
福井 直樹

フクイ ナオキ  (Naoki Fukui)


上智大学 言語科学研究科言語学専攻 教授
言語学博士(1986年6月 マサチューセッツ工科大学)



ヒトに固有な認知能力である言語機能(Faculty of Language)の本質と機能の研究を通して人間性の本質とも言うべきものを突き止めたいと思っている。普遍文法の諸原理、比較統辞論、パラメータの本質と組織化、等々が主な研究分野である。言語に対する自然科学的アプローチを基礎にして、言語の「社会性」に関しても研究範囲を拡げていきたいと思っている。





  • Keita Umejima, Isso Nakamura, Naoki Fukui, Mihoko Zushi, Hiroki Narita, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai
    Frontiers in Psychology 14 1-17 2023年7月19日  査読有り
    Surface linear (left-to-right) arrangements of human languages are actually an amalgam of the core language system and systems that are not inherently related to language. It has been widely recognized that an unbounded array of hierarchically structured linguistic expressions is generated by the simplest combinatorial operation “Merge,” and the notion of Merge-generability has been proposed as a key feature that characterizes structural dependencies among linguistic elements. Here we tested Merge-generable dependencies by using a Subject-Predicate matching task, which required both linguistic capacity and short-term memory. We used three types of dependency: Nesting, Crossing, and Grouping as the control. The Nesting dependency is totally Merge-generable, while the Crossing dependency requires some additional processes for memory-based ordering. In order to identify the regions employed for these two dependencies, we directly compared cortical responses to the sentence stimuli (with noun phrases and an adverb as the first half of stimuli, and with verbs as the latter) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and the following results were obtained. First, for the Nesting – Crossing contrast, significant activations were observed in the bilateral lateral premotor cortices (LPMCs) and inferior frontal gyri, left middle temporal gyrus, and bilateral angular/supramarginal gyri, indicating engagement of the syntax-related networks. In contrast, the Crossing – Nesting contrast showed focal activations in the left fusiform gyrus, lingual gyrus, and middle occipital gyrus (L. FG/LG/MOG). Secondly, for the first half of the Nesting stimuli, signal changes in the bilateral LPMCs were well fitted with the estimates of computational costs to search the workspace and to select items (Σ operations). Moreover, for the latter half of the Crossing stimuli, the signal changes in the L. FG/LG/MOG were differentially fitted with the estimates of loads related to the ordering of elements/words (numbers of Ordering). Thirdly, these fitting models were by far more likely than the exchanged estimates between bilateral LPMCs and L. FG/LG/MOG, confirming a double dissociation for primary processes with Σ and Ordering. In conclusion, these results indicate that separate cortical networks are differentially employed, and their careful elucidation will provide further insights and challenges.
  • Naoki Fukui
    Gengo Kenkyu Anthology 3 1-34 2023年  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
  • 福井直樹
    言語研究 161 1-33 2022年3月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
  • Kyohei Tanaka, Isso Nakamura, Shinri Ohta, Naoki Fukui, Mihoko Zushi, Hiroki Narita, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai
    Frontiers in Psychology 10 2019年11月29日  査読有り
  • 福井直樹
    Southern Review 33 3-19 2018年12月  招待有り
  • Hiroki Narita, Hironobu Kasai, Takaomi Kato, Mihoko Zushi, Naoki Fukui
    Merge in the Mind-Brain 127-153 2017年  査読有り招待有り
  • Hiroki Narita, Naoki Fukui
    Advances in Biolinguistics: The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis 9-28 2016年3月3日  査読有り
  • Takaomi Kato, Hiroki Narita, Hironobu Kasai, Mihoko Zushi, Naoki Fukui
    Advances in Biolinguistics: The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis 29-45 2016年3月3日  査読有り
  • 福井直樹
    言葉のしんそう 39-55 2015年3月  査読有り招待有り
  • Naoki Fukui
    MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 125-131 2015年  査読有り招待有り
  • 福井直樹
    言語の設計・発達・進化 32-35 2015年  招待有り
  • 成田広樹, 福井直樹
    言語の設計・発達・進化 37-65 2015年  査読有り招待有り
  • 加藤孝臣, 久野正和, 成田広樹, 辻子美保子, 福井直樹
    言語の設計・発達・進化 97-119 2015年  招待有り
  • Naoki Fukui, Hiroki Narita
    The Routledge Handbook of Syntax 3-23 2014年1月1日  査読有り招待有り
  • Shinri Ohta, Naoki Fukui, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai
    The nature of computational principles of syntax remains to be elucidated. One promising approach to this problem would be to construct formal and abstract linguistic models that parametrically predict the activation modulations in the regions specialized for linguistic processes. In this article, we review recent advances in theoretical linguistics and functional neuroimaging in the following respects. First, we introduce the two fundamental linguistic operations: Merge (which combines two words or phrases to form a larger structure) and Search (which searches and establishes a syntactic relation of two words or phrases). We also illustrate certain universal properties of human language, and present hypotheses regarding how sentence structures are processed in the brain. Hypothesis I is that the Degree of Merger (DoM), i.e., the maximum depth of merged subtrees within a given domain, is a key computational concept to properly measure the complexity of tree structures. Hypothesis II is that the basic frame of the syntactic structure of a given linguistic expression is determined essentially by functional elements, which trigger Merge and Search. We then present our recent functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment, demonstrating that the DoM is indeed a key syntactic factor that accounts for syntax-selective activations in the left inferior frontal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus. Hypothesis III is that the DoM domain changes dynamically in accordance with iterative Merge applications, the Search distances, and/or task requirements. We confirm that the DoM accounts for activations in various sentence types. Hypothesis III successfully explains activation differences between object- and subject-relative clauses, as well as activations during explicit syntactic judgment tasks. A future research on the computational principles of syntax will further deepen our understanding of uniquely human mental faculties.
  • 福井直樹
    日本エドワード・サピア協会研究年報 27(27) 1-24 2013年3月  査読有り招待有り
  • Shinri Ohta, Naoki Fukui, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai
    PLOS ONE 8(2) 2013年2月  査読有り
    Our goal of this study is to characterize the functions of language areas in most precise terms. Previous neuroimaging studies have reported that more complex sentences elicit larger activations in the left inferior frontal gyrus (L.F3op/F3t), although the most critical factor still remains to be identified. We hypothesize that pseudowords with grammatical particles and morphosyntactic information alone impose a construction of syntactic structures, just like normal sentences, and that "the Degree of Merger" (DoM) in recursively merged sentences parametrically modulates neural activations. Using jabberwocky sentences with distinct constructions, we fitted various parametric models of syntactic, other linguistic, and nonlinguistic factors to activations measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging. We demonstrated that the models of DoM and "DoM+ number of Search (searching syntactic features)" were the best to explain activations in the L. F3op/F3t and supramarginal gyrus (L. SMG), respectively. We further introduced letter strings, which had neither lexical associations nor grammatical particles, but retained both matching orders and symbol orders of sentences. By directly contrasting jabberwocky sentences with letter strings, localized activations in L. F3op/F3t and L. SMG were indeed independent of matching orders and symbol orders. Moreover, by using dynamic causal modeling, we found that the model with a inhibitory modulatory effect for the bottom-up connectivity from L. SMG to L. F3op/F3t was the best one. For this best model, the top-down connection from L. F3op/F3t to L. SMG was significantly positive. By using diffusion-tensor imaging, we confirmed that the left dorsal pathway of the superior longitudinal and arcuate fasciculi consistently connected these regions. Lastly, we established that nonlinguistic order-related and error-related factors significantly activated the right (R.) lateral premotor cortex and R. F3op/F3t, respectively. These results indicate that the identified network of L. F3op/F3t and L. SMG subserves the calculation of DoM in recursively merged sentences.
  • Takaomi Kato, Masakazu Kuno, Mihoko Sushi, Hiroki Narita, Naoki Fukui
    Sophia Linguistica 61 203-222 2013年  査読有り
  • Naoki Fukui, Hiroki Narita
    2012年3月  査読有り招待有り
  • Naoki Fukui
    The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism 73-95 2011年12月  査読有り招待有り
  • 福井直樹, 成田広樹
    日本語学 30(13) 24-33 2011年11月10日  
  • Kazuki Iijima, Naoki Fukui, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai
    NEUROIMAGE 44(4) 1387-1396 2009年2月  査読有り
    The importance of abstract syntactic structures and their crucial role in analyzing sentences have long been emphasized in contemporary linguistics, whereas the linear order model, in which next-coming words in a sentence are claimed to be predictable based on lexico-semantic association or statistics alone, has also been proposed and widely assumed. We examined these possibilities with magnetoencephalography (MEG) and measured cortical responses to a verb with either object-verb (OV) or subject-verb (SV) sentence structures, which were tested in a minimal-pair paradigm to compare syntactic and semantic decision tasks. Significant responses to the normal OV sentences were found in the triangular part of the left inferior frontal gyrus (F3t) at 120-140 ms from the verb onset, which were selective for explicit syntactic processing. The earliest left F3t responses can thus be regarded as predictive effects for the syntactic information of the next-coming verb, which cannot be explained by associative memory or statistical factors. Moreover, subsequent responses in the left insula at 150-170 ms were selective for the processing of the OV sentence structure. On the other hand, responses in the left mediofrontal and inferior parietal regions at 240-280 ms were related to syntactic anomaly and verb transitivity, respectively. These results revealed the dynamics of the multiple cortical regions that work in concert to analyze hierarchical syntactic structures and task-related information, further elucidating the top-down syntactic processing that is crucial during on-line sentence processing. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    Language 84(2) 395-400 2008年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Kazuki Iijima, Naoki Fukui, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai
    NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 58(1) S116-S116 2007年  
  • K. Iijima, FUKUI NAOKI, K.L. Sakai
    Neuroscience research. Supplement : the official journal of the Japan Neuroscience Society 55(1) OS2 A-8-08 2006年  
  • 福井直樹
    コミュニケーション障害学 22(2) 85-92 2005年  
  • FUKUI NAOKI, H. Kasai
    Linguistic Variation Yearbook 4(1) 109-141 2004年1月  
  • Naoki Fukui, Hiromu Sakai
    Lingua 113(4-6) 321-375 2003年6月  
  • N Fukui
    LINGUA 113(4-6) 315-320 2003年4月  
    The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory 2001年  
  • FUKUI NAOKI, Y. Takano
    Proceedings of Linguistics and Phonetics 98, ed. by O. Fujimura, B. Joseph, and B. Palek, Charles University Press, Prague 2000年  
  • 福井直樹
    大航海 (28) 104-111 1999年6月  
    Glot International 4(9-10) 26-27 1999年  
  • Naoki Fukui, Yuji Takano
    Journal of East Asian Linguistics 7(1) 27-86 1998年1月  
  • Mamoru Saito, Naoki Fukui
    Linguistic Inquiry 29(3) 439-474 1998年  
  • UCI Working Papers in Linguistics 3 51-67 1997年  
  • 福井直樹
    認知科学 3(1) 51-71 1996年2月  
  • FUKUI NAOKI, M. Saito
    Sprachwissenschaft in Frankfurt, Arbeitspapier 1996年  
    Linguistic Inquiry 24(3) 399-420 1993年7月  
    The Linguistic Review 10(2) 111-126 1993年1月  
  • FUKUI NAOKI, T. Nishigauchi
    Journal of Japanese Linguistics 14 1-35 1992年  
  • 福井 直樹
    日本語教育国際シンポジウム報告書 : 南山大学日本語学科創立記念 261-272 1990年4月  
  • 福井 直樹
    月刊言語 18(7-10) 1989年  
    NATURAL LANGUAGE & LINGUISTIC THEORY 6(4) 503-526 1988年11月  
  • 福井 直樹
    月刊言語 17(11) 36-43 1988年  
    The Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 17) 1987年  
    Linguistic Inquiry 17(2) 359-364 1986年4月  











