
石井 由香理

イシイ ユカリ  (Ishii Yukari)


上智大学 総合人間科学部 社会学科 准教授
南オーストラリア大学 客員研究員





  • Yuki Tsubasa, Yukari Ishii
    Social Theory and Dynamics 4 105-116 2023年3月  査読有り招待有り
  • 堀田裕子, 池口佳子, 石井由香理, 渡邉照美
    質的心理学フォーラム 14 5-12 2022年10月  
  • Eric L. Hsu, Anthony Elliott, Yukari Ishii, Atsushi Sawai, Masataka Katagiri
    Technology in Society 63 101366-101366 2020年11月  査読有り
  • 宮田りりぃ, 石井由香理
    社会学評論 71(2) 266-280 2020年9月  招待有り
  • Yukari Ishii
    International Journal of Japanese Sociology 27(1) 70-84 2018年3月1日  査読有り
    Nowadays, the power of gender and sexuality works not only to reinforce and reconstruct the essentialized norms but also, in direct opposition, to deconstruct these norms. The new disciplinary power and its discourse encourages people to have diverse and fluid self/body images. This article aims to discuss the new characteristics of gender and sexual self-image, body, discourse, and social images in postmodern society through a comparison with Foucault's arguments. This article also briefly mentions how these phenomena have spread through society and questions whether recent social movements really go beyond the style of the former one, which is based on sharing the same identity.
  • Yukari Ishii
    Journal of GLBT Family Studies 14(3) 213-237 2018年  査読有り
  • 石井由香理
    人文学報 513(1) 11-34 2017年3月  
  • 石井由香理
    首都大学東京【博士論文】 2015年2月  査読有り
  • 石井由香理, 中川薫
    保健医療社会学論集 24(1) 11-20 2013年7月31日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 石井 由香理
    ソシオロジ 58(1) 89-105,181 2013年  査読有り筆頭著者
    This paper examines the change in images of transgendered and on-transgendered people and their relationship to a Japanese transgender drama group by analyzing six scripts written between 2000 and 2011. In the early dramas, transgender characters whose gender identity was depicted to be clearly the opposite of their assigned identity were in the foreground. However, later on, people whose identities were unique, reflective and not ready-made social identities with essential qualities began attracting attention. This transformation of the transgender characters in the dramas also reflects changes in the relationship between transgendered and non-transgendered people. The early dramas emphasized that it is necessary for non-transgendered people to be considerate toward transgendered people. Therefore a non-transgendered person was under the impression that had to accept and understand transgendered people. However, transgendered people seemed to show consideration for other transgendered and non-transgendered people over time. And, non-transgendered people were depicted as having emotional scars or some stigma, and should receive consideration in later dramas. This gradually led to the concept of gender identity disorder becoming less important, and transgendered people were required to always be considerate toward all individuals.
  • 石井 由香理
    社会学評論 63(1) 106-123 2012年  査読有り筆頭著者
    本稿では, 性別に違和感を覚えた経験をもつ3人のインタビュー対象者の語りから, かれらの自己像について, 共通する特徴を考察した. 現在, カテゴリーとの差異のなかに自己像を見出している3人の語りに共通するのは, マスメディアなどを通じて性的越境者についての情報を得, かつ, 一度はそれらに積極的に同一化しようとしている点である. しかしその後, 当事者団体や, それらの人々と接触していくうちに, かれらはカテゴリーに同一化するのではなく, 個人のなかに独自のものとしてイメージされる, アクチュアル・アイデンティティを自己像として肯定的に認めてゆく. カテゴリーに伴うイメージやストーリーを学習し, それを意識しつつも, 今度は, それに対する差異によって自らを表象するようになるのである. また, こうした対象者たちのありようは, かれらの身体をも巻き込んだものである. どのような治療や施術をどこまで受けるのかということは, より選択的なこととしてとらえられるようになる. くわえて, セクシュアル・マイノリティ相互の出会いは集合的なアイデンティティの共有を促すばかりでなく, 自己像を個人ごとに独自なもの, 唯一のものとして認知させるような作用を個々人にもたらしていると考えられる. また, かれらの自己像は, 不変的なものではなく, 新たな欲望が生じる可能性, 状況が変化する可能性に開かれている.
  • 石井 由香理
    女性学 : 日本女性学会学会誌 19 56-72 2011年  査読有り
  • 石井由香理
    Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU 5 3-22 2010年3月31日  査読有り筆頭著者
    This paper considers the transitions in the "Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatmentof GID" , which was created by the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology. By analyzing the text of the guidelines, we observe that the current concept of gender has become less influential in representing a consistent identity model for society today.This is reflected in the following distinctions in the transitions of the guidelines in which there are five issues to be emphasized: First, gender identity is defined as being of multiple forms. Second, the approach to medical treatment is determined not only by an individual' s gender identity but also by his/ her life, world and value system. These factors explain the need for more diversity in medical treatment. Third, it is supposed that gender identity has coherence. Fourth, since diversity of gender is more emphasized, a patient's decision concerning treatment is more highly regarded than ever. And lastly, due to the extended scope of decision-making, the range of patients' self-responsibility for the risk is extended accordingly. It is evident from these guidelines that the concept of gender that has hitherto disciplined people has become weaker.However, this does not necessarily mean that society has become an ideal world.There are still various problems concerning the issue of transgenderism that must beconsidered.














  • The Economist Group Japan says transgender people must be sterilised 2019年3月14日 新聞・雑誌

