Curriculum Vitaes

Kawanishi Satoshi

  (川西 諭)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics, Sophia University

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Heretofore, I have been studying the cause of volatility in world economies and financial markets, devoting myself to theoretical works, and applying game theory to explain the cyclical dynamics of a given economy. Recently, I have been applying evolutionary game theory to bank competition models.
What I am currently interested in is behavioral finance. To the extent of my knowledge, it encompasses two academic arenas: discovering new phenomena that cannot be explained by traditional financial theory, and providing theoretical explanations based on psychological biases to such phenomena. I am interested in the latter theoretical work. Finding the fundamental causes of these psychological biases seems particularly interesting.

(Subject of research)
Theoretical and empirical study on the changes in the lending behavior by banks
Studies on investors' behavior in security markets: information activities, strategic behavior, and psychology.
Study on the effect of investors' information strategies on the security price dynamics.

Major Research Interests



  • 12 87-104, 2018  Peer-reviewedInvited
    In this paper, we introduce grit and mindset research, two streams of research in psychology, and discuss their implications for labor productivity improvement and their application to behavioral economics. In grit research, grit is defined as "perseverance and passion for long-term goals," while mindset research explores our two contrasting mindsets: the growth mindset and the fixed mindset. Both grit and mindset research indicate that abilities acquired by our efforts are much more important than we expected, and mindset is strongly associated with the process of acquiring new abilities. These fields of research suggest the low level of labor productivity in Japan might come from a cognitive bias toward a fixed mindset, which emphasizes innate talent rather than acquired abilities.
  • 川西 諭, 田村 輝之, 孫 明超
    行動経済学, 10 S29-S32, 2017  
  • Satoshi Kawanishi, Teruyuki Tamura, Shinichi Hirota
    Economics Today, 36(4) 巻頭1-3,1-30, Feb, 2016  Peer-reviewedInvited
  • Satoshi Kawanishi, Makiko Hashinaga
    FSA Institute Discussion Paper, DP2015(3), Jan, 2016  
    Journal of Financial Studies, 22(2) 27-64, Jun, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    This paper presents a new channel of foreign exchange interventions under which official announcements can improve the accuracy of private agents’ information and encourage risk-arbitrage thereby enhancing the informativeness of the exchange rate. Unlike the traditional signaling channel, this effect holds even when the central bank does not possess superior information to trad
  • 川西諭, 田村輝之, 功刀祐之
    行動経済学, 5 152-156, 2012  
    2011年と2012年の2月に行った個人投資家を対象とするインターネットアンケート調査から,個人投資家の投資スタイルによる投資行動とパフォーマンスの違いを多面的に分析した.その結果,(1) 明確な投資スタイルを持つ投資家は大きく2つのグループ(「長期パッシブ分散派」と「短期アクティブ集中派」)に分かれること,(2) 2つのグループを比較すると,長期パッシブ分散派の方が相対的に,投資家間で運用パフォーマンスの差が小さく,投資満足度,幸福感が高く,ストレスや不安が少なく,資産の形成に成功していることが確かめられた.
  • 川西 諭
    東日本大震災 復興への提言 : 持続可能な経済社会の構築, 162-182, Jun 30, 2011  
  • 2011 46-46, 2011  Invited
    In reaction to the serious shortage in electricity supply caused by the 3.11 earthquake in Tohoku, Japanese society have chosen not the increase in the price of electricity, but the rationing that force the users to decrease their use of electricity.A hypothesis based on behavioral economics is given to explain why people preferred the rationing to the price adjustment.
  • 川西 諭, 青木 研, 中川 雅之, 浅田 義久, 山崎 福寿
    行動経済学, 3 138-140, 2010  
  • 中川 雅之, 浅田 義久, 川西 諭, 山崎 福寿
    行動経済学, 1 53-57, 2008  
    自発的支払メカニズムを対象としたframed field experimentを実施し,同メカニズムの現実的なパフォーマンス評価を行う.同時に実際の公共財を対象とした繰り返しCVMを実施することで,現実的な公共財供給メカニズムの評価を行うこととする.その際,固定費用負担比率メカニズムという政治的過程と同様の構造を持つ,公共財供給メカニズムをベンチマークとして導入し,自発的支払メカニズムを評価する.
  • 佐野 一雄, 川西 諭
    行動経済学, 1 72-75, 2008  
  • 中川雅之, 浅田義久, 山崎福寿, 川西諭
    住宅土地経済, 70 10-18, 2008  Peer-reviewed
  • ASANO Kazumi, KAWANISHI Satoshi, ONO Tetsuo
    Economic review, 53(3) 236-246, Jul 15, 2002  
  • Satoshi Kawanishi
    Review of Economic Dynamics, 3(4) 801-830, Oct, 2000  
    This paper focuses on the delegation by bank managers of lending decisions to their agents, typically subordinate employees of the bank. We assume that agents may base their decisions about lending to borrowers on decisions other banks have made about these same borrowers. Then we show that there exist some lazy or negligent agents who neither directly monitor the borrower nor imitate the other banks if managers use relative performance evaluations as incentive schemes. In addition, it is shown that the learning or adjustment process of agents exhibits cyclical dynamics. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D82, D83. © 2000 Academic Press.
    Financial Review, (42) 17-39, Jun, 1997  



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