Faculty of Humanities

Iino Tomoyuki

  (飯野 友幸)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Department of English Literature, Sophia University
M. A. in English(University of California)

Contact information
Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

~1993 Research on American Rear-guard Poets
1994~2003 Research on John Ashbery and American Advance-guard Poets
2003~2012 Research on Relationships between Modern American Poetry and Music
2013~ Research on Literary and Cultural Aspects of American Poets during the Early
Cold War Era

As regards my research project, I’d like to propose a set of original insights into the cultural as well as literary situations during the transitional period immediately after the World War II by focusing on the poetry of such poets as John Ashbery, Elizabeth Bishop, and Frank O’Hara.
As regards my education, according to the principle that research and education are inseparable, it is ideal to reflect my research project in my courses in American literature.
To be more precise, for undergraduate courses, the progress of my lectures should be as clear as possible for students, so I provide original, customized sets of text that are more flexible than commercial ones. For the undergraduate and graduate seminars, emphasis is put both on reading through the discussion based on the students’ presentation and on teaching how to write seminar papers: how to research books or articles and how to organize one’s argument.

(Subject of research)
Modern American Poetry



Books and Other Publications



  • Tomoyuki Iino
    Chuo English and American Literature Society Annual Meeting, Dec 22, 2018, Chuo English and American Literature Society  Invited
    Discussed Frank O'Hara's Literary and Cultural Activities in the 1950s
  • Tomoyuki Iino
    The T. S. Eliot Society of Japan's 30th Annual Convention, Nov 12, 2017, The T. S. Eliot Society of Japan  Invited
    Discussed the influence of T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land on the American Poetry of the 1960s with special emphasis on John Ashbery's Poetry

Research Projects
