Curriculum Vitaes

Terumichi Yoshiaki

  (曄道 佳明)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University
(Concurrent)President of Sophia University

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

(Subject of research)
Pattern Formation Phenomena of Mechanical Vibration
Study on the Contact Force Fluctuation of Coupled Vibration Constructed by Wheel-Railway Track System
Dynamics and Control of Tethered System

(Proposed theme of joint or funded research)
Pattern Formation Phenomena of Mechanical Vibration


  • K. Kawaguti, Y. Terumichi, S. Takehara, S. Kaczmarczyk, K. Sogabe
    Journal of System Design and Dynamics, 1(3) 491-500, 2007  Peer-reviewed
    In this study, the modeling and formulation for tether motion with time-varying length, large rotation, large displacement and large deformation are proposed. A tether or cable is an important element in lift systems, construction machines for transportation and often is used with a time-varying length. In some cases, these systems are large and the tether has a long length, large deformation and large displacement. The dynamic behavior of a tether in extension and retraction using the proposed method is discussed in this paper. In the passage through resonance, significant tether motions with large rotation and large deformation result. In the analysis of this phenomenon, the transient fluctuations of the motion amplitudes are examined and compared with the corresponding steady state motions. The accuracy and the cost of the calculations are also verified by comparison with the experimental results.
  • TAKEHARA Shoichiro, NOHMI Masahiro, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    Journal of Environment and Engineering, 2(1) 64-75, 2007  
    In this paper, experiments on the motion of a tethered system with large deformation and large displacement are discussed. A tethered subsatellite in space environment is a well-known example of this system. However, even fundamental experiments on the motion of the tethered system have not been conducted. Also, from the viewpoint of flexible multibody dynamics, it is expected that simple experiments for the motion of a very flexible body should be completed first in order to verify the validity of the proposed approach. In this study, the tethered system consists of a very flexible body and a rigid body. First, we conducted an experiment on the fundamental motion of a very flexible body with an attached mass in gravity space. We selected steel and rubber as tether materials. In the experimental results, the characteristics of the complex motion of a very flexible body were obtained. Second, an experiment in microgravity space was done. The coupled motion between the very flexible body and rigid body was investigated. It was verified that the motion of the system with large deformation is excited in microgravity space, and there is the coupling motion between the deflection of the very flexible body and the rotation of the rigid body.
  • TAKEHARA Shoichiro, NOHMI Masahiro, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 71(703) 821-828, Mar, 2005  
  • Y Takahashi, M Kataoka, M Uekusa, Y. Terumichi
    MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS, 13(2) 195-209, Mar, 2005  
    Barrel polishing is carried out with a mixture of workpieces and grinding materials that are filled into a rotary barrel. However, workpieces and grinding materials may separate depending on proccessing conditions. The processing conditions of a planetary barrel, which simultaneously rotates around a horizontal axis and revolves around a vertical axis, include many unknown factors as well as the occurrence of segregation. The motions of workpieces and grinding materials in this barrel are basically the same as those of particles undergoing planetary rotation in a cylindrical barrel. In order to calculate the behavior of a large number of particles, a numerical method that can be applied many discrete body is necessary. We have already examined the behavior of two kinds of particles and the characteristics of segregation in planetary rotation using the discrete element method (DEM). However, there are cases in which multiple grinding materials are used in barrel polishing. Therefore, in this report, three kinds of particles of different materials and sizes are filled into a planetary barrel, and the behavior of these particles was examined through experiments and DEM simulations. As a result, the segregation was found to occur even when three kinds of particles were filled into the rotary barrel. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the distribution of each of the three particles based on the segregation diagram could be obtained.
  • Shoichiro Taketiara, Yoshiaki Terumichi, Masahiro Nohmi, Kiyoshi Sogabe, Yoshihiro Suda
    Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference - DETC2005, 6 1295-1302, 2005  
    In this paper, we discuss the motion of a tethered system. In general, a tether is a cable or wire rope, and a tethered system consists of a tether and attached equipment. A tethered subsatellite in space is an example of this system. We consider the tethered system consisting of a very flexible body (the tether) and rigid bodies at one end as our analytical model. A flexible body in planer motion is described using the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation. Using this method, the motion of a flexible body with large deformation, rotation and translation can be expressed with the accuracy of rigid body motion. The combination of flexible body motion and rigid body motion is performed and the interaction between them is discussed. We also performed experiments to investigate the fundamental motion of the tethered system and to evaluate the validity of the numerical formulation. The first experiments were conducted using a steel tether and rubber tether in gravity space. We also conducted experiment of the motion of the tethered system with a rigid body in microgravity space. The numerical solutions using the proposed methods for the modeling and formulation for the tethered system are in good agreement with the experimental results. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.
  • Kato, I, Y. Terumichi, M Adachi, K Sogabe
    For high speed railway vehicles, we consider a vibration of flexible track/wheel system. It is very important to deal with the complex phenomena of high-speed vehicles that can be occurred in the vertical vibration of the system. From a viewpoint of multibody dynamics, this kind of problem needs accurate analysis because the system includes mutual dynamic behaviors of rigid body and flexible body. The simulation technique for the complex problems is also discussed. We consider the high-speed translation, rail elasticity, elastic supports under the rail and contact rigidity. Eigen value analysis is also completed to verify the mechanism of the coupled vertical vibration of the system.
  • Y Kawamoto, M Kataoka, M Uekusa, Y. Terumichi
    MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS, 12(3) 187-207, Oct, 2004  
    Barrel polishing is an extremely efficient processing method for the surface smoothing treatment of a large number of workpieces. However, workpieces and grinding materials may separate depending on processing conditions. Since barrel polishing is carried out while mixing workpieces and grinding materials, the occurrence of segregation should be avoided. The processing conditions inside a planetary barrel which simultaneously rotates around the horizontal axis and revolves around the vertical axis include many unknown factors as well as the occurrence of segregation. The motions of workpieces and grinding materials in this barrel are basically the same as those of particles undergoing planetary rotation in a cylindrical barrel. However, in order to calculate the behavior of a large number of particles, a numerical method that can be applied to a discrete body is necessary. Therefore, in this study, two kinds of particles of different materials and sizes were filled into a planetary barrel, and the behavior of those particles was examined through experiments and simulations using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). As a result, it was demonstrated that certain combinations of length and inside diameter of the rotary barrel could prevent the segregation.
  • TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, HIRATA Akira, KATAOKA Masumi, TAKAHASHI Yoshihiro, UEKUSA Masahiko, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 70(697) 54-61, Sep, 2004  
  • TAKEHARA Shoichiro, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, NOHMI Masahiro, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 70(689) 105-112, Jan, 2004  
  • TAKAHASHI Yoshihiro, KATAOKA Masumi, UEKUSA Masahiko, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 69(686) 278-285, Oct, 2003  
  • TAKEHARA Shoichiro, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, NOHMI Masahiro, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 69(678) 53-59, Feb, 2003  
  • Masahiro Nohmi, Shoichiro Takehara, Yoshiaki Terumichi, Kiyoshi Sogabe
    Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2269-2276, 2003  
    Tethered satellite systems (TSS offer various attractive potential applications in space, and therefore, they have been an object of study for over two decades. It is difficult to expect its motion under an existing numerical model of a string, which confirmed by experiment on the ground. Hence, we performed the experiment for analyzing motion and vibration of a tether under microgravity, in order to construct a simulation model of a space tether. Several kinds of experiment for a tether were done using the drop shaft, which can provide microgravity environment during about 4 seconds. Tether motion was measured by tracking white markers at constant intervals on the tether. Pictures taken by two CCD cameras make it possible to obtain a position in 3D space by image processing software. Basic motion of a constant length tether was examined. Also, retrieval of a tether having a rigid body at its end was performed.
  • Shoichiro Takehara, Yoshiaki Terumichi, Masahiro Nohmi, Kiyoshi Sogabe
    Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 5 163-169, 2003  
    In this paper, we discuss about the motion of a system consisting of a very flexible body and rigid bodies at its end under attitude control to the end body. A tethered subsatellite in space is known as an example of this system. We consider two mathematical models for flexible body. First, the flexible body motion in a plane is described by using Finite Element Method formulation. Second, the flexible body in planer motion is described by using Absolute Nodal Coordinate formulation. In this method, it is easy to describe the motion of the flexible body with large deformation, rotation and translation displacement. We can consider interaction between the deflection of the flexible body and the motion of the rigid bodies in these methods. Furthermore we attempt to control the attitude of the end body using a reaction wheel. The flexible body motion is influenced on the motion of the rigid bodies under attitude control of end body. The control technique consists of an attitude control by the reaction wheel and a control by the reaction wheel with the joint torque control to cancel accumulation of angular momentum. First, eigenvalue analysis is carried out where control gain changes. Second, the motion under controlled system is discussed under free vibration. We compared these results. Furthermore we treat large deformation problem. The end of flexible body moves horizontally. As a result, we confirm the interaction between flexible body and rigid body under the attitude control.
  • KIMIJIMA Nobuhiko, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, SUDA Yoshihiro, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, 2003 217-218, 2003  
    In this study, we attempt to propose the modeling and the formulation for the motion of wheel on the flexible rail with contact rigidity, slip, and wear. The formulation for the rail motion is completed by A.N.C formulation. The coupled motion between the wheel and rail is expressed, using the contact force and the rail deformation. We discuss about the effect of slip, contact rigidity and flexibility of the rail for developing corrugation.
  • TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, SUDA Yoshihiro, IKUTA Satoshi, OHNO Shinichi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 68(673) 2570-2576, Sep, 2002  
    It is known that vertical inertia force of a moving mass has a great effect on track vibration. A flexible beam which is considered as track may has large rotation and deformation during the moving load passage. In order to analyze the motion of the flexible beam with large deformation and rotation, the absolute nodal coordinate formulation was proposed. In this paper, this method is applied to examine the motion and vibration of the moving mass spring system on the flexible beam. First, in order to obtain the fundamental knowledge for the dynamic behavior of this system, eigen values and free vibration are investigated, comparing with the results applied the other method. Moreover, the experimental plant for this system is built. The features of the dynamic behavior of this system concerning with the acceleration, the phase difference between the beam and the mass and so on, are pointed out both numerically and experimentally. It is also shown that the presenting modeling and formulation for this system are valid, confirming that the calculation results agree with the experimental ones qualitatively.
  • Y Suda, H Komine, T Iwasa, Y. Terumichi
    WEAR, 253(1-2) 162-171, Jul, 2002  
    This paper presents experimental study on corrugation phenomenon growing on the top surface of rail in a tight curve of track. One of the characteristics of the corrugation is to involve a slight slip, i.e. creepage, in rolling contact surfaces between rails and wheels. In order to examine the mechanism of corrugation, the authors reproduced the phenomenon in experiments. In particular they examined it with focusing on the value of steady creepage. From this investigation, the effect of steady creepage on corrugation development has been cleared. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Masahiro Nohmi, Yoshiaki Terumichi, Kiyoshi Sogabe
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC, 70 1017-1023, 2002  
    Applications of mechanical systems of a string with a rigid-bodies subsystem have various possibilities for the engineering in extreme environment conditions, for example, in space or in ocean. This rigid bodies subsystem can be used as a robot subsystem. This paper discusses about attitude control of the rigid bodies subsystem, especially around an equilibrium point of the whole system. The control technique is consists of attitude control with reaction wheels and angular momentum control with manipulation of the rigid bodies subsystem. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the control approach, numerical simulations have been done, under condition that the shape of the string is described by the finite-element formulation, selecting a linear interpolation Also, from the view point of natural frequency analysis of the controlled system, characteristics of the control approach have been examined.
  • KAWAMOTO Yoshihiro, UEKUSA Masahiko, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, KATAOKA Masumi
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, 2002 15-16, 2002  
    The elucidation of the segregation that arises in the barrel polishing is desired. This study concerns the planetary barrel that simultaneously rotates around the horizontal axis and revolves around vertical axis. Three kinds of particles of different material and sizes were filled into the barrel. Then, using experiments and Discrete Element Method (DEM), the behavior of these particles was investigated. And the characteristics of segregation were also examined by the distribution rates of each of these particles. As the result, it was demonstrated that the particles segregate when three kinds of that were filed even into the rotary barrel.
  • NOHMI Masahiro, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 67(664) 132-138, Dec, 2001  
  • KAWAMOTO Yoshihiro, KATAOKA Masumi, UEKUSA Masahiko, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 67(664) 293-300, Dec, 2001  
  • Masahiro Nohmi, Yoshiaki Terumichi, Kiyoshi Sogabe
    ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings, 2 1969-1975, 2001  
    Applications of mechanical systems of a string with a rigid bodies subsystem have various possibilities for the engineering in extreme environment conditions, for example, in space or in ocean. This rigid bodies subsystem can be used as a robot subsystem. This paper discusses about attitude control of the rigid bodies subsystem, especially around an equilibrium point of the whole system. The control technique is consists of attitude control with reaction wheels and angular momentum control with manipulation of the rigid bodies subsystem. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the control approach, numerical simulations have been done, under condition that the shape of the string is described by the finite-element formulation, selecting a linear interpolation Also, from the view point of natural frequency analysis of the controlled system, characteristics of the control approach have been examined.
  • Yoshiaki Terumichi, Yoshihiro Suda, Kiyoshi Sogabe
    Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 6 265-272, 2001  
    In this paper, we discuss the dynamics of a rolling wheel with contact rigidity and slip. We propose the approach, using the distance between the center of the wheel and the contact point as an index to the elastic contact for this problem. We discussed about the generation and disappearance condition of slip with dynamic load and initial vertical displacement, using some results for simple cases. It is shown that contact rigidity influences on the time when slip generates or disappears and duration time of slip. It is also clarified that when the friction force reaches the tangent force after slip, slip does not always stop.
  • HARADA Hironori, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, NOHMI Masahiro, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, 1 181-182, 2001  
    This paper discusses the effect of attitude control of string-rigid bodies system. The system is formulated by using finite element method for a string. We attempt to control the attitude of the end body using the reaction wheel, hi order to cancel angular momentum accumulation of reaction wheel, the torque control at the joint of rigid bodies is used. We discuss natural frequency of the system under control and examine the effect of the attitude control under excitation.
  • Yoshihiro Suda, Takashi Iwasa, Hisanao Komine, Yoshiaki Terumichi
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 67(659) 2272-2277, 2001  
    This paper presents experimental study on corrugation phenomenon growing on top surface of rail in tight curve of track. One of the characteristics of the corrugation is to involve a slight slip, i. e., creepage, in rolling contact surfaces between the rail and the wheel. In order to examine the mechanism of corrugation, the authors reproduced the phenomenon in experiments using two disks setup with focusing on the value of steady state slip. From this investigation, the effects of steady state slip on corrugation development have been cleared. © 2001, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshihiro Kawamoto, Masahiko Uekusa, Yoshiaki Terumichi, Masumi Kataoka
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 67(661) 2981-2988, 2001  
    The elucidation of the cause of the segregation which arises in barrel finishing is desired. This study concerns the behavior of two groups of objects in a rotary barrel, which modeled this phenomenon. Segregation in a two-dimensional system consisting of two groups of objects of differing mass and size was examined by experiment and simulation using DEM (Discrete Element Method). The results of experiment and simulation by DEM showed good coincidence, and it was proven that the induction of the segregation was governed by the combination of the mass ratio and outer diameter ratio of the two kinds of objects. The rotary barrel with eccentricity was also examined. © 2001, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
  • Kondo Junji, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, SUDA Yoshihiro, SOGABE Kiyoshi
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, 2000 279-280, 2000  
    The system under consideration in this report is composed of a wheel and a flexible rail fixed at the both ends. Modeling and formulation for such a system are discussed, considering about the following assumptions; The motion of the wheel is constrained in x-y plane. Slip of a wheel is ignored. On the other hand, the rotation of the wheel, the linear contact stiffness between the wheel and the rail, and the large rotation and deformation of the rail are considered. The expression of contact constraints is proposed, using that the distance between the contact points and the gravity center of the wheel is function of the time. The calculation results agreed with experimental ones approximately.
  • KAWAMOTO Yoshihiro, UEKUSA Masahiko, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, KATAOKA Masumi
    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting, 2000 67-68, 2000  
    The interesting phenomenon is the segregation in the behavior of objects in the rotation barrel. The segregation may be shown, when rotation barrel that filled 2 kinds of objects of different material of size is rotated. Then, it is uncertain for whether it shows this segregation, when the barrel in which rotating center is eccentric is also filled with objects. This study examines and compares the behavior of the 2 kinds of filled objects which are different material or size in the rotation barrel with the eccentricity from experiment and simulation by DEM (Discrete Element Method). As the result, the segregation was shown when it was also eccentric. However, it became difficult to segregate with the increase of the eccentricity.
  • Yoshihiro Suda, Mikio Okumura, Hisanao Komine, Takashi Iwasa, Beili Qian, Yoshiaki Terumichi
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 66(642) 615-620, 2000  
    This paper proposes a new method for detecting rail corrugation using wavelet analysis of acceleration of axle box. Here a track inspector is used to record the data of vertical acceleration value of the axle box. According to the wavelet analysis of the vertical acceleration data, the exact position and frequency range of corrugation can be detected. Modeling is also discussed to find out the relationship between amplitude of acceleration value and height of corrugation. The detecting results were compared to the actual measurement of corrugation profiles to prove the validity of the proposed detecting method as well. © 2000, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshihiro Suda, Mikio Okumura, Hisanao Komine, Takashi Iwasa, Beili Qian, Yoshiaki Terumichi
    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 66(642) 615-620, 2000  
    This paper proposes a new method for detecting rail corrugation using wavelet analysis of acceleration of axle box. Here a track inspector is used to record the data of vertical acceleration value of the axle box. According to the wavelet analysis of the vertical acceleration data, the exact position and frequency range of corrugation can be detected. Modeling is also discussed to find out the relationship between amplitude of acceleration value and height of corrugation. The detecting results were compared to the actual measurement of corrugation profiles to prove the validity of the proposed detecting method as well. © 2000, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
  • Horie Akihide, Ikuta Satoshi, Terumichi Yoshiaki, Suda Yoshihiro, Ohno Shinichi
    Monthly journal of the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 50(9) 311-314, Sep, 1998  
  • TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, OHNO Shinichi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 64(618) 408-413, Feb, 1998  
    It is known that self-excited vibration in cylindrical grinding occurs if the work speed is high. In this paper, the effect of the work speed on the occurrence of self-excited vibration is investigated analytically and numerically. In analytical study, Nyquist's stability criterion is used. The results are as follows: If the work speed is low, self-excited vibration does not occur. On the other hand, if the work speed is high, self-excited vibration always occurs. It is also shown numerically that the phase of the work displacement is delayed in phase by ;π/2 to that of previous grinding. The theoretical result about the critical speed of the work is in good agreement with the experimental one.
  • Y. Terumichi, M Ohtsuka, M Yoshizawa, Y Fukawa, Y Tsujioka
    NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 12(1) 39-55, Jan, 1997  
    The purpose of this paper is to study the nonstationary vibration of a string with time-varying length and a mass-spring system attached at the lower end. The string is hung vertically and excited sinusoidally by a horizontal displacement at its upper end. The mass is supported by a guide spring horizontally and has two-degrees-of-freedom, vertical and horizontal. It is shown analytically that axial velocity of the string influences the peak amplitude of the string vibration at the passage through resonances. Moreover, it is shown numerically that the amplitudes of both the string and the mass vibrations depend on the sign of the axial velocity, when the natural frequency of the mass-spring system is close to the frequency of the excitation. The above two theoretical results are confirmed experimentally with a simple experimental setup.
  • RYU Yunseon, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, SUDA Yoshihiro, OHNO Shinichi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 62(604) 4428-4432, Dec, 1996  
  • RYU Yunseon, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, SUDA Yoshihiro, OHNO Shinichi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 62(603) 4147-4152, Nov, 1996  
    JSME Spring Annual Meeting, (96-1) 145, 1996  
  • Terumichi Yoshiaki, Yoshizawa Masatsugu, Fukawa Youji, Tsujioka Yasushi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 60(573) 1487-1494, May, 1994  
    The purpose of this paper is to study the longitudinal vibration of the hoist rope which is coupled with the vertical vibration of the moving elevator cab in a high-rise building. The analytical model is composed of the hoist rope, the compensating rope with time-varying length and the cab attached at the lower end of the hoist rope. Moreover, the nonplanar motions of the ropes and the cab are considered. As the main result, the following matters regarding the mechanism of the vertical vibration of the cab were clarified. The frequencies of the longitudinal vibration of the hoist rope and the vertical vibration of the cab are the same as that of the vertical vibration of the end of the hoist rope which is caused by the lateral vibration of the hoist rope. The expansion of the hoist rope is larger than that of the spring between the lower end of the hoist rope and the cab when the hoist rope is long.
  • Yoshizawa Masatsugu, Terumichi Yoshiaki, Yasukawa Yoshimasa, Nohmi Masahiro
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 59(560) 969-975, Apr, 1993  
  • Terumichi Yoshiaki, Yoshizawa Masatsugu, Fukawa Youji, Tsujioka Yasushi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 59(559) 686-693, Mar, 1993  
    In this paper, it is examined the lateral oscillation of the moving elevator rope and cab, using the method of characteristics. We consider forced oscillation of the system composed of a rope with time-varying length and a mass-spring system at a lower end. When the upper end of the rope is excited sinusoidally, the elevator in a high-rise building passses through plural resonance points. First, we show that the rate of the cab's guide spring influences the resonance amplitude. When the natural frequency of the lateral oscillation of a cab is equal to the frequency of excitation, the amplitude of the cab has a maximum value. Next, it is examined whether the sign of the moving velocity influences the amplitude of the lateral oscillation of the cab at a resonance point. Furthermore, it is examined its oscillation mode jumps many times in the going up or down process, because the natural frequency changes in a wide range. These are closely related to the transition of the natural frequency of the system.
  • TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, YOSHIZAWA Masatsugu, OKAZAKI Ichiro, TSUJIOKA Yasushi
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C, 58(545) 17-24, Jan, 1992  


  • KAWAI Fumito, TAKEHARA Shoichiro, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki
    2016(22) "OS1303-1"-"OS1303-2", Mar 10, 2016  
    In recent years, some systems which contain a floating body, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) connected with a tether, are used for transportation. However, the coupling motion of the system is not easily predicted with high accuracy and may induce instability of the floating body. Therefore, to control the system, comprehension of the motion of the whole system is of great importance to control the system. In this investigation, modeling and formulation of the tethered system which contains a floating body is presented using Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation (ANCF) and the result of the numerical simulation of the motion is discussed.
  • KABUTOMORI Masashi, MURAI Toshiaki, YOSHIOKA Hiroshi, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki
    Jointed railway technology symposium, 2015(22) "2607-1"-"2607-4", Dec 8, 2015  
    This paper proposes a method to simulate the primary bending vibration in a test stand consisting of one-third segment car body and a full-scale bogie of magnetically levitated (maglev) vehicles. The purpose of this system is to evaluate an effect of flexural vibration to the ride comfort on maglev vehicles. The system utilizes hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS). The HILS system calculates internal forces acting from remaining two-thirds segment car body which is missing in reality, and applies constraint forces equivalent to the internal forces to the one-third segment using electric actuators.
  • HAMAJIMA Toyokazu, NISHIMURA Kazuhiko, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH, 2015 "1D23-1"-"1D23-12", Nov 9, 2015  
    Behavior analysis of a coupled train under crash condition has several difficulties, because a coupled train has structural, mechanical and kinetic aspects. Many kinds of behavior can be observed when longitudinal heavy force is applied to a train set. Such as; vertical train buckling, car body deformation, coupler collapse and overriding. The objective of this study is to clarify the processes and the mechanisms of a train set behavior under these conditions, including impact force. In this study, in order to analyze the train set motion, we developed a numerical simulation model which can simulate dynamic behaviors including structural deformation, mechanical behavior and kinetic motion on a straight track. The numerical simulation model consists of both the structural models which are formulated by FEM (finite element method) and the kinematic models which are based on the MBD (multi body dynamics) theory. In this model, the FEM model was validated by comparison with the results of the collision test using the full scale test car. Simulations with large kinetic displacement and structural deformation under two types of load conditions were conducted by means of this model. One being a low speed heavy load condition, such as a relief operation, and the other a high speed light load condition, such as a collision with a relatively light weight foreign obstacle at very high speed. Large deformation processes and mechanisms data of a train set under wide load conditions ranging from low speed against a heavy obstacle to high speed against a light obstacle obtained from the simulations and experiment are comprehensively clarified.
  • NISHITANI Koichi, TERUMICHI Yoshiaki, MORI Hirotaka, SATO Yasuhiro, TAKAHASHI Katsuyuki, OKA Yasushi
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH, 2015 "2A12-1"-"2A12-11", Nov 9, 2015  
    A restraint on the wear of train wheels and rails of a railway is required to improve running safety and reduce maintenance cost. Wear is one of the problems that need to be settled in managing railway property. In order to deal with this problem, it is fundamental that we understand the mechanism of wear between rail and wheel. For this purpose, in this study an experimental approach to wear development using test stand that has controlled environment with respect to contact parameters and factors influential in causing wear is taken. In the experiments conducted, a 1/5 scaled rolling stock test stand consisting of a wheel set and two rail rollers is used. A comparison was made of the worn wheel surfaces and the creep force under various contact interface conditions such as coefficient of friction and radius of curvature. The contact interface conditions included a dry surface condition and a friction modifier-applied condition, in which low coefficient friction and high positive friction were used as friction modifiers. By studying photographs of worn wheel surfaces and the creep forces under various conditions, the mechanism of wear development at the rail/wheel contact point is examined. In particular, we clarify the influence of the creep force on the wear coefficient and the status of the worn wheel surfaces.
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH, 2015 "1D25-1"-"1D25-7", Nov 9, 2015  
    One method to evaluate the running stability of railway vehicles is a running test on roller rigs. In this study, we carried out running tests in order to investigate the differences in the dynamic behavior of half-body and full-body vehicle models on roller rigs in frequency response tests with vertical and rolling forced excitations. By means of a vehicle dynamics analysis by computer simulation, we evaluated the influence of the center of gravity of the body on the dynamic behavior of the vehicle. As a result, it was verified that, for both vertical and rolling forced excitations, when the gravity position of body is equal to the center of body, the dynamic behavior of the full-body vehicle model is nearly the same as that of the half vehicle model in the each excited direction. Otherwise, the dynamic behavior of the full-body vehicle model is different to that of the half vehicle model, because of a pitching movement of the body in the case of vertical forced excitations and a rolling and yawing movement of the load frame in the case of rolling forced excitations.

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