西平 直
東京大学教育学部紀要 26 197-205 1987年2月10日
If we consider <moi> as substance, that is, as self-conclusively, self-contained and self-identifically without others, it is impossible to explain how <moi> enters into relation with others and how <moi> will be able to change. But if we do not regard <moi> as substance, how should we regard it? I propose to examine <moi> using H. Wallon's idea of <l'autre intime> (the other inside one's self) as focal point. The relation between <moi> and <l'autre intime> should enable us to understand the structure of the <moi>. This internal relationship between <moi> and <l'autre intime> means that <moi> is not independent but posseses a differantiations inside. So this paper proposes that <moi> is not substance but it is itself relation. If we can think of the being-structure of <moi> in this way, we should be able to understand how <moi> enters into relationship with others and we can understand <moi> as process. This paper takes a first step in explaining how an understanding of <moi> as relation resolves the two issues of relationship with others and change in the self.