
田村 恭久

タムラ ヤスヒサ  (Tamura Yasuhisa)


上智大学 理工学部情報理工学科 教授







  • 田村恭久, 海津一成, 濱野彰人
    学習分析学 7 14-21 2024年3月  筆頭著者
  • HORIKOSHI Izumi, TAMURA Yasuhisa
    Educational technology research 43(1) 3-21 2021年  査読有り
    <p>This paper focused on students' peer assessment and analyzed evaluation behavior using log data from the evaluation process. Peer assessments by students are problematic in terms of reliability and validity. Many previous studies have discussed the reliability and validity of peer assessments using the evaluation scores of peer assessments. In contrast, the evaluation process, that is, who, when, and which items were evaluated, and in what order, has not been studied. The purpose of this research is to answer this research question, "How do students evaluate each other during peer assessments?" To achieve this purpose, we break the research question into three sub-questions: (1) Is it worth focusing on evaluation behaviors? (2) How can we visualize evaluation behaviors? and (3) What are the characteristic evaluation behaviors? First, we investigated similar studies and considered their relationship with our proposal. Consequently, it became clear that in social science, there have been many studies that acquire process data for answering surveys and questionnaires. Therefore, also in peer assessment research, there is a possibility to gain a better understanding of how students participate in peer assessment by focusing on the process log. Second, we developed a web-based form as the peer assessment tool to detect students' evaluation process data. Using this form, we conducted an experiment to acquire evaluation process data from a class in which assessments were made to visualize evaluation behavior. Finally, we extracted and discussed characteristic evaluation behaviors. Consequently, we identif ied characteristic evaluation behaviors such as "evaluated in a short time." We expect these results will lead to a clarif ication of the causes of low reliability and validity in students' peer assessments that have been dif f icult to assess through conventional methods based only on the peer assessment score. Specif ically, the causes are, for example, "the students were not evaluating seriously," "they evaluated seriously but could not evaluate properly because of a lack of evaluation ability," or "there was room for improvement in the form design or lesson conditions."</p>
  • Izumi Horikoshi, Kimiaki Yamazaki, Yasuhisa Tamura
    Workshop Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2015 627-636 2015年  
    The authors verified learners' learning styles with use of learning style questionnaires and page flip history of materials. First, page-flip detection function of material slides on learners' PCs was developed. This function also transfers the result to a dedicated LRS (Learning Record Store) server automatically. From this fine-grained learning activity log, student's learning styles were classified. Second, the authors estimated learners' learning styles with use of widely used learning style questionnaires. The authors verified these two types of learning styles for 100 subjects (research participant) in real 4 units of 2 classes. As a result, a student who "rushes up ladder" during a certain time period was significantly relevant to "Global" learning style tendency rather than "Sequential" one.
  • Yasuhisa Tamura, Taro Maruyama, Takeshi Shima
    Workshop Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2014 820-825 2014年  
    This paper introduces an automatic analysis and feedback system for amateur baseball pitching learners with use of Microsoft Kinect. Compared with conventional 3-D motion capture systems, Kinect has advantages of reasonable cost and easiness of application system development for physical exercises. The authors developed a similar system for flying disc throw, which is disclosed in Tamura, Yamaoka et al. (2013) and Tamura, Uehara et al. (2013). In this paper a target motion is moved to baseball pitching, so focused body parts and judgment criteria were changed, although utilizing the same Kinect platform. The proposing system acquires postures and motions of amateur baseball pitchers, and judges them in 2 criteria: (1) maximum angle of elbow, and (2) hand twist, which were decided by a training expert. It also displays feedback messages to improve their motions. As a result, novice testees of the target group showed significant improvement of their pitching motions.
  • 田村 恭久, 中嶋 俊也, 篠原 駿
    日本eラーニング学会誌 13 114-122 2013年7月  査読有り
    This paper shows typical functions required on electronic textbooks to be adopted in various countries, trial implementation of these functions, and their verification of representation and behavior in six e-book platforms. First, the authors extracted the functions by checking preceding researches and investigations. The result contains 52 items, including 7 categories of “authentication”, “copyright”, “contents representation”, “related information”, “additional information by learners”, “learning support”, and “restriction of contents and platforms”. Next, these functions were implemented with ePub3 format e-books. ePub3 is going to be one of de jure standard format of e-books. Also, contents representation and behavior of the result ePub e-books were verified on 6 types of e-book platforms on operating systems of iOS, Android, Windows, and Kindle Linux. The verification result shows that iBooks3 on iOS worked best among the 6 e-book readers. Also it shows that many e-book readers support only representation of ePub2 files, while HTML5, JavaScript, and Web API are not supported yet.
  • TAMURA YASUHISA, Koji Yamaoka, Masataka Uehara, Takeshi Shima
    Int'l Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Sciences 74 313-317 2013年2月  
    This paper proposes a three-dimensional motion capture and feedback system of flying disc throwing action learners with use of Kinect device. Rather than conventional 3-D motion capture system, Kinect has advantages of cost merit, easy system development and operation. A novice learner of flying disc is trained to keep arm movement in steady height, to twist the waist, and to stretch the elbow according to the waist angle. The proposing system captures learners’ body movement, checks their skeleton positions in pre-motion / motion / post-motion in several ways, and displays feedback messages to refine their actions.
  • Toshiya Nakajima, Shun Shinohara, Yasuhisa Tamura
    Procedia Computer Science 22 1344-1353 2013年  査読有り
    This paper shows typical functions required on electronic textbooks to be adopted in various countries, trial implementation of these functions, and their verification of representation and behavior in six e-book platforms. First, the authors extracted the functions by checking preceding researches and investigations. The result contains 52 items, including 7 categories of "authentication", "copyright", "contents representation", "related information", "additional information by learners", "learning support", and "restriction of contents and platforms". Next, these functions were implemented with ePub3 format e-books. ePub3 is going to be one of de jure standard format of e-books. Also, contents representation and behavior of the result ePub e-books were verified on 6 types of e-book platforms on operating systems of iOS, Android, Windows, and Kindle Linux. The verification result shows that iBooks3 on iOS worked best among the 6 e-book readers. Also it shows that many e-book readers support only representation of ePub2 files, while HTML5, JavaScript, and Web API are not supported yet. © 2013 The Authors.
  • Koji Yainaoka, Masataka Uehara, Takeshi Shima, Yasuhisa Tamura
    This paper proposes a three-dimensional motion capture and feedback system for flying disc learners with use of Kinect device. Compared with conventional 3-D motion capture systems, Kinect has advantages of cost merit, easy system development and operation. The proposing system captures learners' body movement, checks their skeleton positions in pre-motion / motion / post-motion in several aspects, and displays feedback messages to improve their motions. A novice learner of flying disc is trained to keep arm movement in steady height, to twist the waist, and to stretch the elbow according to the waist angle. A result of controlled experiment shows that the proposing system is effective for beginners to improve their movements. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Kaori Go, Yasuhisa Tamura
    This paper proposes a function to restrict undesired utterance roles on CSCL, in order to accelerate better discussion. The authors found that CSCL discussion often falls into stagnated and distracted situation when continuing utterances have same utterance role. To avoid this situation, the proposing system monitors the utterance roles attached by learners, finds continuity of utterances with the same role, and prevents to use the target role for the next utterance upload. Result of controlled experiment shows that the proposing function works well, and learners tend to refer more preceding utterances.
  • 田村恭久, 鷲見和哉
    JeLA会誌 11 41-47 2011年7月  
  • 田村恭久, 剱貴之
    JeLA会誌 11 48-53 2011年7月  
  • Yasuhisa Tamura, Masashi Maejima, Kazuya Sumi
    International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 1(2) 224-240 2008年4月  
    This paper proposes an automatic analysis and operating functions of CSCL utterance logs. First, the authors specified a data scheme called COLCOX and relevant XML bindings in order to represent CSCL utterance with structure and meanings. Next, an automatic analysis method was proposed to resolve elliptical phenomena in CSCL discussions with use of case analysis for spoken words. Further, an automatic exchange function was developed between LMS. An open source LMS of Moodle was utilised and expanded to install these functions. With use of the proposing functions, a learner group is able to search related utterances of various standpoints. Copyright © 2008 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  • Yasuhisa Tamura, Kazuya Sumi, Takeshi Yamamuro, Masashi Maejima
    The authors specified XML bindings for CSCL data interchange, and developed an automatic CSCL data exchange function among LMSs. Conventional CSCL activities are processed without exchanging any information with other learner groups, even they are discussing the same topic. With use of the proposing function, a leamer group is able to acquire basic information, related references and various standpoints for the given topic during the discussion or in advance. In order to execute XML based inter-LMS data transmission, XML bindings named COL-COX was specified. Also, an open source LMS of Moodle was utilized and expanded to install the proposing function to transmit CSCL data. With use of the proposing function, a leamer group is able to get scaffolding information and knowledge on CSCL activities.
  • Weinberger, A, Clark, D.B, Haekkinen, P, TAMURA, YASUHISA, Fischer, F
    Research in Comparative and International Education 2(1) 68-79 2007年2月  
  • Yasuhisa Tamura, Shuichi Furukawa
    The authors developed a CSCL environment to utilize "Six Thinking Hats". This environment is an extension of online discussion room, and extended to assign "hat" to each learner, facilitate to think based on his "hat",and visualize which hat is on. With use of this environment, an instructor is ableto introduce, facilitate, and train students "Six Thinking Hats" method in onlinelearning environment with less instruction workload compared with face-to-face learning environment. The authors also evaluated the proposingenvironment, and found significant difference of number and quality of ideasfor given problems between "Six Thinking Hats" environment and simple online discussion environment.
  • TAMURA YASUHISA, Shuichi Furukawa
    Knowledge-based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems : 11th International Conference, KES 2007, XVII Italian Workshop on Neural Networks, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, September 12-14, 2007, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 4694 583-+ 2007年  
  • 小尻智子, 香山瑞恵, 田村恭久, 原潔, 伊東幸宏
    教育システム情報学会誌 23(4) 209-221 2006年4月  
  • 田村恭久, 和田利男, 常盤 祐司
    日本ディスタンスラーニング学会会誌 4 3-12 2003年3月  
  • 田村恭久, 旅家一彰, 姫田麻利子, 田中幸子, 伊藤潔
    日本教育工学雑誌 22(4) 251-261 1999年3月  
    Journal of integrated design & process science : transactions of the SDPS 1998年  
  • 田村 恭久
    ソフトウェア工学の基礎 : 日本ソフトウェア科学会FOSE'96 (レクチャーノート/ソフトウェア学, 17) 3 66-73 1996年12月  
  • 田村恭久
    ソフトウェア工学の基礎 : 日本ソフトウェア科学会FOSE'95 (レクチャーノート/ソフトウェア学, 15) 2 41-50 1995年12月  
  • 伊藤潔, 田村恭久, 杵嶋修三
    情報処理学会研究報告. ソフトウェア工学研究会報告 95(25) 1-8 1995年3月9日  
  • 伊藤潔, 三木正章, 澤高根, 廣井和重, 田村恭久
    人工知能学会誌 10(1) 131-140 1995年1月  
    This paper proposes a bottleneck improvement method on a new type of Queueing Network with Shared Stores (QNSS) using qualitative reasoning. Based on heuristics and knowledges obtained from evaluation experts, the authors have developed a new "qualitative reasoning" -based expert system, named BDES-SS (Bottleneck Diagnosis Expert System for QNSS), which can identify the bottlenecks, analyze the sources, and provide qualitative improvement plan option for QNSS. QNSS has the different types of bottlenecks in comparison with the ordinary QN. Primary types of bottlenecks in QNSS are "bottleneck Servers" with high utilization rates, "shared stores in overflow bottleneks", and "shared stores in underflow bottlenecks". In case of bottleneck improvement of QNSS with more than one bottlenecks, improvement Plans cause inconsistency one another. In order to improve all bottlenecks, BDES-SS first enumerates improvement plans for each of bottlenecks. Then, it selects a feasible Combination of the plans without inconsistency between bottlenecks. For this combination, the authors propose an approach by qualitative influence Propagation on the skeleton network which is a reduced from of given QNSS.
  • 伊藤 潔, 田村恭久
    ソフトウェア工学の基礎 : 日本ソフトウェア科学会FOSE'94 (レクチャーノート/ソフトウェア学, 14) 1 91-100 1994年12月  
  • 電気学会鉄鋼プロセス制御ソフトウェアのCAE調査専門委員会
    電気学会技術報告 (526) 1-60 1994年12月  
  • 田村恭久, 伊藤潔, 杵嶋修三
    情報処理 35(10) 952-961 1994年10月  
  • Kiyoshi Itoh, Yasuhisa Tamura, Shuzo Kishima
    Software Reuse: Advances in Software Reusability - International Conference 196-197 1994年  
    The authors present the Triadic Domain Model (TDM)-based system development environment. The main purpose is to integrate system specification, system design and system implementation of software system using domain specific properties. TDM consists of Domain Problem Model, Domain Product Model and Domain Process Model.
  • Yasuhisa Tamura, Kiyoshi Itoh
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Expert Systems for Development 144-147 1994年  
    In this paper the authors propose a performance-oriented design/re-design methodology for pipelined computer architecture with use of heuristic logic modification. Hardware data flow of the CPU (Central Processing Unit) can be modeled as the network. However, no mathematical formalization and analysis of this network are available, because usually many entities of the network are tightly connected and often form loops. The proposing method executes a performance simulation, identify the bottleneck or an entity to be improved, and modify the network with use of modification rules. This method is effective for both architecture design at the first time and architecture re-design, that designs another type of CPU with same software-hardware interface but with different hardware technology and implementation, to modify the implementation of the former CPU design.
    A software prototyping environment called TransObj (TRANSaction and OBJect) is used for designing real-time Transaction-based Concurrent Software Systems (TCSS). In a TCSS design process, a software designer should perform both functional design and performance design. The designer should change his design view from a transaction-based paradigm to an object-based paradigm during the TCSS design process. Recognition of re-entrant functional objects and serially reusable functional objects in the TCSS should be required. TransObj includes the Stepwise Prototyping Method (SPM), and two SPM-based tools: Prolog-based TransObj (P-TransObj) and GPSS-based TransObj (G-TransObj). SPM enables the designer to advance both functional design and performance design for the TCSS prototype as controling the change of design view paradigms. P-TransObj mainly checks the prototype in a microscopic view on a personal computer. G-TransObj mainly checks the same prototype with a longer time span on a large-scale computer.
  • 伊藤潔, 本位田 真一, 田村恭久, 沢村淳
    シミュレーション 8(3) 181-190 1989年9月  
  • 田村恭久, 伊藤潔, 本位田真一
    情報処理学会論文誌 28(9) 923-932 1987年9月  












  • 2012年8月 - 2012年8月
  • 2008年4月 - 2008年4月
  • 2008年3月 - 2008年3月
  • 上智大学における情報フルエンシー系科目設置までの経緯と経過、情報処理 Vol.53, No.6 2012
  • 上智大学における情報フルエンシー系科目設置までの経緯と経過、情報処理 Vol.53, No.6 2012