Curriculum Vitaes

Takai Kenichi

  (高井 健一)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University
(Concurrent)Dean of the Graduate School of Science and Technology

Contact information
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researchmap Member ID

・1990-1999:Nippon Telegraph and Telecomunication

・1999-:Depertment of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University
(1)Infrastructural materials for hydrogen energy society
(2)Hydrogen degradation of high-strength steels for automobile
(3)Hydrogen storage materials and electrode metals for fuel cell vehicle
(4)Environmental degradation of vitreous silica optical fiber

Education activity:
・Materials Science, Energy and Materials, Advanced Material Engineering
Research activity:
・Infrastructural materials for hydrogen energy society
・Hydrogen degradation of high-strength steels for automobile
・Environmental degradation of optical fiber

(Subject of research)
Study on Delayed Fracture of High-Strength Steels
Hydrogen in Metals
Environmental Embrittlement of Optical Silica Fibers


  • SAITO Hiroyuki, TAKAI Ken-ichi, TAKAZAWA Hisayoshi
    Jitsumu Hyomen Gijutsu, 46(7) 670-671, Jul 1, 1995  Peer-reviewed
    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, 58(12) 1380-1385, Dec, 1994  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    Hydrogen and deuterium trapping sites in high-strength steels have been observed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). High-strength steels with 1400 MPa tensile strength are loaded and dipped in D2O and 20% NH4SCN solution at 323 K to occlude hydrogen and deuterium. As a result, the depth profiles by SIMS show the presence of deuterium means hydrogen trapping site occluded during delayed fracture test. Secondary ion-image analysis by SIMS has made possible to observe hydrogen and deuterium trapping sites in high-strength steels. Hydrogen tends to accumulate at grain boundaries, in segregation bands, and in inclusions. Line scans by SIMS show that the concentration of hydrogen is 7.8 times as high at grain boundaries as in the matrix, 5.0 times as high in the segregation bands, and 11 times as high in the inclusions. Hydrogen trapping sites at grain boundaries can be observed by measuring after the delayed fracture test as soon as possible.
    TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN, 80(3) 243-248, Mar, 1994  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    Medium carbon steels added 2.0% Si or 1.5% Si-30ppm Ca with 1400N/mm2 tensile strength show high resistance to delayed fracture. It is important to clarify the hydrogen occlusion behavior to delayed fracture of steels with high resistance to delayed fracture. The hydrogen diffusion coefficient and hydrogen content were measured by electrochemical permeation technique, and hydrogen evolution content after accelerated delayed fracture test was directly measured by hydrogen thermal analysis. It is found that high resistance to delayed fracture of 2.0% Si steel is due to the high hydrogen content needed for fracture, in spite of its high hydrogen occlusion rate. Also the high resistance to delayed fracture of 1.5% Si-30ppm Ca steel is found to be due to the low hydrogen occlusion rate and the low hydrogen content needed for fracture.
  • TAKAI Kenichi, SEKI Junichi, SAKITA Eiichi, TAKAYAMA Kouichi
    Tetsu- to- Hagane, 79(6) 685-691, Jun 1, 1993  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    Effects of Si and Ca addition on delayed fracture of medium carbon steels with 1400N/mm^2 strength were investigated. Silicon and calcium were added at concentrations of 0∿2.0% and 30∿70ppm, respectively. The delayed fracture characteristics were evaluated by FIP (Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte) test which is a constant tensile load test in 20% NH_4SCN solution at 323 K. In order to make clear the effect of adding Ca and Si, the fracture surfaces were examined, and the hydrogen evolution behavior, the diffusion coefficient of hydrogen, and the hydrogen content were measured. It was found that 0.5%Si steels have no effect on the time to fracture regardless of Ca content, while 1.5%Si-30ppm Ca steel has the longest time to fracture. Fractography showed that adding Ca to 0.5%Si steels did not change the intergranular fracture area fraction. However, adding Ca to 1.5%Si steels changed the fracture from intergranular fracture to microvoid coalescence fracture. As for hydrogen behavior after three months from FIP test, 0.5%Si steel released hydrogen at the peak of 500 K, while for the 1.5%Si-30ppm Ca steel the peak was at 700 K. It was suggested that hydrogen released at around 500 K was crucial for delayed fracture characteristics.
  • H.Nakae, K.Takai, H.Koizumi, K.Okauchi
    Transactions of the Japan Foundrymen's Society, 11 34-39, 1992  Peer-reviewed
  • Hideo Nakae, Kenichi Takai, Kouji Okauchi, Hiroshi Koizumi
    The Journal of the Japan Foundrymen's Society, 63(8) 692-698, Aug, 1991  Peer-reviewed



Books and Other Publications




Research Projects



  • Apr, 2003
  • Apr, 2003
  • Apr, 2003
  • Apr, 2003
  • Apr, 2003