Curriculum Vitaes

Nomura Ichirou

  (野村 一郎)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University

Other name(s) (e.g. nickname)
Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

1988-1994 Study on AlGaInP red-jight semiconductor laser diodes.
1995-current Development and device application of II-VI compound semiconductors on InP substrates.

(Subject of research)
Development of novel functional optical devices using compound semiconductors

(Proposed theme of joint or funded research)
Development of full color emission devices


  • Kenta Ishii, Ryosuke Amagasu, Ichirou Nomura
    Journal of Crystal Growth, 512 96-99, Feb 6, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Yudai Momose, Ichirou Nomura
    Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(8) 1-4, May 24, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    Conduction band discontinuity (ΔEc) of MgSe/ZnCdSe heterojunctions were evaluated using n–i–n diodes consisting of an undoped i-MgSe layer sandwiched by n-doped ZnCdSe layers. The n–i–n diodes were fabricated on InP substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Injection current density versus applied voltage (J–V) characteristics of the n–i–n diodes were measured at 77 K and room temperature. In addition, the theoretical J–V characteristics of the n–i–n diode were calculated while varying ΔEc. By fitting the theoretical data to the experimental data, ΔEc was estimated to be 1.2 eV from the result at 77 K. This value is similar to the ΔEc estimated from the literature.
  • Koji Fukushima, Tomohiro Shiraishi, Ryohei Kobayashi, Katsumi Kishino, Ichirou Nomura
    PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 13 NO 7-9, 13(7-9) 665-668, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    The application of indium tin oxide (ITO) as the p-cladding layer of II-VI compound semiconductor laser diodes (LDs) on InP substrates was investigated. The waveguide analysis of the LD structures revealed that the optical confinement effect around the active layer was obviously improved by changing the p-cladding layer from the conventional MgSe/BeZnTe superlattice to ITO. For example, the estimated optical confinement factors were 0.15 and 0.27 for the conventional and ITO LD structure, respectively, when the emission wavelength was 580 nm. In addition, we investigated optimum LD structures, considering the optical and carrier confinements at the active layer. In experiments, light emitting devices with an ITO layer were fabricated on InP substrates via molecular beam epitaxy and radio-frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering. Yellow emissions at 582 nm were observed by current injections at room temperature. These results indicate that ITO is a promising p-cladding layer material for II-VI LDs on InP substrates. (C) 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
  • Ryohei Kobayashi, Shingo Takamatsu, Koji Fukushima, Katsumi Kishino, Ichirou Nomura
    PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 13 NO 7-9, 13(7-9) 669-672, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    II-VI-compound-semiconductor laser diode (LD) structures on InP substrates were investigated using device simulations and waveguide analysis. Our simulations showed that electron injection from the n-cladding into the active layer is hindered by the n-side barrier layer between the n-cladding and active layer. Consequently, holes are not injected into the active layer but instead leak to the n-side layers. It was shown that carrier injection efficiency can be improved by removing the n-barrier. On the contrary, no large differences were observed between the optical confinement factors of the LD structures with and without the n-barrier layer. In ex-periments, we have fabricated the LD structures with and without the n-barrier layer on InP substrates using molecular beam epitaxy. The turn-on voltage of the device without the n-barrier was smaller than that for the device with the n-barrier by about 5 V. Spontaneous orange emissions around 603 nm were observed for the devices without the n-barrier. In contrast, no emission was observed for the devices with the n-barrier. These results prove that the carrier injection into the active layer is enhanced by the removal of the n-barrier, leading to improved the device performances. (C) 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
  • Shingo Takamatsu, Ichirou Nomura, Tomohiro Shiraishi, Katsumi Kishino
    JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 425 199-202, Sep, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    N-doped p-type ZnTe and ZnSeTe contact layers were investigated to evaluate which is more suitable for use in II-VI compound semiconductor optical devices on InP substrates. Contact resistances (R-c) between the contact layers and several electrode materials (Pd/Pt/Au, Pd/Au, and Au) were measured by the circular transmission line model (c-TLM) method using p-n diode samples grown on InP substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The lowest R-c (6.5 x 10(-5) Omega cm(2)) was obtained in the case of the ZuTe contact and Pd/Pt/Au electrode combination, which proves that the combination is suitable for obtaining low R-c. Yellow light-emitting diode devices with a ZnTe and ZnSeTe p-contact layer were fabricated by MBE to investigate the effect of different contact layers. The devices were characterized under direct current injections at room temperature. Yellow emission at around 600 urn was observed for each device. Higher emission intensity and lower slope resistance were obtained for the device with the ZuTe contact layer and Pd/Pt/Au electrode compared with other devices. These device performances are ascribed to the low R-c of the ZnTe contact and Pd/Pt/Au electrode combination. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • NOMA Tomohiro, HAYASHI Hiroaki, FUKUSHIMA Daishi, KONNO Yuta, NOMURA Ichirou, KISHINO Katsumi
    Technical report of IEICE. LQE, 114(338) 117-120, Nov 27, 2014  
    Nitride has an attractive feature of bandgap engineering from ultraviolet to infrared. However, a lot of defects in nitride inhibit the feature. In this study, we demonstrated nitride nanocolumn on Si wafer that is expected realization of large-scale/low-cost devices. Furthermore, nanocolumn structure is expected to suppress propagation of dislocation. We employed a sputter-deposited AlN nucleation layer, because it is so difficult to grow nitride crystal on Si wafer. We successfully fabricated a single crystalline GaN nanocolumns array even on the sputter-deposited film containing high-density dislocations. Single-peak PL emission in wide visible range from integrated InGaN/GaN MQW, and control of PL peak wavelength by pre-patterning were also demonstrated.
  • NOMURA Ichirou, KISHINO Katsumi, EBISAWA Tomoya, KUSHIDA Shun, TASAI Kunihiko, NAKAMURA Hitoshi, ASATSUMA Tsunenori, NAKAJIMA Hiroshi
    IEICE technical report, 108(351) 53-58, Dec 5, 2008  
    MgZnCdSe, BeZnTe, and BeZnSeTe II-VI compound semiconductors grown on InP substrates are very attractive for middle visible range, especially green light emitting devices. We have developed these materials and emitting devices composed of BeZnSeTe active, MgSe/ZnCdSe superlattice (SL) n-cladding, and MgSeBeZnTe SL p-cladding layers. Long lifetime operations beyond 5000h were achieved for the devices, which shows a remarkable improvement of the aging characteristic of II-VI devices. We succeeded in photopumped green lasing at room temperature for the double heterostructures having a BeZnSeTe active layer to indicate a high potentiality of BeZnSeTe as an active layer of green laser diodes.
  • KISHINO Katsumi, NOMURA Ichirou
    Technical report of IEICE. LQE, 103(527) 45-48, Dec 12, 2003  
    Novel II-VI compound materials such as MgZnCdSe, BeZnTe, and their related superlattices (SLs) grown on InP substrates were proposed for wide-range visible optical devices such as laser diodes (LDs) and light emitting diodes (LEDs).Visible LEDs consisting of ZnCdSe/BeZnTe SL active, MgSe/BeZnTe SL p-cladding, and MgSe/ZnCdSe SL n-cladding layers were fabricated to obtain wide-range visible electro luminescence (EL) emissions from 554 (yellow-green) to 644 nm (red). For yellow (575nm) LEDs, a long lifetime more than 3500 hours was demonstrated to show high reliability of the LEDs. LDs with ZnCdSe active layers were fabricated. Yellow-green lasing operations around 560 nm were successfully achieved under pulsed current injection at 77 K, for the first time.
  • SHINOZAKI Wataru, NOMURA Ichirou, SHIMBO Hiroyuki, HATTORI Hiroshi, SANO Takashi, CHE Song-Bek, KIKUCHI Akihiko, SHIMOMURA Kazuhiko, KISHINO Katsumi
    1998 354-355, Sep 7, 1998  
  • HATTORI Hiroshi, NOMURA Ichirou, SHINBO Hiroyuki, NAGANO Takeshi, HARAGUCHI Masaru, MORITA Toshihiro, KIKUCHI Akihiko, KISHINO Katsumi
    1997 216-217, Sep 16, 1997  

Books and Other Publications




Professional Memberships


Research Projects



  • Lasing operation of ZnTe based yellow-green laser diodes 2005
  • Yellow-green lasing operations of ZnCdTe/MgZnSeTe laser diodes on ZnTe substrates 2005
  • Long life operations over 5000 hours of BeZnSeTe/MgZnCdSe visible light emitting diodes on InP substrates 2005
  • High p-type doping of MgZnCdSe on InP substrates by inserting ZnTe thin layers 2005
  • Green-to-blue emissions from MgSe/BeZnSeTe II-VI compound superlattices and quantum well structures grown on InP substrates 2006
  • High p-doping of MgZnCdSe II-VI compounds on InP substrates and application for visible light emitting devices 2006
  • Zn irradiation effects in MBE growth of MgSe/BeZnSeTe II-VI compound superlattices on InP substrates 2006
  • ガスソースMBE法によるGaInP/AlInPレーザの試作 1989
  • GaInP/AlInP MQW構造によるAlGaInP系発光材料の短波長化 1989
  • ガスソースMBE法により成長したGaInP/AlInP MQWレーザの低温(109K)黄色(576nm)発振 1989
  • ガスソースMBE法によるGaInP/AlInP MQWレーザの低温(109K)黄色発振 1990
  • ガスソースMBE法GaInP/AlInP赤色光レーザ用MQW活性層の光学特性 1990
  • ガスソースMBE法によるGaInP/AlInP MQW構造の作製 1990
  • ガスソースMBE法によるGaInP/AlInP超格子クラッドレーザの室温連続発振 1990
  • 多重量子障壁(MQB)によるGaInP/AlInP超格子クラッドレーザの低しきい値化 1990
  • GaInP/AlInP MQWレーザの室温600nm発振 1990
  • GaInP/AlInP MQW構造による光吸収の電界依存性 1990
  • GaP/AlP超格子のMEE法による作製 1990
  • GS-MBE成長GaInP/AlInP超格子クラッド(SLC)レーザの室温連続発振と多重量子障壁(MQB)の導入による低しきい値化 1990
  • 多重量子障壁(MQB)の導入による可視光AlGaInPレーザの高性能化 1991
  • GaP/AlP超格子結晶のガスソースMBEによるMEE成長と結晶評価 1991
  • (GaP)5-(AlP)5 5分子層超格子のMEE成長とフォトリフレクタンス(PR)法による評価 1991
  • 単分子層成長中のシャッター制御によるGaInP/AlInP歪層赤色レーザの試作 1991
  • GaInP/AlInP MQWレーザの600nm室温発振としきい値電流密度の特性温度 1991
  • GaInP/AlInP超格子による疑似4元混晶の構成と赤色光レーザ 1991
  • 単分子層成長中のシャッター制御によるGaInP歪単一量子井戸レーザの試作 1992
  • GaInP/AlInP多重量子障(MQB)のninダイオードによる評価 1992
  • シャッター制御による633nm帯GaInP歪単一量子井戸レーザの作製 1992
  • 630nm帯歪単一量子井戸レーザにおけるBeドーピング条件の最適化と低しきい値化 1992
  • GaInP/AlInP擬似4元混晶レーザの超格子クラッド層の構造依存性 1992
  • 633nm帯歪単一量子井戸レーザにおける熱処理効果 1993
  • 633nm帯歪単一量子井戸レーザの熱処理による低しきい値化 1993
  • GSMBE法により成長したAlGaInP結晶の低温フォトルミネッセンス測定 1993
  • GaInP/AlInP歪擬似4元混晶の成長とフォトルミネッセンス測定による評価 1993
  • InP基板上へのMgZnCdSe系結晶のMBE成長 1994
  • ガスソースMBE法によるGaInP/AlInP多重量子細線レーザの自然形成法と傾斜基板効果 1995
  • GaInN/AlGaN量子井戸レーザのしきい値電流密度の理論解析 1995
  • InP基板上ZnCdSe/MgZnCdSe歪量子井戸レーザの理論解析 1995
  • (100)InP基板上におけるMgx(ZnyCd1-y)1-xSeの成長と評価 1995
  • ガスソースMBE法によるAlGaInP多重量子細線レーザの自然形成法と傾斜基板効果 1995
  • ガスソースMBE法によるGaInP/AlInP赤色量子細線レーザ 1995
  • (GaP)m/(InP)m短周期二元超格子における量子細線の自己形成とレーザへの応用 1995
  • ZnCdSe/MgZnSSe歪量子井戸レーザのしきい値電流密度の理論解析 1995
  • (100)InP基板上MgZnCdSeの禁制帯幅及び屈折率 1995
  • 自己組織化GaInP/AlInP多重量子細線レーザの光学利得測定 1995
  • (GaP)n/(InP)m短周期二元超格子によるGaInP量子細線の自己組織化と量子細線レーザ 1995
  • (GaP)m/(InP)m短周期二元超格子におけるGaInP量子細線構造の自己組織化条件と量子細線レーザ 1995
  • InP基板上のMgZnCdSe混晶及びZnCdSe/MgZnCdSeヘテロ接合のMBE成長 1995
  • MBE法によるInP基板上ZnCdSe/MgZnCdSe混晶系の結晶成長と評価 1995
  • GaP/InP超格子による量子細線(QWR)の自己組織化とGaInP/AlInP歪QWRレーザ 1996