
岡田 邦宏

オカダ クニヒロ  (Okada Kunihiro)


上智大学 理工学部物質生命理工学科 教授










  • Takashi Nakamura, Michiharu Wada, Kunihiro Okada, Ichiro Katayama, Shunsuke Ohtani, H.A. Schuessler
    Optics Communications 205(4-6) 329-336 2002年5月  
  • M Wada, Y Ishida, T Nakamura, N Oshima, Y Nakai, TM Kojima, Y Kanai, H Ohyama, T Kambara, Y Yamazaki, A Yoshida, T Kubo, Y Matsuo, Y Fukuyama, K Okada, K Noda, S Ohtani, H Kawakami, Katayama, I
    NON-NEUTRAL PLASMA PHYSICS IV 606 625-633 2002年  査読有り
    Although the projectile fragment separator (RIPS) at the RIKEN accelerator facility (RARF) provides wide variety of energetic radioactive beams, it is not adequate for low energy beam experiments such as precision spectroscopy of trapped ions, Aiming for an efficient deceleration and cooling of energetic radioactive ions, the development of an rf ion guide system which comprises a large He gas cell and an rf funnel structure in the cell is under progress. A proof of the principle (pop) machine has been successfully tested on-line for collection of 70-MeV/u Li-8 ions. A compact gas cell of 70 cm in length and 10 cm in diameter with a He gas pressure of 30 Torr was placed after a variable wedge shaped energy degrader. The ions were stopped in the gas and were transported a superposition of dc and rf electric field toward a small exit hole, The overall efficiency was 10(-4) which can be separated into a gas stopping efficiency of 0.43 % and an ion-guide efficiency of 2.4 %. The former is limited by the volume of the cell and the pressure of the He gas. The latter is due to the present rf voltage limitation of 40 V. Both efficiency could be increased up to 10 % range by larger cell, higher pressure. and higher rf voltage, which would yield an expected overall efficiency of 1 %.
  • OKADA KUNIHIRO, M. Wada, L. Boesten, T. Nakamura, I. Katayama, S. Ohtani
    RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report (36) 115 2002年  
  • K Okada, M Wada, T Nakamura, Katayama, I, L Boesten, S Ohtani
    A cryogenic linear ion trap was developed for the minimization of the loss of trapped Be+ ions. Buffer gas cooling as well as laser cooling for light element ions was tested in the cryogenic trap. The lifetime for the He-gas-cooled Be+ ions was longer than 15 min with a liquid-He-cooled trap, although they are known to be difficult to cool with a buffer gas in a conventional trap. A laser-cooled ion crystal was maintained for approximately 30 min without any ion loss.
  • T Nakamura, S Ohtani, M Wada, K Okada, Katayama, I, HA Schuessler
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 89(5) 2922-2931 2001年3月  
    Ion traps have been pivotal in opening new frontiers for the precision spectroscopy of stable ions. We report on the demonstration of an additional ion trap: the linear combined trap. This device is particularly well suited for trapping ions with unstable nuclei, due to its large range of stability parameters that facilitates external injection online to an accelerator. The motion of an ion in such a linear combined trap is investigated theoretically and experimentally. In the trap ions oscillate harmonically in the radial direction and move nearly harmonically between fixed boundaries along the longitudinal axis. The presence of a homogeneous magnetic field and the applied dc and rf electric fields, lead to a set of coupled Mathieu equations. Their approximate solutions exhibit motional frequencies, which are combinations of shifted macromotion frequencies and the cyclotron frequency. The dependence of these motional frequencies on the applied trapping fields was studied in detail. For the measurements we used small clouds of laser cooled Be-9(+) ions and crystallized Be-9(+) ions. The observed oscillation frequencies are compared to both the results of zeroth order analytical solutions and to numerical simulations in which the frequency spectrum was obtained from the ion orbits by using the fast fourier transform formalism. The various motional resonances were experimentally recorded by applying a weak dipole excitation field to one of the trap electrodes, and by simultaneously observing at resonance the changes in the fluorescence intensity. Depending on the detuning of the cooling laser the ions gain energy during the motional excitation process in such a way that they are shifted further in or out of optical resonance by the Doppler effect. This leads to either positive or negative ion motion signals at the various ion oscillation frequencies. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
  • L Boesten, K Okada
    MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 11(5) 576-583 2000年5月  
    A long series of simulations of hairpin-filament guns as used in electron spectrometers was performed for filament-anode distances from 2 to 10 mm and acceleration voltages from 10 to 100 V using Child's law approximation, space-charge effects and rotational symmetry. The role of the Wehnelt electrode is clarified. Two distinct operation modes, the laminar (with positive Wehnelt voltages) and scrambled (with negative Wehnelt voltages) modes, are described and, for each, typical equations for the dependence of the current on the filament-anode distance and anode voltages are given.
  • 和田 道治, 小島 隆夫, 金井 保之, 神原 正, 山崎 泰規, 岡田 伸一, 岡田 邦宏, 片山 一郎, 川上 宏金, 野田 耕司, 中村 貴志, 大谷 俊介, 中井 陽一
    日本物理学会講演概要集 55 47-47 2000年  
  • 中村 貴志, 和田 道治, 岡田 邦宏, 片山 一郎, 大谷 俊介, Shuessler H. A.
    日本物理学会講演概要集 55 118-118 2000年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, Boesten L., 和田 道治, 中村 貴志, 大谷 俊介, 片山 一郎
    日本物理学会講演概要集 55 131-131 2000年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, 和田 道治, 田中 仁市, 川上 宏金, 片山 一郎, 岡田 晋一, 中村 貴志, 飯田 竜一, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集 54 761-761 1999年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, 和田 道治, 田中 仁市, 川上 宏金, 片山 一郎, 岡田 晋一, 中村 貴志, 飯田 竜一, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集 54 290-290 1999年  
  • K Okada, M Wada, T Nakamura, R Iida, S Ohtani, J Tanaka, H Kawakami, Katayama, I
    JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 67(9) 3073-3081 1998年9月  
    Laser-microwave double-resonance spectroscopy of laser-cooled Be-9(+) ions in a linear Paul trap has been performed aiming at the development of both highly sensitive and precise methods to be applied to the unstable isotopes. By the alternative irradiation of laser and microwave radiation (pulsed-wave method), high accuracy of 4 x 10(-7) was obtained in the measurement of the ground-state magnetic-dipole hyperfine constant (A) of Be-9(+) ion in a weak magnetic field. By the continuous-wave method, high sensitive detection of the microwave resonance was demonstrated. These methods can be complementarily applied to the measurements of unknown hyperfine constants of the unstable isotopes for studying the hyperfine anomaly.
  • K Okada, Katayama, I, M Wada, T Nakamura, S Ohtani, G Marx, S Fujitaka, J Tanaka, H Kawakami
    HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS 115(1-4) 209-213 1998年  
    In order to investigate the nuclear magnetic moments and the magnetization distributions in the unstable nuclei of Be-7,Be-11, laser-microwave spectroscopy experiments using an ion-trap are under progress at IPNS, KEK-Tanashi. Status of the experiment for the first unstable isotope Be-7 is reported.
  • M Wada, K Okada, H Wang, K Enders, F Kurth, T Nakamura, S Fujitaka, J Tanaka, H Kawakami, S Ohtani, Katayama, I
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 626(1-2) 365C-373C 1997年11月  
    For an investigation concerning the nuclear magnetic moments and their distributions in the nuclei of Be-7,Be-11, an experimental project using laser-microwave double resonance spectroscopy for trapped ions is under progress at INS. Laser cooled ion crystals consisting of a few Be-9(+) ions were observed and the ground state hyperfine splitting of Be-9(+) was measured with a precision of 10(-5). Experiments on the unstable isotope Be-7 have been started.
  • S Fujitaka, M Wada, H Wang, J Tanaka, H Kawakami, Katayama, I, K Ogino, H Katsuragawa, T Nakamura, K Okada, S Ohtani
    A new type of linear ion trap system in combination with a sextupole ion beam guide (SPIG) has been developed for the accumulation of a continuous ion beam. An axial trapping potential is generated by three cylindrical electrodes mounted outside, but concentric to, the SPIG. The ions in a continuous beam are trapped in the potential well via collisions with He gas. This linear ion trap is called the ''SPIG-trap''. The properties of the SPIG-trap were tested off-fine with a discharge ion source in a gas cell. Up to 10(6) ions were trapped and extracted as a bunch with an efficiency of 10% for 10 ms of accumulation. The SPIG-trap system was then connected to a gas filled recoil mass separator (GARIS) and tested with an energetic primary beam from a cyclotron (O-16, 107 MeV). The overall efficiency of the SPIG-trap including ion losses in an energy degrader, which was placed in front of the He cell, was measured to be of the order of 10(-5) for 10 ms accumulation.
  • K Okada, T Nakamura, S Ohtani, M Wada, H Wang, S Fujitaka, J Tanaka, H Kawakami, Katayama, I
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA T73 67-69 1997年  査読有り
    We report the results of laser-microwave double resonance spectroscopy of laser cooled Be-9(+) ions trapped in a linear rf trap. The microwave transition frequency between the sublevels of the Be-9(+) ground state hyperfine structure in a weak magnetic field was measured with a precision of 5 x 10(-6). This experiment has been carried out as a first step of our project to study the hyperfine anomaly of unstable nuclear ions at INS.
    Proceedings of Proceedings of the International Symposium on Non-nucleonic degrees of freedom detected in nuclei : NNDF'96, Osaka, Japan, 2-15 September 96 321-324 1997年  
  • Okada, Kunihiro, Nakamura, T, Ohtani, S, Wada, M, Wang, H, Fujitaka, S, Tanaka, J, Kawakami, H, Katayama, I
    Physica scripta. [Topical issues.] 73(73) 67-69 1997年  
  • Kunihiro Okada, T. Nakamura, S. Ohtani, M. Wada, J. Tanaka, H. Kawakami, I. Katayama, D. Schnier, H.A. Schuessler, O. Becker, F. Arbes, G. Werth
    Applied Physics B 64(1) 91-95 1996年12月  
  • 岡田邦宏, 中村貴志, 大谷俊介, 和田道治, 王海鳴, 藤高伸一郎, 荻野邦洋, 田中仁市, 川上宏金, 片山一郎
    原子核研究 41(2) 77-82 1996年5月  
  • 岡田 邦宏, Kurth F., Enders K., Werth G., 中村 貴志, 大谷 俊介, 和田 道治, 王 海鳴, 藤高 伸一郎, 田中 仁市, 川上 宏金, 片山 一郎
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会 1996 498-498 1996年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, Kurth F., Enders K., Werth G., 中村 貴志, 大谷 俊介, 和田 道治, 王 海鳴, 藤高 伸一郎, 田中 仁市, 川上 宏金, 片山 一郎
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会 1996 49-49 1996年  
  • 王 海鳴, Kurth F., Enders K., Werth G., 和田 道治, 藤高 伸一郎, 田中 仁市, 川上 宏金, 片山 一郎, 岡田 邦宏, 中村 貴志, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会 1996 143-143 1996年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, 片山 一郎, Enders K., Werth G., 中村 貴志, 大谷 俊介, 和田 道治, 王 海鳴, 藤高 伸一郎, 荻野 邦洋, 田中 仁市, 川上 宏金
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 51 452-452 1996年  
  • M Wada, Katayama, I, H Kawakami, J Tanaka, S Fujitaka, Y Ogino, H Wang, K Okada, T Nakamura, S Ohtani
    HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS 103(1-4) 59-70 1996年  
    The hyperfine structure of atoms informs us various static characteristics of nuclei, particularly for electro-magnetic moments and their distributions. We have been developing an experimental method to perform laser-microwave double-resonance spectroscopy for the hyperfine structure of Be and Ca isotopes, including unstable nuclei. The purpose and the status of the experiments are described.
  • 岡田 邦宏, 片山 一郎, 中村 貴志, 大谷 俊介, 和田 道治, 田中 仁市, 川上 宏金, 藤高 伸一郎, 荻野 邦弘, 王 海鳴
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 50 33-33 1995年  
  • 中村 貴志, 岡田 邦宏, 大谷 俊介, 和田 道治, 片山 一郎, Schnier D., Schuessler H.
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 50 33-33 1995年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, 片山 一郎, 中村 貴志, 大谷 俊介, 和田 道治, 田中 仁市, 川上 宏金, 藤高 伸一郎, 荻野 邦宏, 王 海鳴
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 50 452-452 1995年  
  • 中村 貴志, 岡田 邦宏, 大谷 俊介, 和田 道治, 片山 一郎, Schnier D, Schuessler H
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 50 453-453 1995年  
  • 岡田邦宏
    原子核研究 39(1) 59-68 1994年8月  
  • 中村 貴志, 岡田 邦宏, Becker O, Arbes F, 和田 道治, Schuessler H, 片山 一郎, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会 1994 338-338 1994年  
  • 中村 貴志, 岡田 邦宏, Becker O, Arbes F, 和田 道治, Schuessler H, 片山 一郎, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会 1994 43-43 1994年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, 中村 貴志, 和田 道治, 片山 一郎, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 49 146-146 1994年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, 中村 貴志, 和田 道治, 片山 一朗, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 49 408-408 1994年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, 中村 貴志, 和田 道治, 片山 一郎, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 49 69-69 1994年  
    Multiply charged ions of Ta were produced by using laser ablation,and were stored in a radio-frequency ion trap. The charge states of the ions stored range from q = +1 to +6 for tantalum. The experimental apparatus for trapping and probing multiply charged ions is described, and results for the measurements on the charged-state spectra of trapped ions and storage time are presented.
  • 岡田 邦宏, 中村 貴志, 和田 道治, 片山 一郎, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 秋の分科会 1993 48-48 1993年  
  • 岡田 邦宏, 若尾 聡, 和田 道冶, 片山 一郎, 大谷 俊介
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会 48 60-60 1993年  
    HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS 81(1-4) 161-170 1993年  
    An on-line ion trap system is under construction at INS in order to study properties of the trapped unstable nuclei produced by a cyclotron beam. Among several subjects on the system, development of a direct trapping method for unstable nuclear ions from a recoil separator is taken to be of first priority. We have successfully developed a new ion cooling device for this purpose using an ion-guide followed by an RF multipole ion beam guide.










  • 2006年4月
  • 2003年4月 - 2005年3月