Curriculum Vitaes

Kawanishi Satoshi

  (川西 諭)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics, Sophia University

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Heretofore, I have been studying the cause of volatility in world economies and financial markets, devoting myself to theoretical works, and applying game theory to explain the cyclical dynamics of a given economy. Recently, I have been applying evolutionary game theory to bank competition models.
What I am currently interested in is behavioral finance. To the extent of my knowledge, it encompasses two academic arenas: discovering new phenomena that cannot be explained by traditional financial theory, and providing theoretical explanations based on psychological biases to such phenomena. I am interested in the latter theoretical work. Finding the fundamental causes of these psychological biases seems particularly interesting.

(Subject of research)
Theoretical and empirical study on the changes in the lending behavior by banks
Studies on investors' behavior in security markets: information activities, strategic behavior, and psychology.
Study on the effect of investors' information strategies on the security price dynamics.


  • 12 87-104, 2018  Peer-reviewedInvited
    In this paper, we introduce grit and mindset research, two streams of research in psychology, and discuss their implications for labor productivity improvement and their application to behavioral economics. In grit research, grit is defined as "perseverance and passion for long-term goals," while mindset research explores our two contrasting mindsets: the growth mindset and the fixed mindset. Both grit and mindset research indicate that abilities acquired by our efforts are much more important than we expected, and mindset is strongly associated with the process of acquiring new abilities. These fields of research suggest the low level of labor productivity in Japan might come from a cognitive bias toward a fixed mindset, which emphasizes innate talent rather than acquired abilities.
  • 川西 諭, 田村 輝之, 孫 明超
    行動経済学, 10 S29-S32, 2017  
  • Satoshi Kawanishi, Teruyuki Tamura, Shinichi Hirota
    Economics Today, 36(4) 巻頭1-3,1-30, Feb, 2016  Peer-reviewedInvited
  • Satoshi Kawanishi, Makiko Hashinaga
    FSA Institute Discussion Paper, DP2015(3), Jan, 2016  



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