
福井 直樹

フクイ ナオキ  (Naoki Fukui)


上智大学 言語科学研究科言語学専攻 教授
言語学博士(1986年6月 マサチューセッツ工科大学)



ヒトに固有な認知能力である言語機能(Faculty of Language)の本質と機能の研究を通して人間性の本質とも言うべきものを突き止めたいと思っている。普遍文法の諸原理、比較統辞論、パラメータの本質と組織化、等々が主な研究分野である。言語に対する自然科学的アプローチを基礎にして、言語の「社会性」に関しても研究範囲を拡げていきたいと思っている。





  • Keita Umejima, Isso Nakamura, Naoki Fukui, Mihoko Zushi, Hiroki Narita, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai
    Frontiers in Psychology 14 1-17 2023年7月19日  査読有り
    Surface linear (left-to-right) arrangements of human languages are actually an amalgam of the core language system and systems that are not inherently related to language. It has been widely recognized that an unbounded array of hierarchically structured linguistic expressions is generated by the simplest combinatorial operation “Merge,” and the notion of Merge-generability has been proposed as a key feature that characterizes structural dependencies among linguistic elements. Here we tested Merge-generable dependencies by using a Subject-Predicate matching task, which required both linguistic capacity and short-term memory. We used three types of dependency: Nesting, Crossing, and Grouping as the control. The Nesting dependency is totally Merge-generable, while the Crossing dependency requires some additional processes for memory-based ordering. In order to identify the regions employed for these two dependencies, we directly compared cortical responses to the sentence stimuli (with noun phrases and an adverb as the first half of stimuli, and with verbs as the latter) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and the following results were obtained. First, for the Nesting – Crossing contrast, significant activations were observed in the bilateral lateral premotor cortices (LPMCs) and inferior frontal gyri, left middle temporal gyrus, and bilateral angular/supramarginal gyri, indicating engagement of the syntax-related networks. In contrast, the Crossing – Nesting contrast showed focal activations in the left fusiform gyrus, lingual gyrus, and middle occipital gyrus (L. FG/LG/MOG). Secondly, for the first half of the Nesting stimuli, signal changes in the bilateral LPMCs were well fitted with the estimates of computational costs to search the workspace and to select items (Σ operations). Moreover, for the latter half of the Crossing stimuli, the signal changes in the L. FG/LG/MOG were differentially fitted with the estimates of loads related to the ordering of elements/words (numbers of Ordering). Thirdly, these fitting models were by far more likely than the exchanged estimates between bilateral LPMCs and L. FG/LG/MOG, confirming a double dissociation for primary processes with Σ and Ordering. In conclusion, these results indicate that separate cortical networks are differentially employed, and their careful elucidation will provide further insights and challenges.
  • Naoki Fukui
    Gengo Kenkyu Anthology 3 1-34 2023年  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
  • 福井直樹
    言語研究 161 1-33 2022年3月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
  • Kyohei Tanaka, Isso Nakamura, Shinri Ohta, Naoki Fukui, Mihoko Zushi, Hiroki Narita, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai
    Frontiers in Psychology 10 2019年11月29日  査読有り
  • 福井直樹
    Southern Review 33 3-19 2018年12月  招待有り












  • The Development of the Theory of Locality 1998
  • Equilibrium Shifts: A Game-theoretic Analysis of Linguistic Change 1998
  • Issues of Word Order 1998
  • Order and Symmetry in Clauses and Noun Phrases 1999
  • UG and Parametric Theory 1999
  • Comments on Language and the Brain 1999
  • Linguistics as a Science of the Human Mind 1999
  • Order and Symmetry in Relative Clauses 1999
  • Generative Grammar and the Natural Sciences 1999
  • The Uniqueness Parameter 1999
  • Linear Order and Symmetry: English and Japanese Relative Clauses 1999
  • The Development of Generative Grammar and the Minimalist Program 1999
  • 言語哲学特論 現代言語学を哲学的伝統になかに位置づける 2010
  • Features and categories: The structure of noun phrases 2000
  • The development of transformational-generative grammar 2000
  • How to do syntax: Linguistics and theoretical computer science 2001
  • Linguistic theory and Japanese syntax 2001
  • Linguistics and mathematics 2001