1983-1986 Mechanical properties of optical glass fibers
1986-1991 Pulse-shape control of ultrafast optical pulses
1991-2002 Pulse propagation properties in excitonic resonant region
1991-present Nonlinear optics at exciton resonance in semiconductors
1994-present Generation and control of coherent phonons in semiconductors
1995-2001 Optical properties and nonlinear optics in polymers
1996-present Optical properties in organic-inorganic hybrid materials
2004-present Optical properties of photo-catalysis materials
2006-present Optical properties of semiconductor nanocolumns
2006-2010 Optical properties and nonlinear optics in a quantum-dot ensemble
2006-present Anderson localization of light and random lasing
2007-present Optical properties of nitride semiconductors
I study optical properties in semiconductors and organic materials by means of time-resolved and/or nonlinear spectroscopy with ultrafast optical pulses. Recently I mainly study optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures. For a carrier in education, I have been teaching lectures concerning optics and optical physics for more than ten years, such as “Electromagnetics II”, “Optical physics”, “Quantum optics”, and “Optical properties in solids”. Also I have been teaching a general educational lecture named “Physics in daily life” for more than ten years.
(Subject of research)
Ultrafast Optical Signal Processing
Excitonic Nonlinear Optics
Optical properties of inorganic-organic materials
Optical properties of Photocatalytic materials
Optical properties of semiconductor nanostructure
Light loclization and random lasing