrayed-waveguide grating pair and an array of amplitude and phase controllers is demonstrated. The frequency components of a modelocked laser have been flexibly synthesised to produce 40 GHz square pulses with various widths.
  • T Mizuno, T Kitoh, M Oguma, Y Inoue, T Shibata, H Takahashi
    OPTICS LETTERS 29(5) 454-456 2004年3月  
    We have realized a first optical filter composed of optical delay lines and couplers that has a periodic response with respect to wavelength, whereas a conventional optical filter is known to have a periodic response to relative optical frequency. This new filter can be constructed by using a phase-generating coupler (PGC) that supplies the optical delay lines with a wavelength-dependent nonlinear phase. The PGC, which is also composed of optical delay lines and couplers, can simultaneously provide a desired phase and an arbitrary amplitude coupling ratio. We applied our transformation method to a conventional Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) as an-example of an-optical frequency filter and converted it to an optical wavelength filter. We fabricated the designed MZI on a silica-based planar lightwave circuit and successfully realized what is believed to be the first MZI with a uniform wavelength period. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
  • Koichi Takiguchi, Toshimi Kominato, Hiroshi Takahashi, Tomohiro Shibata, Katsunari Okamoto
    Optical Fiber Communication Conference 1 2004年2月  
  • Ryoichi Kasahara, Motohaya Ishii, Yasuyuki Inoue, Shunichi Sohma, Hiroshi Takahashi, Senichi Suzuki, Tomohiro Shibata, Takeshi Kitagawa
    Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2004. OFC 2004 1 600-2602 2004年2月  
  • A Hirata, H Takahashi, K Okamoto, T Nagatsuma
    We demonstrate the generation of 90-125 GHz inillimeter-wave signal with a phase noise of less than -75 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz; by using optical heterodyning that employs an arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG) integrated with 3-dB combiners.
  • 奥野将之, 渡辺俊夫, 橋詰泰彰, 高橋浩, 相馬俊一, 柴田知尋
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. LQE, レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス 103(430) 29-34 2003年11月  
  • 奥野将之, 渡辺俊夫, 橋詰泰彰, 高橋浩, 相馬俊一, 柴田知尋
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OPE, 光エレクトロニクス 103(428) 29-34 2003年11月  
  • R Kasahara, Y Inoue, M Ishii, A Hirano, Y Miyamoto, H Takahashi, Y Hibino
    ELECTRONICS LETTERS 39(12) 910-911 2003年6月  
    A novel optical bandpass filter is proposed that consists of an arrayed-waveguide grating pair and an optical slit. A 200 GHz cyclic and 40 GHz passband optical filter using the proposed configuration, which is useful for WDM single sideband filtering, is successfully demonstrated.
  • 高橋浩
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. C, エレクトロニクス J86-C(5) 491-499 2003年5月  
    AWG (arrayed-waveguide erating)型の波長合分波器は,大容量WDMシステムのキーデバイスとして注目されている.また,石英系ガラス導波路を用いて作製すると,低損失,高信頼性などの優れた特性を有し,既に商用のWDMシステムに導入されている.本論文では,AWGの原理,基本特性,技術改良点,応用回路について論ずる.具体的には,回折の基本式,スペクトル形状,石英系導波路作製方法,チャネル数拡大,低損失化,偏波無依存化,分散特性及び分散補償器,集積化デバイスについて,最近の実験結果を具体的に示してその進展について述べる.
  • 笠原亮一, 井藤幹隆, 高橋浩, 肥田安弘, 才田隆司, 井上靖之, 日比野善典
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OPE, 光エレクトロニクス 103(80) 1-6 2003年5月  
    石英系アレイ導波路回折格子(AWG)はWDMシステム用波長合分波器として基幹系光通信システムに広く使われており,高性能化や大規模化の研究開発が盛んに行われている.最近は, WDM方式のメトロ,アクセス 系への適用も検討され,低コスト化の要求が更に高まっている,そこで我々は,低コスト化に適した偏波無依存化技術として,導波路構造を調整してコア内応力の非対称性を制御し偏波依存性を解消する方法について検討した.今回,応力解析により偏波依存性の導波路構造依存性を明らかにするとともに,本構造を石英系AWGに適用して偏波無依存化の効果を実験的に検証したので報告する.
  • 高橋浩, 渡辺俊夫, 奥野将之, 日比野善典, 郷隆司
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CS, 通信方式 103(68) 1-6 2003年5月  
  • 郷隆司, 相澤茂樹, 野口一博, 渡辺篤, 高橋哲夫, 古賀正文, 高橋浩
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PS, 光スイッチング 103(72) 7-12 2003年5月  
    我々がこれまで開発を進めてきたフォトニックMPLSルータの波長ラベルスイッチ部(光クロスコネクト部)には、機能集積性・信頼性に優れる平面光波回路型スイッチ(PLC- SW)を用いている。今回、高集積化が進んだPLC- SWデバイスを用いて光スイッチ実装部の機能高集積実装を行った。本報告では、まず、実用レベルに達している光クロスコネクト部について簡単に述べた後、今回開発した光スイッチ実装部の構成及びその特性について述べる。また、PLC光スイッチ実装部のパッケージレベルでの信頼性試験(テルコデイア規格GR-63相当)について、良好な結果を確認したので報告する。
  • K Suzuki, M Oguma, H Takahashi, T Shibata, Y Hibino, A Himeno
    ELECTRONICS LETTERS 39(8) 671-673 2003年4月  
    An optical switch based on a transversal filter configuration is demonstrated. The switch consists of cascaded 3 dB optical power splitters and a phase shifter array. By using a silica-based planar lightwave circuit, a 1 x 4 optical switch was realised. A characteristic of the switch is that its power consumption is constant regardless of the output selection.
  • 林田尚一, 高橋浩, 相馬俊一, 柴田知尋, 奥野将之
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OPE, 光エレクトロニクス 103(35) 63-68 2003年4月  
  • Ryoichi Kasahara, Yasuyuki Inoue, Motohaya Ishii, Akira Hirano, Yutaka Miyamoto, Hiroshi Takahashi, Yoshinori Hibino
    Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 2003. OFC 2003 2 711-712 2003年3月  
  • 相馬俊一, 高橋浩, 井藤幹隆, 柴田知尋, 奥野将之
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PS, 光スイッチング 102(581) 13-18 2003年1月  
  • H Takahashi
    Silica-based planar lightwave circuits (PLC) are key components of functional devices designed for use in optical fiber communication systems because, compared with bulk optics devices, they offer compactness, excellent stability and reliability in addition to high functionality. This talk reviews the current status of PLC development. The fabrication process, basic characteristics, packaging and reliability are. presented, many device applications are described, and experimental results related to optical switches, interleave filters, chromatic/polarization dispersion compensators, gain spectrum equalizers and wavelength multiplexers are reported. Finally, the history of PLC development is summarized, and future target devices are described along with the kind of development needed for such devices designed for use in the next generation of optical communication systems.
  • 高橋浩, 郷隆司, 相馬俊一, 柴田知尋, 奥野将之, 日比野善典, 渡辺俊夫
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OPE, 光エレクトロニクス 102(521) 41-44 2002年12月  
  • H. Takahashi, T. Goh, T. Shibata, M. Okuno, Y. Hibino, T. Watanabe
    28th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2002. ECOC 2002. 2 1-2 2002年9月  
  • T. Goh, H. Takahashi, T. Watanabe, M. Kobayashi, T. Shibata, M. Ishii, S. Sohma, Y. Abe, M. Okuno, Y. Hibino
    28th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2002. ECOC 2002. 3 1-2 2002年9月  
  • M Kohtoku, H Takahashi, T Kitoh, T Shibata, Y Inoue, Y Hibino
    ELECTRONICS LETTERS 38(15) 792-794 2002年7月  
    A novel method of flattening the passband of an arrayed waveguide grating with a small excess loss, which employs a new concept that uses the assist of the weak first-order mode, is described. A 16-channel 100 GHz-spacing demultiplexer with a fibre-to-fibre loss of less than 3.6 dB and a flattened excess loss of 1.85 dB is demonstrated. The I dB down passband is widened 2.2 times.
  • S Sohma, H Takahashi, M Itoh, T Shibata, M Okuno
  • M Okuno, H Takahashi
  • 高橋 浩
    光エレクトロニクス第130委員会、第230回研究会、日本学術振興会 September 27, 2002 2002年  
  • 高橋 浩
    第15回光通信システムシンポジウム December 6, 2001 2001年  
  • 光エレクトロニクス第130委員会、第222回研究会、日本学術振興会 pp.44-49, March 5-6, 2001 2001年  
  • T Tanaka, H Takahashi, Y Hibino, T Hashimoto, A Himeno, Y Yamada, Y Tohmori
    We describe the fabrication method and characteristics of hybrid external cavity lasers composed of a spot-size converter integrated LD (SS-LD) and a UV written Bragg grating in a planar lightwave circuit (PLC) on a Si substrate. The SS-LD is passively aligned on a Si platform formed in the PLC, and the UV grating is created in the PLC with ArF laser irradiation through a phase mask. This structure enables us to fabricate a stable single-mode laser with a precisely controllable oscillation wavelength. By using the above techniques, we obtained a threshold current of 7-8 mA and a side mode suppression of 37 dB for an external cavity laser operating at 1.3 mu m. Moreover, we successfully demonstrated a four-channel external cavity laser with a wavelength interval of 2 nm +/-0.1 nm by integrating 4 SS-LDs on a PLC and controlling the Bragg wavelengths with ArF laser irradiation without a phase mask.
  • A Kaneko, S Kamei, Y Inoue, H Takahashi, A Sugita
    ELECTRONICS LETTERS 36(4) 318-319 2000年2月  
    A new low loss groove design for athermal silica-based AWG multi/demultiplexers is proposed. The insertion loss was < 3.2dB with an excess loss of 0.4dB. The temperature dependence of the channel wavelength change was suppressed to be below 2.5GHz in the 0-85 degrees C range.









