Christensen (1997) describes market share turnaround processes, based on intensive case studies of Hard Disk Drive, or HDD industry. Even though established large firms are vulnerable to disruptive innovations, previous models have not explained the underlying mechanism definitively. In this study, the author tries to construct some empirical hypotheses on consumer purchasing decisions through qualitative analysis on the Japanese digital still camera, or DSC market. Based on hedonic analysis of Point of Sales, or POS data from 1998 to 2006, the author discusses how consumer evaluate each performance attributes of DSCs.
網倉 久永 (担当:共著, 範囲:”Automation Strategies at the First-Tier Suppliers in Japan: Process Development and Product Trajectory. Hypothesis on the Supplier-Assembler Relationship” pp.62-73)
The Third International Workshop on Assembly Automation Manufacturing Systems and Organizational Paradigms in The Automobile Industry: International Patterns of Diffusion 1995年10月