
田中 秀岳

タナカ ヒデタケ  (Tanaka Hidetake)


上智大学 理工学部機能創造理工学科 准教授



  1. 傾斜プラネタリ加工及びオービタル加工によるCFRPの高品位穴あけ
  2. ダイヤモンドバニシング工具に関する研究
  3. CADデータに基づいた熱可塑性CFRPの逐次成形による新たな3次元プリンティング
  4. レプリカ法による工具摩耗評価
  5. 展開図を用いたCFRPを用いたシェル形状3次元造形法の開発研究
  6. 自動旋盤を用いた切削・接合・塑性複合加工に関する研究
  7. 機能性樹脂材料の放電援用旋削加工(EDAT)に関する研究
  8. テクスチャを有する油静圧案内面の摩擦力測定に関する研究
  9. ミーリングチャックの把持力分布測定装置の開発研究


  • Ryuta Kuboshima, Hidetake Tanaka, Emir Yilmaz
    Procedia CIRP 131 37-43 2025年  
  • Hidetake Tanaka, Ryuta Kuboshima
    International Journal of Automation Technology 18(3) 366-373 2024年5月5日  査読有り筆頭著者
    The demand for carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP), classified as functional resins, has increased for micromachined products that are manufactured using lathes and used in the medical field. However, the problems with machining CFRP include the occurrence of burrs and deterioration of the finished dimensions owing to the significant tool wear caused by the carbon fiber. To turn CFRP and maintain high dimensional accuracy, the authors proposed a novel combination of conventional turning and electrical discharge-assisted turning (EDAT). In this study, the capability to control the machinability of EDAT under low-voltage conditions was experimentally investigated. The relationship between the discharge voltage, frequency, and depth of discharge influence of the carbon fibers was clarified.
  • Tatsuki Ikari, Hidetake Tanaka
    International Journal of Automation Technology 18(3) 433-443 2024年5月5日  査読有り最終著者
    Although, three-dimensional printing has several advantages, however there are currently many limitations. In particular, printed products using composite materials such as fiber-reinforced plastic have yet to achieve the same mechanical properties as those obtained from conventional manufacturing methods. In addition, fabricating thin plates or thin shell shapes with sufficient strength is challenging. Incremental forming enables high-mix, low-volume production of thin sheets. This method applies incremental deformation to thin sheets, the desired shape is obtained by accumulating the deformation, and no dies are required. Carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) materials have high specific strength. Discontinuous-fiber CFRP is capable of large plastic deformation under appropriate conditions due to the discontinuity of the reinforcement, and its mechanical properties are nearly isotropic due to the random fiber arrangement. The authors focused on this property and studied the application of single-point incremental forming to discontinuous carbon-fiber-reinforced polyamides. In this study, the workpiece was formed by heating it locally to a deformable temperature by the frictional heat between the rotating tool and the workpiece. The forming experiment was also conducted in an oil bath to keep the entire material at a suitable forming temperature. The results showed that the spindle speed affected forming results even in an oil bath and that heating using an oil bath suppressed deviations from the sine law for thickness and wall angle due to elastic deformation.
  • Hidetake Tanaka, Yuuki Nishimura, Tatsuki Ikari, Emir Yilmaz
    International Journal of Automation Technology 18(1) 128-134 2024年1月5日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) is a composite material with high specific strength and is applied to transportation and aviation equipment. However, conventional processing methods require large-scale production apparatus or a high level of dexterity that only comes with extensive experience which makes it difficult to achieve high processing efficiency. The objective of this study is to develop a novel method for forming thermos-plastic CFRP (CFRTP) preforms implementing a 3D printer for press molding. Applying this method offers the advantage that continuous carbon fibers can be formed on a free-form surface. It also reduces the manufacturing time and operator skill required. The goal of this research is to establish a method for molding a free-form surface composed of continuous fibers by employing a 3D-printed preform designed to match the unfolded polygonised diagram of the free-form surface. Previous research introduced an unfolding approach for converting a three-dimensional shape to a plane surface based on a computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system, enabling the generation of an unfolding diagram that maintains the continuity of fiber tow. Furthermore, the validity of unfolded diagram was confirmed by reproducing the objective three-dimensional shape from the unfolded diagram using thermos-setting CPRP (CFRTS) tow prepreg. In this study, the viability of the proposed molding process using CFRTP preform fabricated by a 3D printer was verified and an assessment of the formability of the molded parts was conducted.
  • Hidetake Tanaka, Tanatat Thangkasemvathana, Yuki Nishimura, Emir Yilmaz
    Key Engineering Materials 994 3-18 2024年  
    This study examines the feasibility of utilizing the press forming method on multi-layer, multi-orientation continuous CFRP preform produced by the additive manufacturing (AM) technique. The 5-layer preforms with fiber orientations of 45° and -45° impregnated in Nylon-6 resin layers were made by a 3D printer, and press-formed in varying temperatures and pressures. Optimal forming outcomes were determined by qualitative evaluations of the surface finish, fiber impregnation, resin flow, and quantitative observations on shape variations by comparison with the mold dimensions. Experimental results showed that the molding temperature of 220°C and pressure between 0.5MPa - 1MPa could produce preforms with optimal surface conditions. There was almost no void of bubble defects, no excess resin flow, and a smooth transition was established between the carbon fiber and the matrix resin layers while allowing the full mechanical strength properties to be realized. The formed preform evaluations confirmed that the press molding method is feasible on multi-layer, multi-orientation continuous CFRP with optimal surface conditions.


  • 田中 秀岳
    精密工学会誌 81(6) 507-510 2015年  
  • 高杉 敬吾, 田中 秀岳, 城野 麻美, 浅川 直紀
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2011 333-334 2011年  


  • 窪嶋 竜太, Yilmaz Emir, 田中 秀岳
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2023年3月1日 公益社団法人 精密工学会
    本研究は機能性プラスチックの中のCFRPの丸棒に対して放電加工を援用した旋削加工を施す.CFRP は金属と比べると遥かに比強度が高いため,航空機や自動車のボディ,医療分野で金属の代替材料としての需要が拡大している.しかし,強化材として含まれている炭素繊維の影響により工具摩耗が発生しやすく,残存繊維(バリ)や仕上げ寸法の悪化が問題となっている.これらの問題を解決する為に,放電加工と旋削加工を組み合わせる新たな加工方法を提案し,工具摩耗と残存繊維の低減に成功している.また,放電電圧8V前後のパッシェンの法則の領域外の低電圧であり,既存の放電加工とは異なる現象が起きていると考えられるため検証した.
  • Y. Nishimura, T. Ikari, E. Yilmaz, H. Tanaka
    The 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE 2022) 2022年11月29日
  • Hidetake Tanaka
    2022 International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies (IC3MT) 2022年11月11日
  • Tanatat Thangkasemvathana, Yuki Nishimura, Emir Yilmaz, Hidetake Tanaka
    2022 International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies (IC3MT) 2022年11月11日
  • 猪狩 龍樹, 田中 秀岳, 浅川 直紀, 柳 和久
    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2016年 公益社団法人 精密工学会



