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Sophia UniversityGraduate School of HumanitiesGraduate School of Applied Religious StudiesGraduate School of LawGraduate School of EconomicsGraduate School of Languages and LinguisticsGraduate School of Global StudiesGraduate School of Science and TechnologyGraduate School of Global Environmental StudiesGraduate Degree Program of Applied Data SciencesFaculty of TheologyFaculty of HumanitiesFaculty of Human SciencesFaculty of LawFaculty of EconomicsFaculty of Foreign StudiesFaculty of Global StudiesFaculty of Liberal ArtsFaculty of Science and TechnologyCenter for Liberal Education and LearningCenter for Language Education and ResearchCenter for Global Education and DiscoverySRO Research Institutes DivisionAffiliated Research OrganizationsSophia University Junior College Division

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Researcher List >> Yamaguchi Akihiko

Yamaguchi Akihiko

NameYamaguchi Akihiko
AffiliationSophia University
SectionFaculty of Global Studies, Department of Global Studies
Job titleProfessor
DegreeDoctorat(Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes), Doctorat(Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes)
Research funding number50302831
J-Global ID200901046223116718

Research Interests

Kurdish studies ,イラン史 ,Middle Eastern studies

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / History - Asia/Africa / 

Research History

Apr 2020
Sophia University Faculty of Global Studies professor 
Apr 2014
Mar 2020
University of the Sacred Heart Faculty of Liberal Arts  
Apr 2006
Mar 2014
University of the Sacred Heart Faculty of Liberal Arts  
University of the Sacred Heart Faculty of Liberal Arts  
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Area Studies  


Ecole Praqitue des Hautes Etudes  
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes sciences historiques et philologiques 
The University of Tokyo  
The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences 

Committee Memberships

Apr 2003
Mar 2010
日本中東学会  編集委員


山口 昭彦   ヤマグチ アキヒコ   Yamaguchi Akihiko   
アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究 (Journal of Asian and African Studies)   (93) 65-90   Mar 2017   [Refereed]
Akihiko Yamaguchi   
Studia Iranica   41(1) 101-132   2012   [Refereed]


山口 昭彦   
都市文明の本質:古代西アジアにおける都市の発生と変容の学際研究4   217-230   Mar 2022   
立花 優   鶴見 太郎   山口 昭彦   
アジア経済   62(3) 63-90   Sep 2021
アジ研ポリシー・ブリーフ   108 1-2   Mar 2018   
山口 昭彦   
アジ研ワールド・トレンド   266 5-6   Dec 2017   

Books and Other Publications

後藤, 春美, 永原, 陽子, 吉沢, 誠一郎, 藤波, 伸嘉, 中村, 元哉, 高橋, 均(Part:Contributor, アブデュッレッザーク・ベディルハーン:親露派クルド・ナショナリストの足跡)
岩波書店   Sep 2022   (ISBN:9784000114301)
山口昭彦(Part:Joint author, 山城から平城へ:近世クルディスタンにおける都市機能の変容)
勉誠出版   Dec 2021   
Akihiko Yamaguchi(Part:Joint author, The Kurdish Frontier under the Safavids)
Routledge   Jul 2021   
鈴木, 董, 近藤, 二郎, 赤堀, 雅幸, 岡田, 保良, 鎌田, 繁, 長沢, 栄治, 永田, 雄三, 西尾, 哲夫, 深見, 奈緒子, 保坂, 修司, 桝屋, 友子, 水野, 信男, 森本, 一夫(Part:Contributor, 「クルド語とクルド人」「クルド人問題と国際政治」)
丸善出版   Nov 2020   (ISBN:9784621305539)
山口, 昭彦(Part:Edit)
明石書店   Jan 2019   (ISBN:9784750347431)

Professional Memberships


Research Projects

日本学術振興会: 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
高橋 英海 大塚 修 桑原 尚子 阿部 尚史 近藤 洋平 辻上 奈美江 菊地 達也 山口 昭彦 三村 太郎 鈴木 啓之 辻 明日香 三代川 寛子 
Project Year: Apr 2021 - Mar 2024
From Communal Solidarity to Transnational Nationalism: Deterritorialization of Kurdistan
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
Project Year: Nov 2020 - Mar 2023
Historical research on the urban structure of West Asian 'Islamic cities'
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Project Year: Jun 2018 - Mar 2023
Multidisciplinary Study of the Religious, Ethnic and Social Diversity of the Islamic World
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Takahashi Hidemi 
Project Year: Apr 2017 - Mar 2020
Conflicts in boundearies and recognition of Alevi groups and changes in Alevi ethnicities in the Middle East, Europe and America
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Sashima Takashi 
Project Year: Apr 2017 - Mar 2020