総合人間科学部 心理学科

Saito Atsuko

  (齋藤 慈子)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences Department of Psychology, Sophia University

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Committee Memberships



  • Madoka Hattori, Kodzue Kinoshita, Atsuko Saito, Shinya Yamamoto
    Scientific Reports, 14(1), Apr 18, 2024  Peer-reviewed
    Abstract Although oxytocin (OT) plays a role in bonding between heterospecifics and conspecifics, the effects of OT on the formation of such interspecific social behavior have only been investigated between humans and dogs (Canis familiaris). In this study, for comparative evaluation of the effects of OT between dog–human and cat–human social interaction, we investigated the effects of exogenous OT on the behavior of domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) toward humans. We intranasally administered OT or saline to 30 cats using a nebulizer and recorded their behavior (gaze, touch, vocalization, and proximity). The results showed an interaction between the administration condition and sex for gaze duration. Post hoc analyses revealed a significant increase in gaze in the OT condition in male cats but not in females. There were no significant differences in gaze toward owners and strangers in any condition or sex. The male-specific OT-mediated increase in gaze toward humans observed in this study differs from previous research on dogs wherein such effects were observed only in females. These findings suggest an overall effect of exogenous OT on cats’ social relationship with humans as well as the possibility of different mechanisms between cat–human and dog–human relationships.
  • Kosuke Asada, Hironori Akechi, Yukiko Kikuchi, Yoshikuni Tojo, Koichiro Hakarino, Atsuko Saito, Toshikazu Hasegawa, Shinichiro Kumagaya
    Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence, 1-9, Apr 5, 2024  Peer-reviewed
    The size and regulation of personal space are reportedly atypical in autistic individuals. As personal space regulates social interaction, its developmental change is essential for understanding the nature of social difficulties that autistic individuals face. Adolescence is an important developmental period in which social relationships become complex. We conducted a three-year longitudinal study of interpersonal distances in autistic and typically developing (TD) individuals aged 12-18 years at Time 1 and 15-21 years at Time 2. Their preferred interpersonal distances were measured when an experimenter approached the participants with and without eye contact. The interpersonal distances of autistic individuals were shorter than those of TD individuals at both Time 1 and Time 2. Furthermore, the interpersonal distances of autistic individuals at Time 1 and Time 2 were highly correlated, but no such correlation was found in TD individuals. The results suggest that the interpersonal distances of autistic individuals are stable and that the shorter preferred interpersonal distances in autistic individuals compared to those of TD individuals are maintained during adolescence.
  • 角田梨央, 岡田紗苗, 齋藤慈子
    上智大学心理学年報, 48 17-32, Mar, 2024  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • Saori Yano-Nashimoto, Anna Truzzi, Kazutaka Shinozuka, Ayako Y Murayama, Takuma Kurachi, Keiko Moriya-Ito, Hironobu Tokuno, Eri Miyazawa, Gianluca Esposito, Hideyuki Okano, Katsuki Nakamura, Atsuko Saito, Kumi O Kuroda
    Communications biology, 7(1) 212-212, Feb 20, 2024  Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
    Children's secure attachment with their primary caregivers is crucial for physical, cognitive, and emotional maturation. Yet, the causal links between specific parenting behaviors and infant attachment patterns are not fully understood. Here we report infant attachment in New World monkeys common marmosets, characterized by shared infant care among parents and older siblings and complex vocal communications. By integrating natural variations in parenting styles and subsecond-scale microanalyses of dyadic vocal and physical interactions, we demonstrate that marmoset infants signal their needs through context-dependent call use and selective approaches toward familiar caregivers. The infant attachment behaviors are tuned to each caregiver's parenting style; infants use negative calls when carried by rejecting caregivers and selectively avoid neglectful and rejecting caregivers. Family-deprived infants fail to develop such adaptive uses of attachment behaviors. With these similarities with humans, marmosets offer a promising model for investigating the biological mechanisms of attachment security.
    Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology, 74(1) 49-51, 2024  Peer-reviewedLead authorLast authorCorresponding author



Books and Other Publications





  • Apr, 2015 Others
    This article reviews parental behavior and its endocrinological mechanisms in marmosets and tamarins, both cooperative breeders in the callitrichid family, and compares these findings with studies of macaque monkeys. The paper examines the similarities and differences between marmosets and humans, and suggests the possibility that marmosets can be a model for future studies of the neural underpinnings and endocrinology underlying human parental behavior.
  • 野嵜茉莉, 中村沙樹, 齋藤慈子
    Sep, 2014 Others
    親の養育態度と子の社会性の発達との関連は多くの先行研究で示されており、親の養育態度を定量的に測定することは発達研究において非常に重要である。本研究では,Robinson et al. (1995) の養育スタイル尺度をもとに、日本語版養育態度質問紙を作成し、内的一貫性を検討、因子構造を明らかにした。また、親を対象にした質問紙により測定された、子の向社会性、問題行動との間に予測された有意な相関関係がみられ、構成概念妥当性も確認された。
  • May, 2014 Others
    平成23年度~平成25年度 科学研究費補助金(若手研究B)本研究は、乳幼児刺激の認知的影響を様々な角度から検討し、ストレスと養育行動の発現の関係や行動の背景にある認知的メカニズムを解明することを目的とした。フィールド実験では、乳幼児に注意を向けるのは、子どもや高齢者であることが追試されたが、乳児刺激に注意が引かれるかを検討した認知課題の結果や、尿中オキシトシン濃度と注意課題のパフォーマンスの関連、乳児刺激の注意機能への影響、嫌悪感情への影響などは、先行研究や予測とは必ずしも合致する結果が得られなかった。乳児刺激の認知的影響が普遍的、頑健ではない可能性が示されたといえるが、今後は参加者の年齢や子どもとの経験なども考慮したうえでの実験が必要である。
  • Mar, 2014 Others

Research Projects


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