カトリック研究 72(72) 1-44 2003年8月1日
In this paper, I introduce a new possibility of a theological methodology using Donald Gelpi's "Construct of Experience" and "Conversion Theory". This theological methodology provides a way to mediate between religion and culture where religion is trying to take root. A theological topic will integrate the interpreted cultural symbol into the Christian experience of faith through this newly formed methodology. Gelpl's "Construct of Experience" and "Conversion Theory" provide a new and sound possibility of a mediation between religion and culture. Through Gelpi's "Construct of Experience", we confirm the fact that reality is grasped by intuition and affection, as well as by inference. Gelpi argues that human religious experience initially flows from the heart rather than from the head ; intuitive perceptions of the meaning of salvation history hold a privileged place in the Christian community. Gelpi's "Conversion Theory" provides a frame of reference to categorize any human experience comprehensively and systematically. Building on the work of Bernard Lonergan, Gelpi distinguishes between a graced religious conversion and a natural form of conversion. A graced religious conversion transmutes and transvalues natural forms of conversion. A normative insight into that process of transmutation holds the key for understanding how faith seeks to transform any given human experience and human culture. These guidelines suggest a balanced and integrated proposal for inculturation in Christian theology.