Curriculum Vitaes

Sato Sanai

  (讃井 知)

Profile Information

Assistant Professor by Special Appointment, Center for Liberal Education and Learning Data Science Division, Sophia University

researchmap Member ID


  • Yung-Lien Lai, Yuka Haruta, Sato Sanai, Ai Suzuki, Takahito Shimada
    Asian Journal of Criminology, May 17, 2024  Peer-reviewed
  • International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 77, May 15, 2024  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
  • Imai Takumi, Amemiya Mamoru, Shimada Takahito, Sanai Sato, Ohyama Tomoya
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 58(3) 751-758, Oct 25, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    The exposure of children to precursor events of sex crimes, deemed to cause minor damage, may not be reported by parents to police or school. This study identified the factors of parents’ intention to report children’s victimization involving precursor events to police and schools. Ordinal logistic regression analysis was applied to data obtained from a web-based survey of men and women aged 20–59 years who live in Fukuoka City and have an elementary or junior high school student as their first child (n = 518). The results revealed some factors assumed by protection motivation theory—appraised severity of the precursor event, belief in the efficacy of the contacts, and perceived self-efficacy of the contacts were positively related to the parents’ intention to contact police and school.
  • 鈴木 あい, 讃井 知, 春田 悠佳, 島田 貴仁
    行動計量学 = The Japanese journal of behaviormetrics / 日本行動計量学会編集委員会 編, 50(1) 33-43, Mar, 2023  Peer-reviewed
  • Ankyu Eriko, Sanai Sato, T. Harada Etsuko
    The Transactions of Human Interface Society, 25(1) 11-28, Feb, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    There are growing expectations that wearable devices will provide feedback on the health status of older adults, which can be used to raise their awareness of voluntary health maintenance and appropriate intervention by their supporters. On the other hand, older adults have many difficulties in the use of information devices, and at the same time, it is difficult to find out their own ways to use ICT devices or values of their usage, for older adults. In order to investigate those possibilities, a three-week continuous usability testing experiment was conducted for 8 healthy older adults using a wristband-type health smartwatch (Fitbit Sense). As a result, all participants were able to use the device continuously for three weeks, at least in the circumstances where we the testers set up. Even though their activity indexes were not changed significantly, there were some focused interests by older adults in their activities and/or daily reports; interests to the sleep evaluations, motivations to physical activities, and awareness of time and executing activities. Importance to design for being able to set-up their using circumstances by older adults themselves, and ways to sense and keep users’ interests or their values to use will be the keys to wearable information devices can be tools for older adults.



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