Curriculum Vitaes

Seba Fuyutsuki

  (冬月 世馬)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Materials and Life Sciences, Sophia University

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10/2004 – 03/2007 Tokyo Institute of Technology 21 Century COE Program R.A.
04/2008 – 08/2008 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Science and Technology.
Leadership Program, Special Researcher.
09/2008 – 08/2010 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Science and Technology.
Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researcher.
09/2010 – 10/2011 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Science and Technology. Industry Liaison Research Associate.
10/2011 – 09/2012 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Next Generation World-Leading Researcher.
09/2012-03/2014 Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology. Full time Lecturer.
04/2014-03/2017 Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Materials & Life Sciences. Assistant Professor.
04/2017- Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Materials & Life Sciences. Associate Professor.

From Molecules to Atmospheres.

How relevant is chemistry to atmospheric systems? How the interaction of molecules among themselves and interaction of molecules with light affects the gas phase surrounding planets? What tools can be used to understand the mechanisms operating in planetary atmospheres?

These are the questions that this laboratory aims to answer.


  • ダニエラチェセバスチアン, 服部 祥平, 上野 雄一郎, 吉田 尚弘, ジョンソン マシュー
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 58(2E06), Sep, 2011  Peer-reviewed
  • 服部 祥平, ダニエラチェセバスチアン, ジョンソン マシュー, シュミット ヨハン, キャラガード ヘンリック, 豊田 栄, 上野 雄一朗, 吉田 尚弘
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 58(2E07), Sep, 2011  Peer-reviewed
  • 服部 祥平, ジョンソン マシュー, シュミット ヨハン, フォレキャスト ロズリン, ダニエラチェセバスチアン, 吉田 尚弘
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 58(2P17), Sep, 2011  Peer-reviewed
  • 上野 雄一郎, ダニエラチェセバスチャン
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 58(1C12), Sep, 2011  Peer-reviewed
    MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE, 75(3) 2046, Jun, 2011  Peer-reviewed
  • S. Hattori, S. O. Danielache, M. S. Johnson, J. A. Schmidt, H. G. Kjaergaard, S. Toyoda, Y. Ueno, N. Yoshida
    ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 11(19) 10293-10303, 2011  Peer-reviewed
    We report measurements of the ultraviolet absorption cross sections of (OCS)-S-32, (OCS)-S-33, (OCS)-S-34 and (OCS)-C-13 from 195 to 260 nm. The OCS isotopologues were synthesized from isotopically-enriched elemental sulfur by reaction with carbon monoxide. The measured cross section of (OCS)-S-32 is consistent with literature spectra recorded using natural abundance samples. Relative to the spectrum of the most abundant isotopologue, substitution of heavier rare isotopes has two effects. First, as predicted by the reflection principle, the Gaussian-based absorption envelope becomes slightly narrower and blue-shifted. Second, as predicted by Franck-Condon considerations, the weak vibrational structure is red-shifted. Sulfur isotopic fractionation constants ((33)epsilon, (34)epsilon) as a function of wavelength are not highly structured, and tend to be close to zero on average on the high energy side and negative on the low energy side. The integrated photolysis rate of each isotopologue at 20 km, the approximate altitude at which most OCS photolysis occurs, was calculated. Sulfur isotopic fractionation constants at 20 km altitude are (-3.7 +/- 4.5)parts per thousand and (1.1 +/- 4.2)parts per thousand for (33)epsilon and (34)epsilon, respectively, which is inconsistent with the previously estimated large fractionation of over 73 parts per thousand in (34)epsilon. This demonstrates that OCS photolysis does not produce sulfur isotopic fractionation of more than ca. 5 parts per thousand, suggesting OCS may indeed be a significant source of background stratospheric sulfate aerosols. Finally, the predicted isotopic fractionation constant for S-33 excess (E-33) in OCS photolysis is (-4.2 +/- 6.6)parts per thousand, and thus photolysis of OCS is not expected to be the source of the non-mass-dependent signature observed in modern and Archaean samples.
  • 吉川 知里, ダニエラチェセバスチアン, 上野 雄一郎, 須藤 健悟, 石島 健太郎, 滝川 雅之, 吉田 尚弘
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 57(2P32) 10-P07, Sep, 2010  Peer-reviewed
  • ダニエラチェセバスチアン, 服部 祥平, 吉川 知里, 上野 雄一郎, ジョンソン マット, 吉田 尚弘
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 57(2P37) 01-P05, Sep, 2010  Peer-reviewed
  • 上野 雄一郎, ダニエラチェ セバスチャン, 吉田 尚弘
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 57(3C07) 01-07, Aug, 2010  Peer-reviewed
  • ダニエラチェセバスチアン
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 56(1C19) 07-08, Sep, 2009  
  • Yuichiro Ueno, Matthew S. Johnson, Sebastian O. Danielache, Carsten Eskebjerg, Antra Pandey, Naohiro Yoshida
  • Sebastian O. Danielache, Shinkoh Nanbu, Carsten Eskebjerg, Matthew, S. Johnson, Naohiro Yoshida
    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 131(2) 024307, Jul 13, 2009  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
  • Yuichiro Ueno, Sebastian O. Danielache, Matthew S. Johnson, Naohiro Yoshida
    GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 73(13) A1358-A1358, Jun, 2009  Peer-reviewed
  • Sebastian O. Danielache, Carsten Eskebjerg, Matthew, S. Johnson, Yuichiro Ueno, Naohiro Yoshida
    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113(D17) D17314, Sep 13, 2008  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
  • 上野 雄一郎, ダニエラチェセバスチャン, 吉田 尚弘, ジョンソン マシュー
    日本地球化学会年会要旨集, 55(3E08) 13-03, Sep, 2008  Peer-reviewed
  • Sebastian O. Danielache, Matthew S. Johnson, Shinkoh Nanbu, Mette M. -L. Grage, Chris McLinden, Naohiro Yoshida
    CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 450(4-6) 214-220, Jan, 2008  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    The fractionation of sulfur isotopes in the gas-phase reaction of OCS with OH was calculated by ab initio methods. The first reaction step occurs through a carbon bonded OH-OCS transition state. The activation barrier is 18.4 kJ mol(-1) (CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ level plus zero-point energy) relative to the reactants. Fractionation constants are -1.4, -2.6 and -6.3 parts per thousand for S-33, S-34 and S-36 respectively. These results bring new insight regarding the origin of stratospheric sulfate aerosols, including the identification of characteristic isotopic fractionations in the lower and middle stratosphere. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 豊田 栄, ダニエラチェ セバスチアン, 上野 雄一郎, 吉田 尚弘
    2006年度日本地球化学会年会, 53(1D3), Sep, 2006  Peer-reviewed
  • Sebastian Danielache, Motohiro Mizuno, Shingo Shimada, Kazunaka Endo, Tomonori Ida, Kazuchiyo Takaoka, Ernst Z Kurmaev
    POLYMER JOURNAL, 37(1) 21-29, Jan 15, 2005  Peer-reviewedLead author
    13C NMR chemical shielding and XPS of cellulose and chitosan were analyzed by deMon DFT calculations using the model dimers. The calculated 13C chemical shifts of (α-<small>D</small>-glucose, β-<small>D</small>-glucose, and β-<small>D</small>-glucosamine) and cellobiose with DZVP basis are in considerably good accordance with the experimental values in the average absolute deviations (AAD) of ±3.1 and 2.0 ppm, respectively. The calculated shifts of the dimer models for cellulose and chitosan also correspond well to the experimental ones of both solid biopolymers in the AAD of ±3.1 ppm. In order to simulate the valence XPS and to calculate core-electron binding energies (CEBE)s of cellulose and chitosan, we used the restricted diffuse ionization (rDI) and generalized transition-state (GTS) methods, respectively, due to Slater's transition-state (TS) concept. The simulated valence spectra of the dimer models showed good agreement with the experimental ones of cellulose and chitosan. We also estimated as 5.9 and 5.7 eV for WD (work function and the other energies) values of cellulose and chitosan, respectively from the differences between calculated CEBE values for the model molecules and experimental ones on the solid polymers.
  • E.Z Kurmaev, A Moewes, T Ida, S Danielache, K Endo, I.O Bashkin, A.I Harkunov, A.P Moravsky
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 639(1-3) 27-33, Nov 3, 2003  Peer-reviewed


  • Sebastian O. Danielache, Sebastian O. Danielache, Carsten Eskebjerg, Matthew, S. Johnson, Yuichiro Ueno, Yuichiro Ueno, Naohiro Yoshida, Naohiro Yoshida, Naohiro Yoshida, Naohiro Yoshida
    Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 113(D17) D17314, Sep 16, 2008  
    We report measurements of the ultraviolet absorption cross sections of &lt; sup &gt; 32 &lt; /sup &gt; SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; , &lt; sup &gt; 33 &lt; /sup &gt; SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; , and &lt; sup &gt; 34 &lt; /sup &gt; SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; , recorded from 30,300 to 52,500 cm &lt; sup &gt; -1 &lt; /sup &gt; (330 to 190 nm) at 293 K with a resolution of 25 cm &lt; sup &gt; -1 &lt; /sup &gt; . The &lt; sup &gt; 33 &lt; /sup &gt; SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; , sample was produced by the combustion of isotopically enriched &lt; sup &gt; 33 &lt; /sup &gt; S while the &lt; sup &gt; 34 &lt; /sup &gt; SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; and natural abundance samples were obtained from commercial manufacturers. The spectrum of the natural abundance sample is in agreement with previously published spectra. The spectra of the isotopically pure species were retrieved using the isotopic composition of the samples. The &lt; sup &gt; 32 &lt; /sup &gt; SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; , &lt; sup &gt; 33 &lt; /sup &gt; SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; , and &lt; sup &gt; 34 &lt; /sup &gt; SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; absorption spectra show rich vibrational structure, and the positions and widths of the peaks change with isotopic substitution i n a complex fashion. The results imply that large wavelength-dependent and broadband isotopic fractionations are associated with the UV photolysis of SO &lt; inf &gt; 2 &lt; /inf &gt; . Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.



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