
安増 茂樹

ヤスマス シゲキ  (Yasumasu Shigeki)


上智大学 理工学部物質生命理工学科 教授











  • Sakuto Yamanaka, Mari Kawaguchi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Kenji Sato, Masato Kinoshita
    Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 2024年9月12日  査読有り
    ABSTRACT False clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) employ a hatching strategy regulated by environmental cues, wherein parents provide water flow to encourage embryos to hatch after sunset on the hatching day. Despite previous studies demonstrating the necessity of complete darkness and water agitation for hatching, the regulatory mechanisms underlying these environmental cues remain elusive. This study aimed to investigate how darkness and water agitation affect the secretion of hatching enzymes and the hatching movements of embryos in false clownfish. Assessment of chorion digestion and live imaging of Ca2+ in hatching glands using GCaMP6s, a Ca2+ indicator, revealed that darkness stimulation triggers the secretion of hatching enzymes by increasing Ca2+ levels in hatching gland cells. On the other hand, water agitation primarily stimulated hatching movements in embryos, which led to the rupture of their egg envelopes. These results suggest that changes in light environments following sunset induce embryos to secrete hatching enzymes and that water agitation provided by parents stimulates hatching movements. These responses to environmental cues, light and water agitation, contribute to the rapid and synchronous hatching in false clownfish.
  • Shunsuke Nishio, Chihiro Emori, Benjamin Wiseman, Dirk Fahrenkamp, Elisa Dioguardi, Sara Zamora-Caballero, Marcel Bokhove, Ling Han, Alena Stsiapanava, Blanca Algarra, Yonggang Lu, Mayo Kodani, Rachel E. Bainbridge, Kayla M. Komondor, Anne E. Carlson, Michael Landreh, Daniele de Sanctis, Shigeki Yasumasu, Masahito Ikawa, Luca Jovine
    Cell 187(6) 1440-1459.e24 2024年3月  査読有り
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Wen-Shan Chang, Hazuki Tsuchiya, Nana Kinoshita, Akira Miyaji, Ryouka Kawahara-Miki, Kenji Tomita, Atsushi Sogabe, Makiko Yorifuji, Tomohiro Kono, Toyoji Kaneko, Shigeki Yasumasu
    Cell and Tissue Research 2023年5月25日  査読有り
  • Yuko Nakano, Tatsuki Nagasawa, Yohei Okazawa, Naoya Mashiko, Shigeki Yasumasu, Mari Kawaguchi
    Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 2023年4月24日  査読有り
  • Reo Yokokawa, Kana Watanabe, Shinji Kanda, Yoshihide Nishino, Shigeki Yasumasu, Kaori Sano
    The Journal of biological chemistry 104600-104600 2023年3月9日  査読有り責任著者
    Teleost oocytes are surrounded by a structure, called chorion or egg envelopes, which is composed of zona pellucida (ZP) proteins. As a result of the gene duplication in teleost, the expression site of the zp genes, coding the major component protein of egg envelopes, changed from the ovary to the maternal liver. In Euteleostei, there are three liver-expressed zp genes, named choriogenin (chg) h, chg hm, and chg l, and the composition of the egg envelope is mostly made up of these Chgs. In addition, ovary-expressed zp genes are also conserved in the medaka genomes, and their proteins have also been found to be minor components of the egg envelopes. However, the specific role of liver-expressed versus ovary-expressed zp genes was unclear. In the present study, we showed that ovary-synthesized ZP proteins first form the base layer of the egg envelope, and then Chgs polymerize inwardly to thicken the egg envelope. To analyze the effects of dysfunction of the chg gene, we generated some chg knockout medaka. All knockout females failed to produce normally fertilized eggs by the natural spawning. The egg envelopes lacking Chgs were significantly thinner, but layers formed by ZP proteins synthesized in the ovary were found in the thin egg envelope of knockout as well as wild-type eggs. These results suggest that the ovary-expressed zp gene is well conserved in all teleosts, including those species in which liver-derived ZP proteins are the major component, because it is essential for the initiation of egg envelope formation.
  • Satoshi Horikoshi, Miho Iwabuchi, Mari Kawaguchi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Nick Serpone
    Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2022年7月4日  査読有り
  • Akari Harada, Ryotaro Shiota, Ryohei Okubo, Makiko Yorifuji, Atsushi Sogabe, Hiroyuki Motomura, Junya Hiroi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Mari Kawaguchi
    Placenta 120 88-96 2022年2月23日  査読有り
    INTRODUCTION: Fishes of the Syngnathidae family are rare in having male pregnancy: males receive eggs from females and egg development occurs in the male brood pouch that diverged during evolution. The family is divided into two subfamilies: Nerophinae and Syngnathinae. METHODS: We compared histologically five types of the brood pouch in Syngnathinae: an open pouch without skinfolds (alligator pipefish); an open pouch with skinfolds (messmate pipefish); a closed pouch with skinfolds (seaweed pipefish); and closed pouches with a sac-like pouch on the tail (pot-bellied seahorse) or within a body cavity (Japanese pygmy seahorse). RESULTS: Histological observations revealed that all the examined species possess vascular egg compartments during the brooding period. The present immunohistochemical study revealed that the pregnant egg compartment epithelium grows thin in both open and closed pouches. The placenta of open and closed pouches is composed of dermis and reticulin fibers, respectively. The closed pouch placenta is a flexible and moist tissue, suitable for substance transport between the father and embryos through the epithelium and blood vessels and responsible for supplying nutrition and removing waste. DISCUSSION: These results suggest that the basic egg incubation structures were established at an early stage of Syngnathinae evolution. On the other hand, it is likely that the innovation of tissue structure, where dermis was replaced with reticular fibers, occurred in closed brood pouches to regulate the pregnant pouch environment. The present study presents the morphological evolutionary pathway of the brood pouch in Syngnathinae, providing a basis for further molecular-level evolutionary studies.
  • Kaori Sano, Sho Shimada, Hideki Mibu, Mizuki Taguchi, Takasumi Ohsawa, Mari Kawaguchi, Shigeki Yasumasu
    Journal of experimental zoology. Part B, Molecular and developmental evolution 2022年2月21日  査読有り責任著者
    The zona pellucida (ZP) protein constitutes the egg envelope, which surrounds the vertebrate embryo. We performed a comprehensive study on the molecular evolution of ZP genes in Teleostei by cloning and analyzing the expression of ZP genes in fish of Anguilliformes in Elopomorpha, Osteoglossiformes in Osteoglossomorpha, and Clupeiformes in Otocephala to cover unsurveyed fish groups in Teleostei. The present results confirmed findings from our previous reports that the principal organ of ZP gene expression changed from ovary to liver in the common ancestors of Clupeocephala. Even fish species that synthesize egg envelopes in the liver carry the ovary-expressed ZP proteins as minor egg envelope components that were produced by gene duplication during the early stage of Teleostei evolution. The amino acid repeat sequences located at the N-terminal region of ZP proteins are known to be the substrates of transglutaminase responsible for egg envelope hardening and hatching. A repeat sequence was found in zona pellucida Cs of phylogenetically early diverged fish. After changing the synthesis organ, its role is inherited by the N-terminal Pro-Gln-Xaa repeat sequence in liver-expressed zona pellucida B genes of Clupeocephala. These results suggest that teleost ZP genes have independently evolved to maintain fish-specific functions, such as egg envelope hardening and egg envelope digestion, at hatching.
  • Tatsuki Nagasawa, Mari Kawaguchi, Kohki Nishi, Shigeki Yasumasu
    BMC ecology and evolution 22(1) 9-9 2022年2月2日  査読有り責任著者
    BACKGROUND: Hatching is identified as one of the most important events in the reproduction of oviparous vertebrates. The genes for hatching enzymes, which are vital in the hatching process, are conserved among vertebrates. However, especially in teleost, it is difficult to trace their molecular evolution in detail due to the presence of other C6astacins, which are the subfamily to which the genes for hatching enzymes belong and are highly diverged. In particular, the hatching enzyme genes are diversified with frequent genome translocations due to retrocopy. RESULTS: In this study, we took advantage of the rapid expansion of whole-genome data in recent years to examine the molecular evolutionary process of these genes in vertebrates. The phylogenetic analysis and the genomic synteny analysis revealed C6astacin genes other than the hatching enzyme genes, which was previously considered to be retained only in teleosts, was also retained in the genomes of basal ray-finned fishes, coelacanths, and cartilaginous fishes. These results suggest that the common ancestor of these genes can be traced back to at least the common ancestor of the Gnathostomata. Moreover, we also found that many of the C6astacin genes underwent multiple gene duplications during vertebrate evolution, and the results of gene expression analysis in frogs implied that genes derived from hatching enzyme genes underwent neo-functionalization. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we describe in detail the molecular evolution of the C6astacin gene in vertebrates, which has not been summarized previously. The results revealed the presence of the previously unknown C6astacin gene in the basal-lineage of jawed vertebrates and large-scale gene duplication of hatching enzyme genes in amphibians. The comprehensive investigation reported in this study will be an important basis for studying the molecular evolution of the vertebrate C6astacin genes, hatching enzyme, and its paralogous genes and for identifying these genes without the need for gene expression and functional analysis.
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Yohei Okazawa, Aiko Imafuku, Yuko Nakano, Risa Shimizu, Reiji Ishizuka, Tianlong Jiang, Tatsuki Nagasawa, Junya Hiroi, Shigeki Yasumasu
    Scientific Reports 11(1) 2021年12月  査読有り最終著者
    <title>Abstract</title>Generally, animals extract nutrients from food by degradation using digestive enzymes. Trypsin and chymotrypsin, one of the major digestive enzymes in vertebrates, are pancreatic proenzymes secreted into the intestines. In this investigation, we report the identification of a digestive teleost enzyme, a pancreatic astacin that we termed pactacin. Pactacin, which belongs to the astacin metalloprotease family, emerged during the evolution of teleosts through gene duplication of astacin family enzymes containing six cysteine residues (C6astacin, or C6AST). In this study, we first cloned C6AST genes from pot-bellied seahorse (<italic>Hippocampus abdominalis</italic>) and analyzed their phylogenetic relationships using over 100 C6AST genes. Nearly all these genes belong to one of three clades: pactacin, nephrosin, and patristacin. Genes of the pactacin clade were further divided into three subclades. To compare the localization and functions of the three pactacin subclades, we studied pactacin enzymes in pot-bellied seahorse and medaka (<italic>Oryzias latipes</italic>). In situ hybridization revealed that genes of all three subclades were commonly expressed in the pancreas. Western blot analysis indicated storage of pactacin pro-enzyme form in the pancreas, and conversion to the active forms in the intestine. Finally, we partially purified the pactacin from digestive fluid, and found that pactacin is novel digestive enzyme that is specific in teleosts.
  • Akira Oike, Yoriko Nakamura, Shigeki Yasumasu, Etsuro Ito, Masahisa Nakamura
    Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 333(9) 652-659 2020年11月  査読有り
    Steroid hormones play very important roles in gonadal differentiation in many vertebrate species. Previously, we have determined a threshold dosage of testosterone (T) to induce female-to-male sex reversal in Glandirana rugosa frogs. Genetic females formed a mixture of testis and ovary, the so-called ovotestis, when tadpoles of G. rugosa were reared in water containing the dosage of T, which enabled us to detect primary changes in the histology of the masculinizing gonads. In this study, we determined a threshold dosage of estradiol-17β (E2) to cause male-to-female sex reversal in this frog. We observed first signs of histological changes in the ovotestes, when tadpoles were reared in water containing the dosage of E2. Ovotestes were significantly larger than wild-type testes in size. By E2 treatment, male germ cells degenerated in the feminizing testis leading to their final disappearance. In parallel, oocytes appeared in the medulla of the ovotestis and later in the cortex as well. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that the expression of sex-related genes involved in testis formation was significantly decreased in the ovotestis. In addition, immuno-positive signals of CYP17 that is involved in testis differentiation in this frog disappeared in the medulla first and then in the cortex. These results suggested that oocytes expanded in the feminizing gonad (ovary) contemporaneously with male germ cell disappearance. Primary changes in the histology of the gonads during male-to-female sex reversal occurred in the medulla and later in the cortex. This direction was opposite to that observed during female-to-male sex reversal in the G. rugosa frog.
  • Yusuke Takehana, Margot Zahm, Cédric Cabau, Christophe Klopp, Céline Roques, Olivier Bouchez, Cécile Donnadieu, Celia Barrachina, Laurent Journot, Mari Kawaguchi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Satoshi Ansai, Kiyoshi Naruse, Koji Inoue, Chuya Shinzato, Manfred Schartl, Yann Guiguen, Amaury Herpin
    G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS 10(3) 907-915 2020年3月1日  査読有り
    The genus Oryzias consists of 35 medaka-fish species each exhibiting various ecological, morphological and physiological peculiarities and adaptations. Beyond of being a comprehensive phylogenetic group for studying intra-genus evolution of several traits like sex determination, behaviour, morphology or adaptation through comparative genomic approaches, all medaka species share many advantages of experimental model organisms including small size and short generation time, transparent embryos and genome editing tools for reverse and forward genetic studies. The Java medaka, Oryzias javanicus, is one of the two species of medaka perfectly adapted for living in brackish/sea-waters. Being an important component of the mangrove ecosystem, O. javanicus is also used as a valuable marine test-fish for ecotoxicology studies. Here, we sequenced and assembled the whole genome of O. javanicus, and anticipate this resource will be catalytic for a wide range of comparative genomic, phylogenetic and functional studies. Complementary sequencing approaches including long-read technology and data integration with a genetic map allowed the final assembly of 908 Mbp of the O. javanicus genome. Further analyses estimate that the O. javanicus genome contains 33% of repeat sequences and has a heterozygosity of 0.96%. The achieved draft assembly contains 525 scaffolds with a total length of 809.7 Mbp, a N50 of 6,3 Mbp and a L50 of 37 scaffolds. We identified 21454 predicted transcripts for a total transcriptome size of 57, 146, 583 bps. We provide here a high-quality chromosome scale draft genome assembly of the euryhaline Javafish medaka (321 scaffolds anchored on 24 chromosomes (representing 97.7% of the total bases)), and give emphasis on the evolutionary adaptation to salinity.
  • Oike, A, M. Mochizuki, K. Tojo, Y. Nakamura, S. Yasumasu, T. Matsuo, E. Ito, T. Arai, M. Nakamura
    Zool. Sci. (in press). 2020年  
  • Sano K, Yokoyama R, Kitano T, Takegaki T, Kitazawa N, Kaneko T, Nishino Y, Yasumasu S, Kawaguchi M
    J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. 332(3-4) 81-91 2019年4月9日  査読有り
  • Maho Kodama, Madoka Yoshida, Masami Endo, Tohru Kobayashi, Akira Oike, Shigeki Yasumasu, Masahisa Nakamura
    Development Growth and Differentiation 60(2) 112-120 2018年2月1日  査読有り
    Nanos is expressed in the primordial germ cells (PGCs) and also the germ cells of a variety of organisms as diverse as Drosophila, medaka fish, Xenopus and mouse. In Nanos3-deficient mice, PGCs fail to incorporate into the gonad and the size of the testis and ovary is thereby dramatically reduced. To elucidate the role of Nanos in an amphibian species, we cloned Nanos3 cDNA from the testis of the R. rugosa frog. RT-PCR analysis showed strong expression of Nanos3 mRNA in the testis of adult R. rugosa frogs, but expression was not sexually dimorphic during gonadal differentiation. In Nanos3-knockdown tadpoles produced by the CRISPR/Cas9 system, the number of germ cells decreased dramatically in the gonads of both male and female tadpoles before sex determination and thereafter. This was confirmed by three dimensional imaging of wild-type and Nanos3 knockdown gonads using serial sections immunostained for Vasa, a marker specific to germ cells. Taken together, these results suggest that Nanos3 protein function is conserved between R. rugosa and mouse.
  • Oike A, Watanabe K, Min MS, Tojo K, Kumagai M, Kimoto Y, Yamashiro T, Matsuo T, Kodama M, Nakamura Y, Notsu M, Tochimoto T, Fujita H, Ota M, Ito E, Yasumasu S, Nakamura M
    Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological and integrative physiology 327(7) 444-452 2017年8月  査読有り
  • Akira Oike, Koichiro Watanabe, Mi-Sook Min, Koji Tojo, Masahide Kumagai, Yuya Kimoto, Tadashi Yamashiro, Takanori Matsuo, Maho Kodama, Yoriko Nakamura, Masaru Notsu, Takeyoshi Tochimoto, Hiroyuki Fujita, Maki Ota, Etsuro Ito, Shigeki Yasumasu, Masahisa Nakamura
    Each vertebrate species, as a general rule, has either the XX/XY or ZZ/ZW chromosomes by which sex is determined. However, the Japanese Rana (R.) rugosa frog is an exception, possessing both sex-determining combinations within one species, varying with region of origin. We collected R. rugosa frogs from 104 sites around Japan and South Korea and determined the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene. Based on the sequences, R. rugosa frogs were divided into four groups from Japan and one from South Korea. The ZZ/ZW type is reportedly derived from the XX/XY type, although recently a new ZZ/ZW type of R. rugosa was reported. However, it still remains unclear from where the sex chromosomes in the five groups of this species were derived. In this study, we successfully isolated a sex-linked DNA maker and used it to classify R. rugosa frogs into several groupings. From the DNA marker as well as from nucleotide analysis of the promoter region of the androgen receptor (AR) gene, we identified another female heterogametic group, designated, West-Central. The sex chromosomes in the West-Central originated from the West and Central groups. The results indicate that a sex-linked DNA marker is a verifiable tool to determine the origin of the sex chromosomes in R. rugosa frogs in which the sex-determining system has changed, during two independent events, from the male to female heterogamety.
  • Akira Oike, Maho Kodama, Shigeki Yasumasu, Takashi Yamamoto, Yoriko Nakamura, Etsuro Ito, Masahisa Nakamura
    PLOS ONE 12(6) 2017年6月  査読有り
    Introduction In the Japanese frog Rana (R.) rugosa the androgen receptor (AR) gene on theWchromosome (W-AR) is barely expressed. Previously we showed that incomplete female-to-male sex-reversal occurred in Z-AR transgenic female frogs. To date, however, there is no report showing that AR with androgens can determine genetically programed male sex fate in any vertebrate species. Here, we examined whether AR together with androgens functions as a sex determinant in an amphibian species. Methods To examine whether complete female-to-male sex-reversal occurs in R. rugosa frogs, we produced AR-transgenic (Tg) and -knockdown (KD) female R. rugosa frogs by the I-SceI meganuclease-mediated gene trap and CRISPR/Cas9 system, respectively. AR-Tg and -KD tadpoles were reared in water containing testosterone (T) at 0 to 7.1 ng/ml. Frozen sections were prepared from the gonads of metamorphosed frogs and immunostained for laminin, Vasa, Pat1a, CYP17 and AR. We also employed PCR analysis to examine Dmrt1, Pat1a and CYP17 expression in the gonads of KD and placebo-KD female frogs. Results Complete female-to-male sex-reversal occurred in the AR-Tg ZW female frogs when a low dosage of T was supplied in the rearing water of tadpoles. However, no sex-reversal was observed in AR-KD ZW female frogs when the gonads were treated with dosages of T high enough to induce complete female-to-male sex-reversal even in wild type frogs. Discussion These results suggest that AR with its androgen ligand functions as a male sex-determinant in the ZW type R. rugosa frogs.
  • Kaori Sano, Mari Kawaguchi, Keita Katano, Kenji Tomita, Mayu Inokuchi, Tatsuki Nagasawa, Junya Hiroi, Toyoji Kaneko, Takashi Kitagawa, Takafumi Fujimoto, Katsutoshi Arai, Masaru Tanaka, Shigeki Yasumasu
    Teleost egg envelope generally consists of a thin outer layer and a thick inner layer. The inner layer of the Pacific herring egg envelope is further divided into distinct inner layers I and II. In our previous study, we cloned four zona pellucida (ZP) proteins (HgZPBa, HgZPBb, HgZPCa, and HgZPCb) from Pacific herring, two of which (HgZPBa and HgZPCa) were synthesized in the liver and two (HgZPBb and HgZPCb) in the ovary. In this study, we raised antibodies against these four proteins to identify their locations using immunohistochemistry. Our results suggest that inner layer I is constructed primarily of HgZPBa and Ca, whereas inner layer II consists primarily of HgZPBa. HgZPBb and Cb were minor components of the envelope. Therefore, the egg envelope of Pacific herring is primarily composed of liver-synthesized ZP proteins. A comparison of the thickness of the fertilized egg envelopes of 55 species suggested that egg envelopes derived from liver-synthesized ZP proteins tended to be thicker in demersal eggs than those in pelagic eggs, whereas egg envelopes derived from ovarian-synthesized ZP proteins had no such tendency. Our comparison suggests that the prehatching period of an egg with a thick egg envelope is longer than that of an egg with a thin egg envelope. We hypothesized that acquisition of liver-synthesized ZP proteins during evolution conferred the ability to develop a thick egg envelope, which allowed species with demersal eggs to adapt to mechanical stress in the prehatching environment by thickening the egg envelope, while pelagic egg envelopes have remained thin. (C) 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Ryohei Okubo, Akari Harada, Kazuki Miyasaka, Kensuke Takada, Junya Hiroi, Shigeki Yasumasu
    Zoological Letters 3(1) 2017年  査読有り最終著者
    Background The reproductive strategies of vertebrates are diverse. Seahorses (Pisces: Syngnathidae) possess the unique characteristic of male pregnancy i.e., males, not females, incubate embryos in a specialized structure called a € brood pouch'. The brood pouch is formed along the ventral midline of the tail. The lumen of the brood pouch is surrounded by loose connective tissue, called pseudoplacenta, and dermis. Results We visualized and evaluated the morphology of brood pouch formation in Hippocampus abdominalis to gain generalizable insights into this process in seahorses. First, we employed several staining methods to characterize the pseudoplacenta and dermis of the brood pouch of mature male seahorses. The pseudoplacenta is composed mainly of reticular fibers, while the dermis is composed mainly of collagenous fibers. Further observations showed that pouch formation is initiated by linear projections of epithelia on both ventrolateral sides of the body. These projections elongated toward the ventral midline, eventually fused together, and then formed a baggy structure composed of a single dermis layer with neither smooth muscle nor pseudoplacenta. Finally, the pseudoplacenta was formed, together with two layers of dermis and smooth muscle. Thus, a fully developed brood pouch was established. The morphology of the luminal epithelium also changed during pouch formation. We analyzed the localization of C-type lectins as markers haCTL II was localized in both the outer and luminal epithelia of the brood pouch throughout development in the male seahorse, whereas haCTL IV, which was not detected in the early stage of seahorse development, became localized only in the luminal epithelium as development proceeded. Conclusions We categorized the processes of brood pouch formation during male seahorse development into three stages: (1) the early stage, characterized by formation of a baggy structure from the primordium (2) the middle stage, characterized by the differentiation and establishment of brood pouch-specific tissues and (3) the late stage, characterized by a fully formed pouch with developing blood vessels and a pouch fold ultimately capable of carrying and incubating embryos.
  • Tatsuki Nagasawa, Mari Kawaguchi, Tohru Yano, Kaori Sano, Masataka Okabe, Shigeki Yasumasu
    ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 33(3) 272-281 2016年6月  査読有り責任著者
    Hatching gland cells (HGCs) originate from different germ layers between frogs and teleosts, although the hatching enzyme genes are orthologous. Teleostei HGCs differentiate in the meso-endodermal cells at the anterior end of the involved hypoblast layer (known as the polster) in late gastrula embryos. Conversely, frog HGCs differentiate in the epidermal cells at the neural plate border in early neurula embryos. To infer the transition in the developmental origin of HGCs, we studied two basal ray-finned fishes, bichir (Polypterus) and sturgeon. We observed expression patterns of their hatching enzyme (HE) and that of three transcription factors that are critical for HGC differentiation: KLF17 is common to both teleosts and frogs; whereas FoxA3 and Pax3 are specific to teleosts and frogs, respectively. We then inferred the transition in the developmental origin of HGCs. In sturgeon, the KLF17, FoxA3, and HE genes were expressed during the tailbud stage in the cell mass at the anterior region of the body axis, a region corresponding to the polster in teleost embryos. In contrast, the bichir was suggested to possess both teleost- and amphibian-type HGCs, i.e. the KLF17 and FoxA3 genes were expressed in the anterior cell mass corresponding to the polster, and the KLF17, Pax3 and HE genes were expressed in dorsal epidermal layer of the head. The change in developmental origin is thought to have occurred during the evolution of basal ray-finned fish, because bichir has two HGCs, while sturgeon only has the teleost-type.
  • Tatsuki Nagasawa, Kaori Sano, Mari Kawaguchi, Ken-ichiro Kobayashi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Tomofumi Inokuchi
    JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 159(4) 449-460 2016年4月  査読有り
    Six aspartic proteinase precursors, a pro-cathepsin E (ProCatE) and five pepsinogens (Pgs), were purified from the stomach of adult newts (Cynops pyrrhogaster). On sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the molecular weights of the Pgs and active enzymes were 37-38 kDa and 31-34 kDa, respectively. The purified ProCatE was a dimer whose subunits were connected by a disulphide bond. cDNA cloning by polymerase chain reaction and subsequent phylogenetic analysis revealed that three of the purified Pgs were classified as PgA and the remaining two were classified as PgBC belonging to C-type Pg. Our results suggest that PgBC is one of the major constituents of acid protease in the urodele stomach. We hypothesize that PgBC is an amphibian-specific Pg that diverged during its evolutional lineage. PgBC was purified and characterized for the first time. The purified urodele pepsin A was completely inhibited by equal molar units of pepstatin A. Conversely, the urodele pepsin BC had low sensitivity to pepstatin A. In acidic condition, the activation rates of newt pepsin A and BC were similar to those of mammalian pepsin A and C1, respectively. Our results suggest that the enzymo-logical characters that distinguish A-and C-type pepsins appear to be conserved in mammals and amphibians.
  • Tatsuki Nagasawa, Mari Kawaguchi, Kaori Sano, Shigeki Yasumasu
    We investigated the evolution of the hatching enzyme gene using bester sturgeon (hybrid of Acipencer ruthenus and Huso huso), a basal member of ray-finned fishes. We purified the bester hatching enzyme from hatching liquid, yielding a single band on SDS-PAGE, then isolated its cDNA from embryos by PCR. The sturgeon hatching enzyme consists of an astacin family protease domain and a CUB domain. The CUB domains are present in frog and bird hatching enzymes, but not in teleostei, suggesting that the domain structure of sturgeon hatching enzyme is the tetrapod type. The purified hatching enzyme swelled the egg envelope, and selectively cleaved one of five egg envelope proteins, ZPAX. Xenopus hatching enzyme preferentially digests ZPAX, thus, the egg envelope digestion process is conserved between amphibians and basal ray-finned fish. Teleostei hatching enzymes cleave the repeat sequences at the N-terminal region of ZPB and ZPC, suggesting that the targets of the teleostei hatching enzymes differ from those of amphibians and sturgeons. Such repeat sequences were not found in the N-terminal region of ZPB and ZPC of amphibians and sturgeons. Our results suggest that the change in substrates of the hatching enzymes was accompanied by the mutation of the amino acid sequence of N-terminal regions of ZPB and ZPC. We conclude that the changes in the mechanism of egg envelope digestion, including the change in the domain structure of the hatching enzymes and the switch in substrate, occurred during the evolution of teleostei, likely triggered by the teleost-specific third whole genome duplication. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Kouichi Maruyama, Bing Wang, Yuji Ishikawa, Shigeki Yasumasu, Ichiro Iuchi
    DEVELOPMENT GENES AND EVOLUTION 225(5) 305-311 2015年9月  査読有り
    Hemoglobin transports oxygen in many organisms and consists of alpha- and beta-globin chains. Previously, using molecular phylogenetic analysis, we proposed that both alpha- and beta-globins of teleost could be classified into four groups. We also showed that the Hd-rR strain of medaka (Oryzias latipes) inhabiting southern Japan had all four groups of globin genes but that the alpha- and beta-globin genes of group III were pseudogenized (alpha 5(psi alpha), beta 5(psi beta)). Based on the small degree of nucleotide variations, the pseudogenization of beta 5 was assumed to have occurred at a relatively late stage of evolution. Here, we compared the alpha 5(psi alpha)-beta 5(psi beta) of two other strains of O. latipes and found that both alpha 5(psi alpha) and beta 5(psi beta) of the northern Japanese and Korean strains were pseudogenized similar to those of Hd-rR. In a Philippine population (Oryzias luzonensis), alpha 5(psi alpha) was also pseudogenized, but the structure was different from that of O. latipes, and beta 5(psi beta) was almost deleted. Interestingly, an Indonesian population (Oryzias celebensis) had alpha 5 and beta 5 genes that were deduced to be functional. Indeed, they were expressed from the young to adult development stages, and this expression pattern was consistent with the expression of alpha 2 and ad.alpha 1 in Hd-rR. Because alpha 2 and ad.alpha 1 in Hd-rR were assigned to groups I and II, respectively, we speculate that their expression patterns might be altered by pseudogenization of group III genes. These results provide a basis for further investigations of recruiting and changing expression patterns of one globin gene after pseudogenization of other globin genes during evolution.
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Kaori Sano, Norio Yoshizaki, Daisuke Shimizu, Yuichiro Fujinami, Tsutomu Noda, Shigeki Yasumasu
    ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 31(11) 709-715 2014年11月  査読有り責任著者
    We compared several characteristics of the pelagic eggs of Verasper variegatus with those of demersal eggs of Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae, both in the order Pleuronectiformes (halibuts or flatfishes). V. variegatus eggs had about twice the diameter of P. yokohamae eggs. However, the total egg protein weight of P. yokohamae was similar to that of V. variegatus. The specific gravity of P. yokohamae eggs was calculated to be 7-fold that of V. variegatus. The difference in size is the main feature distinguishing the two types of egg. The thickness of the egg envelope of P. yokohamae-more than twice that of V. variegatus-must affect the manner of hatching. The amount of hatching enzyme synthesized in pre-hatching embryo was estimated to be larger in P. yokohamae than V. variegatus. The distribution of hatching gland cells differed between the species. In V. variegates embryos, these were located on the yolk sac as a narrow ring-shaped belt, resulting in cleavage of the egg envelope into two parts by digesting a limited region of the egg envelope, called "rim-hatching". The hatching gland cells of P. yokohamae embryos were distributed all over the surface of the yolk sac, forming a hole through which the embryo could escape. Thus, the location of the hatching gland cells in pre-hatching embryos varied during the evolution of the Pleuronectiformes, depending on the egg type and manner of hatching.
  • Kaori Sano, Mari Kawaguchi, Satoshi Watanabe, Shigeki Yasumasu
    BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 14 2014年10月  査読有り責任著者
    Background: Duplication and subsequent neofunctionalization of the teleostean hatching enzyme gene occurred in the common ancestor of Euteleostei and Otocephala, producing two genes belonging to different phylogenetic clades (clade I and II). In euteleosts, the clade I enzyme inherited the activity of the ancestral enzyme of swelling the egg envelope by cleavage of the N-terminal region of egg envelope proteins. The clade II enzyme gained two specific cleavage sites, N-ZPd and mid-ZPd but lost the ancestral activity. Thus, euteleostean clade II enzymes assumed a new function; solubilization of the egg envelope by the cooperative action with clade I enzyme. However, in Otocephala, the clade II gene was lost during evolution. Consequently, in a late group of Otocephala, only the clade I enzyme is present to swell the egg envelope. We evaluated the egg envelope digestion properties of clade I and II enzymes in Gonorynchiformes, an early diverging group of Otocephala, using milkfish, and compared their digestion with those of other fishes. Finally, we propose a hypothesis of the neofunctionalization process. Results: The milkfish clade II enzyme cleaved N-ZPd but not mid-ZPd, and did not cause solubilization of the egg envelope. We conclude that neofunctionalization is incomplete in the otocephalan clade II enzymes. Comparison of clade I and clade II enzyme characteristics implies that the specificity of the clade II enzymes gradually changed during evolution after the duplication event, and that a change in substrate was required for the addition of the mid-ZPd site and loss of activity at the N-terminal region. Conclusions: We infer the process of neofunctionalization of the clade II enzyme after duplication of the gene. The ancestral clade II gene gained N-ZPd cleavage activity in the common ancestral lineage of the Euteleostei and Otocephala. Subsequently, acquisition of cleavage activity at the mid-ZPd site and loss of cleavage activity in the N-terminal region occurred during the evolution of Euteleostei, but not of Otocephala. The clade II enzyme provides an example of the development of a neofunctional gene for which the substrate, the egg envelope protein, has adapted to a gradual change in the specificity of the corresponding enzyme.
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Koji Inoue, Ichiro Iuchi, Mutsumi Nishida, Shigeki Yasumasu
    BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 13 2013年10月  査読有り責任著者
    Background: Hatching enzyme is a protease that digests the egg envelope, enabling hatching of the embryo. We have comprehensively studied the molecular mechanisms of the enzyme action to its substrate egg envelope, and determined the gene/protein structure and phylogenetic relationships. Because the hatching enzyme must have evolved while maintaining its ability to digest the egg envelope, the hatching enzyme-egg envelope protein pair is a good model for studying molecular co-evolution of a protease and its substrate. Results: Hatching enzymes from medaka (Oryzias latipes) and killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) showed species-specific egg envelope digestion. We found that by introducing four medaka-type residue amino acid substitutions into recombinant killifish hatching enzyme, the mutant killifish hatching enzyme could digest medaka egg envelope. Further, we studied the participation of the cleavage site of the substrate in the species-specificity of hatching enzyme. A P2-site single amino acid substitution was responsible for the species-specificity. Estimation of the activity of the predicted ancestral enzymes towards various types of cleavage sites along with prediction of the evolutionary timing of substitutions allowed prediction of a possible evolutionary pathway, as follows: ancestral hatching enzyme, which had relatively strict substrate specificity, developed broader specificity as a result of four amino acid substitutions in the active site cleft of the enzyme. Subsequently, a single substitution occurred within the cleavage site of the substrate, and the recent feature of species-specificity was established in the hatching enzyme-egg envelope system. Conclusions: The present study clearly provides an ideal model for protease-substrate co-evolution. The evolutionary process giving rise to species-specific egg envelope digestion of hatching enzyme was initiated by amino acid substitutions in the enzyme, resulting in altered substrate specificity, which later allowed an amino acid substitution in the substrate.
  • Kaori Sano, Mari Kawaguchi, Satoshi Watanabe, Yoshitomo Nagakura, Takashi Hiraki, Shigeki Yasumasu
    Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 320(5) 332-343 2013年7月  査読有り責任著者
    Fish egg envelopes consist of several glycoproteins, called zona pellucida (ZP) proteins, which are conserved among chordates. Euteleosts synthesize ZP proteins in the liver, while elopomorphs synthesize them in the ovaries. In Cypriniformes, zp genes are expressed in the ovaries. We investigated the zp genes of two Otocephalan orders: Clupeiformes (Pacific herring and Japanese anchovy) and Gonorynchiformes (milkfish), which diverged earlier than Cypriniformes. cDNA cloning of zp gene homologs revealed that Pacific herring and Japanese anchovy possessed both ovary- and liver-expressed zp genes however, the zp genes of milkfish were only expressed in the ovaries. Molecular phylogenetic analysis showed that ovary- and liver-expressed zpc genes of two the Clupeiformes formed independent clades. Based on this, we hypothesized the evolution of teleostean zp genes, focusing on the organ expressing zp gene. As in other chordates, the original site of expression of zp genes was likely the ovary. In the early stage of teleostean evolution, the ancestral zp genes acquired the ability to express in the liver. Later, one of the two expression sites became dominant. The liver-expressed zp genes are component proteins of the egg envelope in the Euteleostei. In Otocephala, Clupeiformes possess both ovary- and liver-expressed genes that presumably participate in egg envelope formation, whereas the Gonorynchiformes and Cypriniformes have primarily preserved ovary expressed zp genes. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Akio Shimizu, Norio Kudo, Kaori Sano, Ichiro Iuchi, Mutsumi Nishida
    JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 216(9) 1609-1615 2013年5月  査読有り
    Embryos of medaka Oryzias latipes hatch in freshwater, while those of killifish Fundulus heteroclitus hatch in brackish water. Medaka and Fundulus possess two kinds of hatching enzymes, high choriolytic enzyme (HCE) and low choriolytic enzyme (LCE), which cooperatively digest their egg envelope at the time of hatching. Optimal salinity of medaka HCE was found in 0 mol l(-1) NaCl, and activity decreased with increasing salt concentrations. One of the two Fundulus HCEs, FHCE1, showed the highest activity in 0 mol l(-1) NaCl, and the other, FHCE2, showed the highest activity in 0.125 mol l(-1) NaCl. The results suggest that the salt dependencies of HCEs are well adapted to each salinity at the time of hatching. Different from HCE, LCEs of both species maintained the activity sufficient for egg envelope digestion in various salinities. The difference in amino acid sequence between FHCE1 and FHCE2 was found at only a single site at position 36 (Gly/Arg), suggesting that this single substitution causes the different salt dependency between the two enzymes. Superimposition of FHCE1 and FHCE2 with the 3-D structure model of medaka HCE revealed that position 36 was located on the surface of HCE molecule, far from its active site cleft. The results suggest a hypothesis that position 36 influences salt-dependent activity of HCE, not with recognition of primary structure around the cleavage site, but with recognition of higher ordered structure of egg envelope protein.
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Hiroshi Takahashi, Yusuke Takehana, Kiyoshi Naruse, Mutsumi Nishida, Shigeki Yasumasu
    Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 320B(3) 140-150 2013年5月  査読有り責任著者
  • Shigeki Yasumasu, Mari Kawaguchi
    Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes 1 942-945 2013年  査読有り
  • Shigeki Yasumasu, Mari Kawaguchi
    Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes 1 945-949 2013年  査読有り
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Sebastien Lavoue, Junya Hiroi, Hirofumi Hayano, Ichiro Iuchi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Mutsumi Nishida
    ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES 94(3) 567-576 2012年7月  査読有り
    The phylogenetic positions of various fishes in the Teleostei are frequently confused. One such confusion is in the phylogenetic relationships among Salmoniformes, Esociformes, Osmeriformes, Argentiniformes and Alepocephaliformes. While morphology-based phylogenetic studies suggested that all of these belong to Euteleostei, molecule-based phylogenetic analyses indicated that the former four orders belong to the Euteleostei, and the Alepocephaliformes to the Otocephala. In addition, the phylogenetic relationships among the former four orders have not been established: morphological studies have proposed various hypotheses, while molecular analyses have suggested esociforms and salmoniforms to be sister groups at the basal position in euteleosts. In this study, we examined their controversial phylogenetic positions using exon-intron structures of hatching enzyme genes. The gene structures of alepocephaliforms were characteristic to those of lower otocephalans. Those of argentiniforms and osmeriforms were the same as those of higher euteleosts, but different from those of salmoniforms and esociforms. The results suggest that alepocephaliforms are closely related to otocephalans, and salmoniforms form a sister group to esociforms in euteleosts. Therefore, changes in exon-intron structure of hatching enzyme genes correspond well with the molecular phylogenetic relationship estimated from mitochondrial DNA sequences.
  • Shigeki Yasumasu, Mari Kawaguchi, Sebastien Lavoue, Junya Hiroi, Hirofumi Hayano, Ichiro Iuchi, Mutsumi Nishida
    Environmental Biology of Fishes 94(3) 567?576 2012年5月  
  • Kouichi Maruyama, Bing Wang, Yuji Ishikawa, Shigeki Yasumasu, Ichiro Iuchi
    GENE 492(1) 212-219 2012年1月  
    Hemoglobin of bony fish and higher vertebrates is a tetrameric protein constructed by 2 alpha- and 2 beta-globins, which are expressed in a developmental stage-specific manner. The genomic organization of genes for embryonic and adult a- and p-globin varies from species to species. In fish, it is known that there is a unique genomic organization of globin genes, that is, alpha- and beta-globin genes are arranged in a bi-directional and head-to-head orientation with respect to transcription start sites. In medaka, we have demonstrated that 14 globin genes are located in 2 different clusters, and 5 pairs of the alpha- and beta-globin genes were found to be organized in a head-to-head orientation. The developmental expression patterns of the 11 globin genes were classified into 4 types. To clarify how their developmental stage-specific expressions are regulated, we produced 4 types of GFP- or RFP-transgenic medaka. Such transgenic medaka revealed that each of the 1-1.7 kbp 5' upstream sequences from respective globin genes possesses the ability to regulate the developmental stage-specific globin gene expression. In particular, the intervals between head-to-head alpha 3 and beta 3, and alpha 4 and beta 4 genes controlled the synchronized expression of the globin genes located at both sides of the intervals, which is significant to understand the mechanism by which equal amounts of a- and beta-globins are expressed in erythroid cells. We also demonstrated that the head-to-head intervals can control the expression of the globin genes located at both sides. These findings are significant to understand the mechanism by which alpha- and beta-globins are equally expressed in erythroid cells. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Kaori Sano, Mari Kawaguchi, Masayuki Yoshikawa, Toyoji Kaneko, Toshiomi Tanaka, Ichiro Iuchi, Shigeki Yasumasu
    FEBS Journal 278(19) 3711-3723 2011年10月  査読有り
  • Kaori Sano, Mari Kawaguchi, Masayuki Yoshikawa, Toyoji Kaneko, Toshiomi Tanaka, Ichiro Iuchi, Shigeki Yasumasu
    The FEBS journal 278(19) 3711-3723. 2011年9月  
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Shigeki Yasumasu, Akio Shimizu, Kaori Sano, Ichiro Iuchi, Mutsumi Nishida
    FEBS Journal 277(23) 4973-4987 2010年12月  査読有り
  • Kawaguchi Mari, YASUMASU SHIGEKI, Shimizu Akio, Sano Kaori, Iuchi Ichiro, Nishida Mutsumi
    The FEBS Journal 277(23) 4973-4987 2010年12月  
  • Kaori Sano, Mari Kawaguchi, Masayuki Yoshikawa, Ichiro Iuchi, Shigeki Yasumasu
    FEBS Journal 277(22) 4674-4684 2010年11月  査読有り
  • Sano Kaori, Kawaguchi Mari, Yoshikawa Masayuki, Iuchi Ichiro, YASUMASU SHIGEKI
    The FEBS Journal 277(22) 4674-4684 2010年11月  
  • Okada Akitoshi, Sano Kaori, Nagata Koji, Yasumasu Shigeki, Ohtsuka Jun, Yamamura Akihiro, Kubota Keiko, Iuchi Ichiro, Tanokura Masaru
    J Mol Biol 402(5) 865-878 2010年10月8日  査読有り
  • Yasumasu Shigeki, Kawaguchi Mari, Ouchi Satoshi, Sano Kaori, Murata Kenji, Sugiyama Hitoshi, Akema Tatsuo, Iuchi Ichiro
    J Biochem 148(4) 439-448 2010年10月  査読有り
  • YASUMASU SHIGEKI, Kawaguchi Mari, Ouchi Satoshi, SANO Kaori, MURATA Kenji, SUGIYAMA Hitoshi, AKEMA Tatsuo, IUCHI Ichiro
    The journal of biochemistry 148(4) 439-448 2010年10月  
  • Akitoshi Okada, Kaori Sano, Koji Nagata, Shigeki Yesumasu, Jun Ohtsuka, Akihiro Yamamura, Keiko Kubota, Ichiro Iuchi, Masaru Tanokura
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 402(5) 865-878 2010年10月  
    Fish hatching enzymes are zinc metalloproteases that digest the egg envelope (chorion) at the time of hatching. The crystal structure of zebrafish hatching enzyme 1 (ZHE1) has been solved at 1.10 angstrom resolution. ZHE1 is monomeric, is mitten shaped, and has a cleft at the center of the molecule. ZHE1 consists of three 3(10)-helices, three a-helices, and two beta-sheets. The central cleft represents the active site of the enzyme that is crucial for substrate recognition and catalysis. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of the two substrate peptides has shown that AspP1&apos; contributes the most and that the residues at P4-P2&apos; also contribute to the recognition of the major substrate peptide by ZHE1, whereas GluP3&apos; and the hydrophobic residues at P4-P2, P2&apos;, and P5&apos; contribute significantly to the recognition of the minor substrate peptide by ZHE1. Molecular models of these two substrate peptides bound to ZHE1 have been built based on the crystal structure of a transition-state analog inhibitor bound to astacin. In substrate-recognition models, the AspP1&apos; in the major substrate peptide forms a salt bridge with Arg182 of ZHE1, while the GluP3&apos; in the minor substrate peptide instead forms a salt bridge with Arg182. Thus, these two substrate peptides would be differently recognized by ZHE1. The shapes and electrostatic potentials of the substrate-binding clefts of ZHE1 and the structurally similar proteins astacin and bone morphogenetic protein 1 are significantly dissimilar due to different side chains, which would confer their distinctive substrate preferences. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Mari Kawaguchi, Junya Hiroi, Masaki Miya, Mutsumi Nishida, Ichiro Iuchi, Shigeki Yasumasu
    BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 10(1) 260 2010年8月  
    Background: Hatching enzyme, belonging to the astacin metallo-protease family, digests egg envelope at embryo hatching. Orthologous genes of the enzyme are found in all vertebrate genomes. Recently, we found that exon intron structures of the genes were conserved among tetrapods, while the genes of teleosts frequently lost their introns. Occurrence of such intron losses in teleostean hatching enzyme genes is an uncommon evolutionary event, as most eukaryotic genes are generally known to be interrupted by introns and the intron insertion sites are conserved from species to species. Here, we report on extensive studies of the exon-intron structures of teleostean hatching enzyme genes for insight into how and why introns were lost during evolution. Results: We investigated the evolutionary pathway of intron-losses in hatching enzyme genes of 27 species of Teleostei. Hatching enzyme genes of basal teleosts are of only one type, which conserves the 9-exon-8-intron structure of an assumed ancestor. On the other hand, otocephalans and euteleosts possess two types of hatching enzyme genes, suggesting a gene duplication event in the common ancestor of otocephalans and euteleosts. The duplicated genes were classified into two clades, clades I and II, based on phylogenetic analysis. In otocephalans and euteleosts, clade I genes developed a phylogeny-specific structure, such as an 8-exon-7-intron, 5-exon-4-intron, 4-exon-3-intron or intron-less structure. In contrast to the clade I genes, the structures of clade II genes were relatively stable in their configuration, and were similar to that of the ancestral genes. Expression analyses revealed that hatching enzyme genes were high-expression genes, when compared to that of housekeeping genes. When expression levels were compared between clade I and II genes, clade I genes tends to be expressed more highly than clade II genes. Conclusions: Hatching enzyme genes evolved to lose their introns, and the intron-loss events occurred at the specific points of teleostean phylogeny. We propose that the high-expression hatching enzyme genes frequently lost their introns during the evolution of teleosts, while the low-expression genes maintained the exon-intron structure of the ancestral gene.
  • Shigeki Yasumasu, Moeko Uzawa, Atsushi Iwasawa, Norio Yoshizaki
    The mechanism by which the embryo hatches out of the egg envelope, the vitelline membrane and egg white, was studied in the Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis. The cDNA of the turtle hatching enzyme (HE) was 1555 bp-long and a mature enzyme of 321 amino acids. The mature HE was composed of an astacin protease domain of 200 amino acids and a CUB domain of 121 amino acids, and the estimated molecular size was 35,311. The protease domain contained two active site consensus sequences, HExxHxxGExHExxRxDR and MHY. An immunoblotting test of an extract of allanto-chorions revealed a 40-kDa band by cross-reaction with the anti-Xenopus HE antiserum. The first change in the envelopes was the appearance of a hole, 1 mm in diameter, at the location around the animal pole of day 8 incubation eggs. A cluster of tall cells, forming a circle in the avascular chorion of day 8 embryos and facing the edge of the hole, had various sizes of inclusion bodies and secretory granules that were labeled by immuno-electron microscopic staining with the antiserum. The egg envelopes were degraded gradually from the animal pole side towards the vegetal pole side in accordance with translocation of the avascular site of the chorion in the same direction. Labeled cells degenerated, presumably when the chorion was underlain by allantois in succeeding developmental stages. The vitelline membrane and egg white were totally digested, presumably by secreted HE, during the hatching period and were consumed for embryonic growth. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • A. Iwasawa, K. M. Mao, S. Yasumasu, N. Yoshizaki
    POULTRY SCIENCE 88(12) 2636-2643 2009年12月  
    In the eggs of the quail Coturnix japonica, the limiting membrane demarcates the shell membrane at the interface with the albumen and decreases in width during the hatching process. This study was done to identify agents that affect the width of this limiting membrane. Zymography tests on extracts from extra-embryonic tissues, yolk sacs, or chorioallantoic membranes, or all three, showed proteolytic activities during d 4 to 10 of incubation. Localization experiments on these activities, performed on d 5 eggs, indicated that they were located in an avascular chorion. Electron microscopic analysis showed there were secretory cells specifically located in the avascular chorion. After partial purification of d 5 avascular chorion extracts using QA52 and Sephadex G-200 column chromatography, the proteolytic activity of 20 kDa was isolated. The protease showed a high level of activity toward succinyl-Gly-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide. It had an optimal pH of 9 and digested the limiting membrane. These enzymatic activities were inhibited moderately by EDTA and strongly by leupeptin and aprotinin. It was concluded that it is the 20-kDa protease, showing collagenase-like activity produced by the avascular chorion, that affects the limiting membrane.
  • Akitoshi Okada, Koji Nagata, Kaori Sano, Shigeki Yasumasu, Keiko Kubota, Jun Ohtsuka, Ichiro Iuchi, Masaru Tanokura
    The hatching enzyme of the zebrafish, ZHE1 (29.3 kDa), is a zinc metalloprotease that catalyzes digestion of the egg envelope (chorion). ZHE1 was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using PEG 3350 as the precipitant. Two diffraction data sets with resolution ranges 50.0-1.80 and 50.0-1.14 angstrom were independently collected from two crystals and were merged to give a highly complete data set over the full resolution range 50.0-1.14 angstrom. The space group was assigned as primitive orthorhombic P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 32.9, b = 62.5, c = 87.4 angstrom. The crystal contained one ZHE1 molecule in the asymmetric unit.





