Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences

高柳 和雄

タカヤナギ カズオ  (Takayanagi Kazuo)


上智大学 理工学研究科理工学専攻 教授


1.1986年4月-1995年3月  東京電機大学にて原子核理論、メタルクラスター、電子系一般について研究
 (1988年8月-1990年7月) Humboldt研究員としてドイツRegensburg大学に滞在
2.1995年4月-現在       上智大学にて量子多体問題及び逆散乱理論の研究




  • Kazuo Takayanagi, Mao Kurino
    Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2023(7) 2023年6月14日  査読有り
    Abstract We present the generalized optical theorem and its applications with special emphasis on the roles of bound states. First, we prove the theorem which gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a function $\langle {\boldsymbol {k } }^{\prime } | T | {\boldsymbol {k } } \rangle$ of two variables ${\boldsymbol {k } }^{\prime }$ and ${\boldsymbol {k } }$ to be physically acceptable as a half-on-shell T-matrix, i.e., to have an underlying Hermitian potential V. Secondly, using the theorem, we construct a scattering theory starting from a physically acceptable half-on-shell T-matrix $\langle {\boldsymbol {k } }^{\prime } | T | {\boldsymbol {k } } \rangle$, which in turn introduces a very useful classification scheme of Hermitian potentials. In the end, as an application of our theory, we present the most general solution of the inverse scattering problem with numerical examples.
  • Naofumi Tsunoda, Takaharu Otsuka, Kazuo Takayanagi, Noritaka Shimizu, Toshio Suzuki, Yutaka Utsuno, Sota Yoshida, Hideki Ueno
    Nature 587(7832) 66-71 2020年11月5日  査読有り
    Atomic nuclei are composed of a certain number of protons Z and neutrons N. A natural question is how large Z and N can be. The study of superheavy elements explores the large Z limit(1,2), and we are still looking for a comprehensive theoretical explanation of the largest possible N for a given Z-the existence limit for the neutron-rich isotopes of a given atomic species, known as the neutron dripline(3). The neutron dripline of oxygen (Z = 8) can be understood theoretically as the result of single nucleons filling single-particle orbits confined by a mean potential, and experiments confirm this interpretation. However, recent experiments on heavier elements are at odds with this description. Here we show that the neutron dripline from fluorine (Z = 9) to magnesium (Z = 12) can be predicted using a mechanism that goes beyond the single-particle picture: as the number of neutrons increases, the nuclear shape assumes an increasingly ellipsoidal deformation, leading to a higher binding energy. The saturation of this effect (when the nucleus cannot be further deformed) yields the neutron dripline: beyond this maximum N, the isotope is unbound and further neutrons 'drip' out when added. Our calculations are based on a recently developed effective nucleon-nucleon interaction(4), for which large-scale eigenvalue problems are solved using configuration-interaction simulations. The results obtained show good agreement with experiments, even for excitation energies of low-lying states, up to the nucleus of magnesium-40 (which has 28 neutrons). The proposed mechanism for the formation of the neutron dripline has the potential to stimulate further thinking in the field towards explaining nucleosynthesis with neutron-rich nuclei.A mechanistic explanation for the origin of the neutron dripline shows that nuclei accommodate the addition of neutrons by becoming increasingly ellipsoidal, up to a maximum number of neutrons, reconciling theory and experiments.
  • Kazuo Takayanagi
    Annals of Physics 415 168119(1)-168119(43) 2020年1月26日  査読有り
  • Asumi Taniguchi, Kazuo Takayanagi
    JPS Conference Proceedings 23 013010(1)-013010(4) 2018年12月27日  査読有り
  • Kazuo Takayanagi
    JPS Conference Proceedings 23 012004(1)-012004(6) 2018年12月27日  査読有り








  • 2003年4月 - 2008年3月