
樋口 裕城

ヒグチ ユウキ  (Higuchi Yuki)


上智大学 経済学部経済学科 准教授




  • Miyuki Sasaki, Yuki Higuchi, Makiko Nakamuro, Carsten Roever, Tomoko Yashima
    Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 9(2) 217-244 2024年5月13日  
    Abstract This report presents regression discontinuity design (RDD) as a powerful analytical tool for use in applied linguistics showcased through our study of the impact of Japanese government study-abroad (SA) scholarships. RDD enables the estimation of causal effects in scenarios where a true experiment is not feasible by exploiting a naturally occurring cutoff point for treatment assignment. Because RDD may be novel to most readers in applied linguistics, this report provides a detailed step-by-step explanation of the standard RDD procedures our study exemplifies. The results section is crafted to reflect the conventional presentation style of RDD findings. Furthermore, the report’s concluding segment suggests scenarios within SA-related language learning research that could benefit from RDD application by enhancing the nuanced and precise interpretation of data in applied linguistics contexts.
  • Yuki Higuchi, Makiko Nakamuro, Carsten Roever, Miyuki Sasaki, Tomoko Yashima
    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies forthcoming 2023年9月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yuki Higuchi, Justin Barnes, Anthony Black, Keijiro Otsuka
    World Economy forthcoming 2023年8月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Keisaku Higashida, Yuki Higuchi, Mosharraf M. Hossain, Mohammad Sujauddin, Ryo Takahashi, Kenta Tanaka
  • Yuki Higuchi, Keisaku Higashida, Mosharraf M. Hossain, Mohammad Sujauddin, Ryo Takahashi, Kenta Tanaka
    Nagoya University Economic Research Center Discussion Paper (E23-1) 2023年1月  筆頭著者責任著者
  • Carsten Roever, Yuki Higuchi, Miyuki Sasaki, Tomoko Yashima, Makiko Nakamuro
    Applied Pragmatics 2022年3月  査読有り
    Abstract There has long been interest in the effect of stay abroad on pragmatic development in second language (L2) pragmatics research. However, few testing instruments exist to assess pragmatics learning in stay abroad and provide information about learners’ development to help institutions evaluate the success of stay abroad programs. In this study, we describe the adaptation and validation of Roever’s (2005) test of second language routine formulae to be used large-scale with Japanese stay-abroad learners. We follow Kane’s (2006) argument-based approach to validation, evaluating the first four inferences: Domain description, Evaluation, Generalization, and Explanation. We also investigate the test’s practicality within the institutional setting of intended use. We find evidence supporting the use of the test for providing information on pragmatics learning during stay abroad. The test can differentiate between low- and high-ability learners, shows adequate reliability, and reflects the roles of proficiency and exposure in pragmatics learning in stay abroad contexts. The test is also practical and requires few resources. Further steps, such as the investigation of the Extrapolation and Decision inference, are discussed.
  • Yuki Higuchi, Miyuki Sasaki, Makiko Nakamuro
    Asian Development Review 37(2) 100-133 2020年9月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    We conducted a randomized experiment targeting 322 Japanese high school students to examine the impacts of a newly developed English-language learning program. The treated students were offered an opportunity to communicate for 25 minutes with English-speaking Filipino teachers via Skype several times a week over a 5-month period as an extracurricular activity. The results show that the Skype program increased the interest of the treated students in an international vocation and in foreign affairs. However, the students did not improve their English communication abilities, as measured by standardized tests, probably because of the program's low utilization rate. Further investigation showed that the utilization rate was particularly low among students demonstrating a tendency to procrastinate. These results suggest the importance of maintaining students’ motivation to keep using such information and communication technology-assisted learning programs if they are not already incorporated into the existing curriculum. Having procrastinators self-regulate may be especially crucial.
  • Yuki Higuchi
    Journal of International Economics and Management 20(2) 49-59 2020年8月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yuki Higuchi, Edwin P. Mhede, Vu Hoang Nam, Tetsushi Sonobe
    World Bank Economic Review 34 S68-S71 2020年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    This paper investigates the impact of management training programs on garment clusters in Vietnam and Tanzania. The study found that in the medium run firms showed improvement once they had identified useful practices and adapted them to their operations. Although it takes a few years to experience a significant impact on incomes, management training can increase not just management scores but also incomes or value added.
  • Yuki Higuchi, Nobuhiko Fuwa, Kei Kajisa, Takahiro Sato, Yasuyuki Sawada
    Sustainability 11(3) 2019年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Aid from the government can play a critical role as a risk-coping device in a post-disaster situation if the recipients are properly targeted. We analyze the accuracy of disaster aid targeting and self-reporting bias in disaster damage and aid receipt by combining (i) satellite images (objective information on flood damage), (ii) administrative records (objective information on post-flood aid receipt), and (iii) unique survey data (self-reported information on damage assessment and aid receipt) on a large-scale flooding in 2012 in the Philippines. We find that damage is over-reported while aid receipt is under-reported, and as a result, the estimated targeting accuracy based on self-reported information is substantially downward-biased.
  • Yuki Higuchi, Edwin P. Mhede, Tetsushi Sonobe
    World Development 114 220-236 2019年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    While entrepreneurs play a key role in industrial development, the managerial capacity of those in developing countries seems limited. A number of randomized controlled trials have been conducted to evaluate the impacts of management training, coaching, or consultation programs. These studies found that the interventions had positive impacts on management knowledge and management practices, but the impacts on business performance measured in terms of sales revenue, value added, or profit were often statistically insignificant. Such mixed results may be attributed to experiment designs, including training content and the time elapsed till the follow-up observation. The present study attempts to substantiate this hypothesis by means of a randomized controlled trial of management training in Tanzania that targets 113 small manufacturers. As in some recent studies, it extends the observation period to three years to examine the trajectory of training impacts. Unlike many other studies, it is an impact assessment of training programs that covered quality control and production management as the training topics in addition to entrepreneurship, marketing, and record keeping. The treated firms made adaptive efforts to select useful practices and modify them to fit their business operation. It finds that the training effects on business performance are large and statistically significant, particularly in the medium-run. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Kosuke Kawai, Yuki Higuchi
    Resource and Energy Economics 54 109-124 2018年11月  査読有り
    This study examines the association between social preferences and recycling behavior in a developing country. A conceptual framework that modifies the impure altruism model with heterogeneous preferences and further incorporates the impure public good model is presented to study informal recycling behaviors. Based on survey data collected from 755 households in Hanoi, Vietnam, we find that the majority of sample households recycle all the recyclable materials they consume even though such recycling is not obligatory. Half the recycling households sell their recyclables to informal junk buyers, whereas the other half provide recyclables without monetary compensation. Our finding of voluntary recycling implies that a certain proportion of households have a positive marginal willingness to pay for an increase in the environmental public good. The results of the regression analyses show that recycling behavior is associated with altruism, as measured by a modified version of the self-report altruism scale. Among high-income households, recycling behavior is associated with inequality aversion, as elicited from a hypothetical game. These findings suggest that social preferences are important determinants of the private provision of public goods through the informal sector in a developing country. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Keijiro Otsuka, Yuki Higuchi, Tetsushi Sonobe
    China Economic Review 46 S3-S16 2017年12月1日  査読有り
    If the middle-income traps were merely equated with prolonged growth slowdowns occurring in the middle-income stage, as it is in some empirical studies, this concept would lose the meaning of existence. This paper proposes a new definition that considers the trap the aggravation of slowdowns due to inadequate responses, such as the adoption of counterproductive policies or the failure to adopt policies conducive to growth. By using data from high-, middle- and low-income economies in East Asia, the paper asks which symptoms we should inspect in order to diagnose the middle-income trap when an economy is having a growth slowdown.
  • Yoko Sakai, Jonna P. Estudillo, Nobuhiko Fuwa, Yuki Higuchi, Yasuyuki Sawada
    World Development 94 16-26 2017年6月1日  査読有り
    This paper illustrates the sharp contrast in welfare impacts between the rich and the poor caused by typhoon Milenyo in a Philippine village. We find that fish prices dropped sharply due to the damage caused to fish pens near the village, leading to positive net welfare gains among the wealthy. In contrast, the poor do not consume much fish and thus did not gain from the sharp decline in prices. Finally, consumption reallocation played an important role as an ex post risk-coping measure, albeit only among the wealthy, who are relatively well-protected against typhoons.
  • Yuki Higuchi, Vu Hoang Nam, Tetsushi Sonobe
    Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 120 189-206 2015年12月  査読有り筆頭著者
    We conducted a randomized controlled trial of short-term management training for small manufacturers in two study sites in Vietnam and collected follow-up data repeatedly for two years to assess longer-term impacts than the existing studies of management training. Our training programs introduced participants to Kaizen, a common-sense approach to production management. In both sites, many participants started to recognize the importance of learning about management and improved their management skills. The impacts on management skills were statistically significant two years after the programs. Our results suggest that the training program increased participants' value added in one of the two study sites, likely because they learned how to eliminate wastes in production. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Tetsushi Sonobe, Yuki Higuchi, Keijiro Otsuka
    Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy 5 2014年5月  査読有り




  • 大塚, 啓二郎, 黒崎, 卓, 澤田, 康幸, 園部, 哲史 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第3章:これからの実証経済学における課題)
    日本評論社 2023年6月 (ISBN: 9784535540507)
  • 経済セミナー編集部 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:86-90)
    日本評論社 2020年8月 (ISBN: 9784535559769)



