
樋口 匡貴

ヒグチ マサタカ  (Higuchi Masataka)


上智大学 総合人間科学部 心理学科 教授





  • Akitomo Yamamoto, Yuki Misawa, Ren Suzuki, Mai Tomizawa, Ayana Ueda, Chiharu Uesaka, Masataka Higuchi
  • 樋口 匡貴, 五十嵐 真子, 大井 彩衣, 佐藤 奏, 栖原 恵海, 中久喜 亜美
    上智大学心理学年報 48 123-126 2024年3月  筆頭著者責任著者
  • Akitomo Yamamoto, Masataka Higuchi
    Japanese Psychological Research 2023年7月7日  査読有り最終著者
  • 樋口匡貴
    上智大学総合人間科学部看護学科紀要 7 3-10 2023年3月  招待有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • 樋口匡貴, 岸間春佳, 川村舞子, 佐々木みな, 鈴木鈴, 松永栞奈
    上智大学心理学年報 47 91-96 2023年3月  筆頭著者責任著者
  • 春田悠佳, 濵田萌, 小林鈴乃, 小向佳波, 髙木美幸, 樋口匡貴
    上智大学心理学年報 47 1-16 2023年3月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 山本晶友, 入江ひとみ, 大石有里花, 上杉優, 樋口匡貴
    感情心理学研究 30(2) in press-39 2023年  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 伊藤 拓, 樋口 匡貴, 荒井 弘和, 中村 菜々子
    心理学研究 94(2) 129-138 2023年  査読有り
  • 白川 真裕, 島田 貴仁, 樋口 匡貴
    心理学研究 93(6) 516-525 2022年11月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 樋口 匡貴, 荒井 弘和, 伊藤 拓, 中村 菜々子
    Journal of Health Psychology Research 35(1) 71-81 2022年8月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 山本晶友, 樋口匡貴
    上智大学心理学年報 46 77-88 2022年2月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 荒井弘和, 樋口匡貴, 伊藤拓, 中村菜々子
    スポーツ産業学研究 32 2022年  査読有り
  • Akitomo Yamamoto, Masataka Higuchi
    Japanese Psychological Research 64(3) 269-281 2022年  査読有り最終著者
  • 樋口 匡貴, 荒井 弘和, 伊藤 拓, 中村 菜々子, 甲斐 裕子
    日本公衆衛生雑誌 68(9) 597-607 2021年9月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 荒井弘和, 樋口匡貴, 伊藤拓, 中村菜々子
    スポーツ産業学研究 31(3) 261-266 2021年7月  査読有り
  • 山本晶友, 樋口匡貴
    心理学評論 63(3) 242-258 2021年2月  査読有り最終著者
  • 荒井 弘和, 樋口 匡貴, 伊藤 拓, 中村 菜々子
    スポーツ産業学研究 31(3) 3_261-3_266 2021年  
  • 樋口匡貴
    臨床心理学 20(3) 275-278 2020年5月10日  招待有り
  • 上智大学心理学年報 44 1-16 2020年3月  査読有り
  • 春田悠佳, 樋口匡貴
    Journal of Health Psychology Research 32(2) 31-41 2020年2月  査読有り
    <p>This study aimed to identify cognitive appraisals from motivational models and behavioural enaction models that explain variations in the differences between two consecutive stages of change for cervical cancer screening. In the study, 123 female students completed a questionnaire assessing their stage of change and related variables from the theory of planned behavior, prototype willingness model, and health action process approach. Path analysis predicting the difference between the pre-contemplation and contemplation stages showed that the difference was mainly explained by intention to undergo cervical cancer screening, which was explained by injunctive norm, self-efficacy, and prototype similarity. On the other hand, path analysis predicting the difference between the contemplation and action/maintenance stages showed that the difference was mainly explained by action planning, which was explained by intention, and the intention was explained by injunctive norm and prototype similarity. These findings suggest that motivational and behavioural enaction models can explain the differences between two consecutive stages. Additionally, the results suggest the need to consider differences across stages when developing interventions to move people to a higher stage.</p>
  • 山本晶友, 樋口匡貴
    感情心理学研究 26(3) 71-77 2019年5月31日  査読有り
    <p>We examined the extent to which a beneficiary experiences gratitude toward a benefit, as a function of what another beneficiary has received. In our experiment, participants who are university students read a scenario in which the protagonist received help from his or her classmate for a report. Imagining themselves as the protagonist, participants rated the extent to which they felt grateful. We manipulated what a protagonist's friend underwent (i.e., receiving better help, receiving worse help, or being refused help). In the control condition, no mention of the protagonist's friend was made. Overall, there was no significant difference between the gratitude experienced in various conditions. However, a comparison of the gratitude scores of participants in the lower half of each condition revealed that, the participants who read that the friend was refused help felt more grateful than those in the control condition. This suggests that knowing another person fails to receive helps increases gratitude among those who otherwise feel less gratitude.</p>
  • 山本晶友, 樋口匡貴
    上智大学心理学年報 43 33-39 2019年3月2日  査読有り
  • Miyatake, S, HIGUCHI, M
    The Psychological Report of Sophia University 43 41-47 2019年3月2日  査読有り
  • 樋口匡貴, 藤島喜嗣
    ヒューマンインターフェース学会誌 20 12-16 2018年  招待有り
  • 樋口匡貴, 中村菜々子
    日本エイズ学会誌 20 146-154 2018年  査読有り
  • 山本 晶友, 樋口 匡貴
    感情心理学研究 25 os14-os14 2017年  
  • Sanae Miyatake, Masataka Higuchi
    ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 20(1) 54-59 2017年1月  査読有り
    We examined the effect of religious priming on a Japanese sample in an anonymous dictator game whereas previous studies on religious priming on prosociality had mainly been conducted within Western contexts. The current study attempted to examine whether religion increases prosocial behaviour in a Japanese sample through the replication of God is Watching You' (Shariff & Norenzayan, 2007) where it was found that participants primed with religion-related words and secular justice-related words behaved more prosocially than participants primed with neutral words in an anonymous dictator game. The current experiment was conducted with Japanese students (n=106) to examine whether the results of the original study could be applied to Japanese people. The results showed that among the three priming conditions (control, religion, secular justice), there was no difference in the amount of money participants allocated to anonymous strangers, although in the secular justice priming condition, theists allocated more money than atheists. The results might be due to the fact that the religious priming words used in the original study did not precisely activate the propositional network of religion that Japanese participants have. More culture-specific studies are necessary to examine how religious priming works for non-Westerners.
  • 松崎さくら, 樋口匡貴
    対人社会心理学研究 17(17) 87-92 2017年  査読有り
    原著This study examined whetherproposingshared or unshared information at the beginning of discussion facilitates solving hidden profile problem. 51three-person groups decided which of two candidates in a presented scenario was put up for a sales department.A 2(information: shared/unshared)×2(person: A/B) between-participants design was used.A randomly selected memberstartedthe discussionwith the proposal of shared/unshared information. Also, based ontheinformationthat participantsreceivedprior to the discussion, each participant selected one suitable candidate from the two candidatesbefore the discussion began. The results of Chi-squared tests suggested that there was no difference in the percentage of solving hidden profile problemregaldress of the first information. Rather, the majority preference in the group predicted the result ofthegroup'sdecision making. Theseresultssuggestthat neither shared nor unshared information at the beginning of discussion helpsto solve hidden profileproblembutthat the majority preference in the grouphaslarger influencesthan the impact of the first wordin discussion.本研究は、集団討議での情報共有の失敗をもたらす要因のうち、共有情報バイアスに着目し、集団討議の第一声で共有する情報の共有性の違いが集団意思決定に与える影響を検討した。認知的葛藤が新しい知識の獲得を促進することから、第一声情報が共有情報の場合より、非共有情報の場合の方が集団意思決定の正答率が高いとの仮説を立てた。実験では、隠れたプロファイルを用いて3名集団での集団討議を実施した。その結果、第一声情報の種類の違いと集団意思決定の正答率の間に、有意な連関は見られず、仮説は支持されなかった。しかしながら、集団多数選好と集団意思決定の正答率の間に有意な連関が見られた。このことから、第一声情報の影響よりも集団初期多数選好の影響を強く受けた可能性、および第一声情報の情報価がその後の討議に影響を与える可能性が示唆された。
  • 山本 晶友, 久保池 香奈, 樋口 匡貴
    感情心理学研究 23 ps38-ps38 2016年  
  • 蔵永 瞳, 樋口 匡貴, 福田 哲也
    感情心理学研究 23 os06-os06 2016年  
  • 福田哲也, 樋口匡貴
    感情心理学研究 23(3) 116-122 2016年  査読有り
    This study had two purposes: first, we investigated the effects of observer behavior on feeling of embarrassment of an individual, and second, we explained the process of that effect. Participants read a scenario in which they felt embarrassment in front of a friend and the friend responded with one of four types of behavior (helpfulness, avoidance, being humorous, and other-monitoring.) or did not react at all. Participants were then asked to respond to items describing their feeling of embarrassment (Higuchi, 2000) and causal factors of embarrassment (Higuchi, 2001). To examine whether participants' feeling of embarrassment differed, one-way ANOVA and multiple comparison were conducted. These analyses revealed that “avoidance” behavior heightened feeling of embarrassment compared to “helpfulness” or “being humorous” behavior. Moreover, mediation analyses showed three causal factors of embarrassment (apprehension of social evaluation, disruption of social interaction, and loss of self-esteem) could mediate between avoidance behavior and feeling of embarrassment.
  • 藤島喜嗣, 樋口匡貴
    心理学評論 59(1) 84-97 2016年  査読有り
  • Higuchi, M, Nakamura, N
    Proceedings of The 14th European Congress of Psychology. 2015年7月  査読有り
  • 樋口匡貴, 中村菜々子
    現代日本の社会心理と感情 77-95 2014年10月  査読有り
  • Higuchi, M, Nakamura, N
    Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology. 2014年7月  査読有り
  • 蔵永瞳, 樋口匡貴
    感情心理学研究 21(3) 133-142 2014年5月  査読有り
  • 福田哲也, 樋口匡貴, 蔵永瞳
    感情心理学研究 21(2) 80-90 2014年2月  査読有り
  • Fukuda, T, Higuchi, M, Kuranaga, H
    Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology. 2014年2月  査読有り
  • 福田 哲也, 樋口 匡貴
    広島大学心理学研究 = Hiroshima psychological research (14) 19-26 2014年  
    This study had two purposes: first, we investigated whether the effect of embarrassed expressions on observer motive varied as a result of the situation that caused the embarrassment, and second, we investigated whether observer motive differed by type of embarrassed facial expression. Participants read scenarios in which a friend was either positively or negatively evaluated by a third person and the friend expressed one of four types of facial expression: three embarrassed and one neutral. Participants were then asked questions that explored their motive to act on behalf of themselves, on behalf of their friend, and to attempt to recover the disrupted social interaction. In order to examine whether the effect of embarrassed expression on observer motive varied according to the situation that resulted in the embarrassment and whether observer motive differed by type of facial expression, two-way ANOVAs, simple main effect analysis, and multiple comparisons were conducted Results revealed that the interactions of situation and facial expression type were significant on all observer motive. Moreover, there were significant differences in each observer motive between types of facial expression when the friend was positively evaluated; however, no such differences were found when the friend was evaluated negatively. These findings suggest that the effect of embarrassed facial expressions on observer motive is differed by the situation that caused the embarrassment, and that the effect of facial expressions on observer motive exist in only under conditions of positive evaluation.
  • 蔵永瞳, 樋口匡貴
    心理学研究 84(4) 376-385 2013年10月  査読有り
  • Higuchi, M, Nakamura, N
    Proceedings of the 13th European Congress of Psychology. 2013年7月  査読有り
  • 白石彩乃, 樋口匡貴, 蔵永瞳
    広島大学心理学研究 (12) 29-44 2013年3月  
    内集団成員による外集団に損害を与える行為について, 自分が直接その行為に関わっていなくても自責の念や申し訳なさを感じることは日常生活の中で経験しうることである。自分自身の行為でなくても感じる罪悪感として, 集合罪悪感がある。本研究では大学生を対象に,日常生活の中で内集団成員が外集団に損害を与えたという状況を用いて集合罪悪感と集団同一性の関連について検討した。集団同一性には集団全体に対する同一性(Whole-group 同一性) と行為集団に対する同一性(Subgroup 同一性)があることが先行研究で指摘されているため,それぞれの同一性を測定した。先行研究と同様に, Whole-group 同一性とSubgroup 同一性が独立して集合罪悪感に影響を及ぼしていることが示された。また先行研究とは異なり,集団同一性から集合罪悪感,個人罪悪感についての影響を正当性認知が媒介するという結果は得られず, 個人の有責性認知が集合罪悪感への影響を媒介するという結果であった。
  • 深田博己, 樋口匡貴, 塚脇涼太, 蔵永瞳, 井邑智哉, 五十嵐睦, 平川真, 福田哲也, 白石彩乃, 照屋佳乃
    対人コミュニケーション研究 (1) 65-87 2013年3月  査読有り
  • Hitomi Kuranaga, Masataka Higuchi
    Shinrigaku Kenkyu 84(4) 419-428 2013年  査読有り
    People tend to show some types of interpersonal behavior after feeling gratitude: Reciprocal behavior, expression of apology, expression of thanks, and prosocial behavior. We examined the mechanism of these behaviors in 304 undergraduate students who were presented with three types of situations that produce gratitude: Receiving help, receiving gifts, or imposing on others. We asked participants to rate three types of cognitive appraisals (receiving favor, cost to benefactor, naturalness of the situation), two types of emotional experiences of gratitude (contentment, apologetic emotion), and four types of interpersonal behavior. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that receiving benefit basically facilitated reciprocal behavior, prosocial behavior, and expression of thanks. Furthermore, the cost to the benefactor basically facilitated expression of apology. However, some effects of cognitive appraisal and emotional expression on behaviors differed among the types of situations. In particular, the results for imposing on others were different from the other situations. These results are discussed related to the different characteristics of the types of situations.
  • Fukuda, T, Higuchi, M, Kuranaga, H
    Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology. 2013年1月  査読有り
  • 蔵永瞳, 樋口匡貴
    広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部(教育人間科学関連領域) (61) 137-142 2012年12月  
    The purpose of this study was to classify the situations arousing gratitude. 425 undergraduate students were presented with 10 types of situations that give rise to feelings of gratitude. They recorded scales of the 3 groups of emotional experiences: contentment, apologetic emotion, and unpleasantness. Cluster analysis revealed that situations were clustered into 5 groups: (a) imposing on others: situations that one is indirectly-helped by others, (b) receiving help: situations in which one is helped when in trouble, (c) receiving gifts: situations in which one receive a gift when not in trouble, (d) good condition: situations in which one's surroundings are good for them, (e) knowing about other's distress: situations in which one knows other's bad condition. In addition, results of ANOVAs showed that the strength of emotional experiences differed by the type of situation.
  • 平川真, 深田博己, 樋口匡貴
    実験社会心理学研究 52(1) 15-24 2012年9月  査読有り
    本研究の目的は,Brown and Levinson(1987)のポライトネス理論に立脚し,要求表現の使い分けに及ぼす社会的距離,社会的地位,要求量の影響について検討することであった。本研究では,要求表現の丁寧度と間接度を区別し3要因の影響を検討するとともに,理論の重要な媒介変数であるフェイスに対する脅威度の認知を取り上げ,理論の検討を試みた。265名の大学生に対して場面想定法による実験を行った結果,3要因の認知が高まると丁寧な表現が使用されることが明らかとなったが,3要因の認知は使用される要求表現の間接度には影響を及ぼさないことが示された。また,その影響過程については,Brown and Levinson(1987)の見解とは異なり,社会的距離,社会的地位の認知に関しては直接影響を及ぼす過程も存在することが示された。本研究で得られた結果は,3要因が要求表現の使い分けに影響を及ぼすというBrown and Levinson(1987)の主張の根幹を支持するものであったが,影響を及ぼす次元やその影響過程については理論の妥当性に疑問を投げかけ,再考を促すものであった。<br>
  • 樋口匡貴, 蔵永瞳, 深田博己, 照屋佳乃
    感情心理学研究 19(3) 90-97 2012年5月  査読有り
    Many situations that give rise to embarrassment include some negative actions of the person who feels embarrassed. However, in some cases, there are embarrassing situations that do not include any negative actions of the person. For example, a man said "See you!", and 5 minutes later had to say "Hello!". This study aimed to clarify the mediating mechanism of embarrassment in the non-negative embarrassing situations. Data from 474 undergraduate students showed that the experiences of embarrassment in non-negative situations are mainly "basic embarrassment" (ex. hajirai in Japanese) and "awkwardness" (ex. batsu ga warui in Japanese). Moreover, structural equation modeling showed that, in general, the "disruption of interaction" strongly affected the experiences of embarrassment in nonnegative embarrassing situations. These results suggest that the mediating mechanisms of embarrassment depend on the types of situations.







