

研究者リスト >> 鎌田 武仁

鎌田 武仁

研究者氏名鎌田 武仁
カマタ タケヒト
学位行政学修士号(ミネソタ州立大学マンケート校), 教育学博士号(ミネソタ大学大学院)
ORCID ID0009-0006-9179-277X
J-Global ID201901013841568460


Takehito Kamata, Ph.D. conducts research on international collaborative research and involves in a wide range of international collaborative initiatives and projects such as the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU), the MIRAI 2.0 (Swedish and Japanese universities), and other international initiatives to promote internationalization in higher education across nations. He is also the Founding International Collaboration URA (University Research Administrator) affiliated with the Center for Research Promotion & Support at Sophia University.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, he was a fellow in the inaugural Japan-U.S. Science Communication & Policy Fellowship Network Program to promote meaningful cooperation between Japan and the United States on global challenges by bridging a critical gap between science and policy.
As the president of the University of Minnesota’s Council of International Graduate Students (CIGS), he led the Student Service Fees funding request application process, for the first time in the University’s history, to have an independent budget for CIGS in promoting academic, professional, and social engagement among graduate and professional students in the 2015-2016 academic year.
In 2017, he received the Josef Mestenhauser Student Award for Excellence in Campus Internationalization that recognizes outstanding student contributions to international education. In 2018, he was also a Co-chair of the International Relations Committee in the College of Education and Human Development Alumni Society Board at the University of Minnesota.
As a member of an international academic honor society, he participated in the Collegiate Presidential Inaugural Conferences in Washington, D.C. in conjunction with the January Inaugurations of the President and Vice President of the United States in 2009 and 2013.
He was also the founding Co-Chairs of the East Asia Special Interest Group (SIG) in the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) from 2014 to 2018. The main goal of the East Asia SIG is to formalize and strengthen communication among scholars, professionals, and students who are interested in research on East Asian nations and states.
In 2023, he received the 2023 Alumni Award of Excellence by the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota.
His research focuses on the areas of “international research collaborations,” “science, technology, and innovation policy,” “higher education internationalization,” “research integrity,” and “Japan-United States relations.”
He earned his Ph.D. in higher education from the University of Minnesota. He also earned his B.S. in political science and international relations and M.P.A. in public administration from Minnesota State University, Mankato.


国際共同研究 ,科学技術イノベーション政策 ,高等教育国際化 ,研究インテグリティ ,日米関係


  • 人文・社会 / 教育学 / 
  • 人文・社会 / 国際関係論 / 
  • 人文・社会 / 科学教育 / 
  • 人文・社会 / 教育社会学 / 


上智大学 上智大学 特任助教 
Japan-U.S. Science Communication & Policy Fellowship Network Program  Fellow 
上智大学 グローバル教育センター プロジェクト特別研究員 
University of Minnesota College of education and Human Development  その他 
University of Minnesota Department of Organizational Ledership Policy  その他 


ミネソタ大学 教育政策・行政学部 高等教育研究科
ミネソタ州立大学マンケート校 行政大学院 


College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota, 2023 Distinguished International Alumni Award,2023 Distinguished International Alumni Award
Takehito, Kamata 
The Okinawa Institute for Science & Technology (OIST) Foundation in partnership with the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University’s Center for Professional Development & Inclusive Excellence (C-HUB), the Wilbury Theatre Group, and University of California Science to Policy, with funding from The Japan Foundation, Fellow, Japan-U.S. Science Communication & Policy Fellowship Network Program
University of Minnesota Alumni Association, Outstanding Alumni Society (as a Board member of College of Education and Human Development Alumni Society Board)
College of Education Human Development Alumni Society Board 
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Washington Office, Japan–US Science Forum Travel Scholarship
Global Programs and Strategy Alliance, University of Minnesota, Josef Mestenhauser Student Award for Excellence in Campus Internationalization


Takehito Kamata   
研究技術計画   37(1) 20-33   2022年   [査読有り]
Kamata, Takehito. (2022). International research collaborations: An analysis of researchers' perspectives in Japan and the United States. The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, 37 (1). Retrieved Jan. 17, 2023, from https://www.jsta...
Takehito Kamata   
NAFSA Research Symposium Series   Volume 5 110-125   2021年5月   [査読有り]
Kamata, Takehito. (2021). Internationalization outputs: Assessing initiatives, programs, and policies across Japanese higher education institutions. Research Symposium Series, Vol. 5 (pp. 110–125). Washington, D.C., NAFSA: Association of Internati...
Aaron S. Horn   Leah Reinert   Takehito Kamata   
Midwestern Higher Education Compact Research Brief Series      2014年6月   
Horn, Aaron. S., Reinert, Leah., & Kamata, Takehito. (2014). Campus-based practices for promoting student success: Faculty policy issues. Midwestern Higher Education Compact Research Brief. Minneapolis, MN: Midwestern Higher Education Compact. Ret...
Aaron S. Horn   Takehito Kamata   
Midwestern Higher Education Compact Research Brief Series      2014年4月   
Horn, Aaron. S., & Kamata, Takehito. (2014). Campus-based practices for promoting student success: Effective pedagogy. Midwestern Higher Education Compact Research Brief. Minneapolis, MN: Midwestern Higher Education Compact. Retrieved Jan. 17, 202...
Melissa S. Anderson   Takehito Kamata   
Global Corruption Report: Education   211-215   2013年   [査読有り]
Anderson, Melissa. S., & Kamata, Takehito. (2013). Scientific research integrity as a matter of transparency. In Transparency International, Global Corruption Report: Education (pp. 211–215). New York: Routledge. Retrieved Jan. 17, 2023, from http...


Kamata, Takehito   
研究・イノベーション学会 第38回年次学術大会   2023年11月22日   研究・イノベーション学会   
Kamata, Takehito. (Nov. 2023). Research Integrity and Security: Stakeholder analysis on discourse relations and shared responsibilities in international research collaborations. Will Present at the Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation ...
Takehito, Kamata   
MIRAI 2.0 R&I Week 2023   2023年11月15日   MIRAI 2.0   
The workshop intends to provide opportunities to MIRAI members to learn the primary differences and
commonalities of research integrity between Sweden and Japan. The concepts of transdisciplinary and
international collaborative research will be in...
Kamata, Takehito   Kartal, Helin Bäckman   
MIRAI 2.0 R&I Week 2023   2023年11月14日   MIRAI 2.0   
MIRAI 2.0 R&I Week serves as a unique opportunity to strengthen collaboration between Sweden and Japan in research, innovation and education. Connect with researchers in your field and join scientific sessions on Ageing, Materials Science, Sustain...
Kamata, Takehito   
研究・イノベーション学会 第38回年次学術大会   2023年10月   研究・イノベーション学会   
Kamata, Takehito. (Oct. 2023). Research Integrity and Security: Stakeholder analysis on discourse relations and shared responsibilities in international research collaborations. Will Present at the Japan Society for Research Policy and Innovation ...
杉村美紀   鎌田武仁   西村幹子   布柴達男   藤沼良典   
日本教育学会第82回大会   2023年8月   日本教育学会   


International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS)
Comparative and International Education Society
NAFSA: Association of International Educators


日本学術振興会: 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
杉村 美紀 藤沼 良典 布柴 達男 小松 太郎 笹岡 幹子 鎌田 武仁 杉浦 未希子 
研究期間: 2021年4月 - 2025年3月
A comparative study of the international perspectives on international research collaborations
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
研究期間: 2021年4月 - 2024年3月
日本学術振興会: 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
米澤 彰純 Rappleye Jeremy 廣田 照幸 松浦 良充 北村 友人 石川 裕之 李 敏 松河 秀哉 鎌田 武仁 山田 浩之 森下 稔 山名 淳 高山 敬太 油布 佐和子 
研究期間: 2019年4月 - 2022年3月


企画立案・ 運営等
日本比較教育学会 第59回大会準備委員会 (2023年6月17日-18日(オンライン);2023年6月24日-25日(対面)) 2023年6月17日 - 2023年6月25日
同志社大学 & 上智大学 2021年 - 2023年
文部科学省 令和3年度(2021年度)科学技術人材育成費補助事業「ダイバーシティ研究環境実現イニシアティブ(調査分析)」
同志社大学 Website: https://doshisha-diversity.jp/doshisha-sophia/
上智大学 Website: https://dept.sophia.ac.jp/pj/diversity-pj/
信州大学医学部公正研究推進講座((国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構:研究公正高度化モデル開発支援事業) (国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構) 2021年 - 2021年
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2018年 - 2018年
企画立案・ 運営等・パネル司会・セッションチェア等・審査・評価・査読
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2015年 - 2015年


 鎌田武仁. 『米国大統領就任式大学会議に出席して:米国におけるリーダー育成の考察』. 横須賀水交会事務局. 横須賀水交会,第48号,pp. 4–6』. 令和2年11月9日 2020年11月 - 2020年11月
 https://minnesota-japan-eng.jimdofree.com/year-2020-events/ 2020年9月 - 2020年9月
 https://minnesota-japan-eng.jimdofree.com/year-2019-events/ 2019年9月 - 2019年9月


上智大学   Find Sophia   2023年12月   [インターネットメディア]
College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota   Connect Fall 2023. College of Education and Human Development   2023年   [新聞・雑誌]
College of Education and Human Development, The University of Minnesota. (2023). Announcing our 2023 Alumni Society Award recipients. Connect Vol. 17 (3), Fall 2023, (p. 25). College of Education and Human Development. The University of Minnesota....
Bowman, Karen Doss   International Educator July 2021: Perspectives on Global Citizenship   2021年7月   [新聞・雑誌]
Bowman, Karen Doss. (2021). Global citizenship through a global lens. International Educator July 2021: Perspectives on Global Citizenship. Washington, D.C.: NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Retrieved Jan. 17, 2023, from https://www....
Czech and Slovak Sokol Minnesota   SLOVO Newsletter, Volume 40(4)   2017年4月   [新聞・雑誌]
Czech and Slovak Sokol Minnesota. (Apr. 2017). Mestenhauser Award. SLOVO Newsletter, Vol. 40 (4), (p. 11). Minneapolis, MN: Czech and Slovak Sokol Minnesota. Retrieved Jan. 17, 2023, from https://www.sokolmn.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/2017_Apr...
University of Minnesota Alumni Association   Minnesota Alumni Magazine, Volume 116(2)   2017年   [新聞・雑誌]
University of Minnesota Alumni Association. (2017). At your service. Minnesota Alumni Magazine, Vol. 116 (2), (p. 52). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Alumni Association. Retrieved Jan. 17, 2023, from https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream...


2018年12月 - 2018年12月
Participant, U.S.-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange Next Generation Task Force: U.S.-Japan Collaboration in Biotechnology and Cyber Security
2018年12月 - 2018年12月
Participant,U.S.-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange Next Generation Task Force: U.S.-Japan Collaboration in Biotechnology and Cyber Security
2018年7月 - 2018年7月
Session host, The 42nd Pacific Circle Consortium Annual Conference Local to Global: Bridging Inter & Intra Cultural Connections