Faculty of Science and Technology

林 謙介

ハヤシ ケンスケ  (Hayashi Kensuke)


上智大学 理工学部物質生命理工学科 教授


1983-1988 東京大学大学院理学研究科生物学専攻 ニワトリ胚消化管の発生に関する研究
1988-1993 国立精神神経センターI神経研究所 ニワトリ胚骨格筋の発生に関する研究
1993-1998 群馬大学医学部 神経細胞のアクチン結合タンパクに関する研究
1998-2004 群馬大学生体調節研究所 神経細胞の細胞極性と細胞移動に関する研究
2004-現在 上智大学理工学部 神経細胞の微小管形成に関する研究


  • Akari Nakamura, Mami Ikeda, Seina Kusayanagi, Kensuke Hayashi
    IBRO Neuroscience Reports 13 264-273 2022年12月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Kaho Miyata, Kensuke Hayashi
    Developmental Neuroscience 44 1-11 2022年9月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Neuronal migration and axon elongation in the developing brain are essential events for neural network formation. Leading processes of migrating neurons and elongating axons have growth cones at their tips. Cytoskeletal machinery for advance of growth cones of the two processes has been thought the same. In this study, we compared axonal-elongating growth cones and leading-process growth cones in the same conditions that manipulated filopodia, lamellipodia, and drebrin, the latter mediates actin filament-microtubule interaction. Cerebral cortex (CX) neurons and medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) neurons from embryonic mice were cultured on less-adhesive cover glasses. Inhibition of filopodia formation by triple knockdown of mammalian-enabled, Ena-VASP-like, and vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein or double knockdown of Daam1 and fascin affected axon formation of CX neurons but did not affect the morphology of leading process of MGE neurons. On the other hand, treatment with CK666, to inhibit lamellipodia formation, did not affect axons but destroyed the leading-process growth cones. When drebrin was knocked down, the morphology of CX neurons remained unchanged, but the leading processes of MGE neurons became shorter. In vivo assay of radial migration of CX neurons revealed that drebrin knockdown inhibited migration, while it did not affect axon elongation. These results showed that the filopodia-microtubule system is the main driving machinery in elongating growth cones, while the lamellipodia-drebrin-microtubule system is the main system in leading-process growth cones of migrating neurons.
  • Koyo Ide, Mika Muko, Kensuke Hayashi
    Histochemistry and Cell Biology 156 273-281 2021年6月10日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Suzuki Y, Otake A, Ueno S, Hayashi K, Ishii H, Miyoshi N, Kuroiwa K, Tachikawa M, Fujimaki Y, Nishiyama K, Manabe K, Yamazaki R, Asai A
    ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 11(6) 1287-1291 2020年  査読有り
  • Mimori Yamada, Kensuke Hayashi
    Cytoskeleton 76 339-345 2019年  査読有り最終著者責任著者



