As my doctoral dissertation, I pursued a possiblity to intergrate bwtween non-Christian cultural values and Christian insights. Recent researches are reaching to the postmodernism (Korean and Japanse phenomenon of Postmodernism and New Age), Conversion theory and Christian Sacraments, and Vatican II's Liturgical Renewal.
I began to work at Sophia University from 2002. Ever since, I have taught Liturgy and Sacramental Theology at the Theology Department. Church Calendar, Church Architecture, Churhc Music, Arts, the Theology of Divine Office, Sacrament of the Initiation, Sacrament of the Eucharist are main sujects to deal with. As far as research concerend, I have written articles on Inculturation of Liturgy, Theological Methodology, and the Vatican Council II and Liturgical Renewal, ect. From now on, I am going to deepen my research on Eastern Chrisitian Traditions. I am also teaching at Sogang University in Korea and at EAPI in Phillippines.
(Subject of research)
Study on the Relationship between Culture and Religious Experiemce
Some insights from the New Catechumenate of the Roman Catholic Church after the Vatican Council II.
New Age Movement in Korea and Japan
Korean Shaman ritual, Gut, and its Christian implication
Some theological and pastoral implication of the Third Roman Missal revision
(Proposed theme of joint or funded research)
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and the Identity of Sophia University