17 items found Koo Mark Chung-Mo Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Osamu Takeuchi Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Mitsunobu Ichiro Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Katayama Haruhi Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Kawanaka Hitoshi Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Koyama Hideyuki Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Nahomi Takeda Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Hara Keiko Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Haidar Juan Carlos Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor Mori Hiroko Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology Professor 12› Please select the form format to download from below 「Education and research environment」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ①Outline for Vitae」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ②Education and research environment」format