Curriculum Vitaes

Kawabata Ryo

  (川端 亮)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Sophia University
(Concurrent)Director Education and Research Center for Information Science

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(Subject of research)
Study on Domain Analysis and Prototyping

Research Interests





  • YAGAME Tadashi, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report, 108(384) 55-60, Nov 20, 2009  
    STD (State Transition Diagram) is used to analyze the system from "state" and "transition" perspective. But, the existent STD can't describe concepts such as states of two or more personnel, synchronization between personnel and time advance which are necessary to model the collaborative systems. This paper proposes Timed STDs with the three concepts, and models the collaborative systems with this diagram. And the authors developed the simulator to show an animation of transition and synchronization and to analyze the performance parameters such as utilization.
  • KATOH Junya, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report, 108(384) 19-24, Nov 20, 2009  
    The development of Ontology for Domains and Inter-Domains is considered from the viewpoint of Component and Task. Therefore, the recycling method of described Ontology and the description method of reusable Ontology are examined. The Ontology of Trust of Work is described as an example of the described Ontology. Task Ontology is described along the case grammar and the commitment network. Component Ontology is extracted from Task Ontology, and the relation of the component is described. This description method and the recycling method were implemented with Excel VBA.
  • ITOH Atsushi, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report, 107(429) 37-42, Nov, 2008  
    In this study, we propose the system for the allocation of personnel to multiple projects. Execution of multiple projects often requires the same personnel at the same time interval. This can create conflicts, leading to unexpected delays in the completion of the projects. So far, project manager solves such problems by changing parameters such as the number of workers and the deadline. But it needs more cost. Therefore, the system uses the "task fragmentation" method to solve such problems without changing those parameters. This method gives the project manager greater flexibility in allocating the personnel needed for multiple projects. With this method, multiple projects can be run on a desirable schedule and completed before the deadlines.
  • YAGAME Tadashi, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report, 108(157) 13-18, Jul 17, 2008  
    The authors translated diagrams for System analysis and design to Prolog formed description, and developed the method for Reuse diagrams. As a method to search reusable diagrams, the authors developed the search method with diagram's structure. The search method is not only adaptable to identical type of diagrams but different type of diagrams. The authors developed conversion method for different type of diagrams.
  • KAWABATA Ryo, SOGAWA Yoshiaki, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report, 108(157) 19-24, Jul 17, 2008  
    In collaborative Engineering, two or more developers collaborates in analysis and design, and produce various kinds of documents such as diagrams. There are some ways of describing diagrams: The one is that one diagram is described by two or more developer. The other is that each developer describes a part of one diagram then the diagrams are made into one diagram and modified. This paper proposes an environment for supporting developers in distributed place to share and describe diagrams.
  • YAGAME Tadashi, ITOH Kiyoshi, KAWABATA Ryo
    IEICE technical report, 107(48) 21-26, May 12, 2007  
    This paper proposes a courseware to support learning systems analysis. Courseware contains tools for supporting analysis and tutorials. Courseware provides an environment for a series of systems analysis. Learning analysis is performed with Petri net, STD, DFD and IDEF0 according to a process of analysis prepared for education of software engineering. Courseware has diagram editors and navigation tool that supports reusing common elements between diagrams. According to instructions of the courseware, learners can analyze systems.
  • KASAHARA Toshiharu, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report, 106(382) 19-24, Nov, 2006  
    The authors propose a diagrams reuse environment to make System Analysis easy. First, various domains are analyzed with the viewpoint of Generic Tasks which across two or more domains. Then, thesaurus is organized by classifying the vocabulary used in Generic Tasks based on Case Grammar. A user can search for diagrams' information per tasks by using a set of vocabulary. Then, diagrams are described by combining them.
  • KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report, 105(632) 115-120, 2006  
    In education of software engineering, it is important to teach analysis processes rather than notations of diagrammatic representations. The analysis processes include viewpoints of the target system, the way of using various diagrams and the combination of diagrams suitable for the target system. In this paper, the authors propose an analysis process using four kinds of diagrammatic representations such as Petri Net, State Transition Diagram, Data Flow Diagram and IDEFO. The analysis process is used in the class for systems analysis. Members of the class describe the diagrams by using the analysis process.
    IEICE technical report, 106(426) 1-5, 2006  
    STD(State Transition Diagram) is used to analyze the system from "state" and "transition" perspective. But, the existent STD can't describe concepts such as states of two or more personnel, synchronization between personnel and time advance which are necessary to model the collaborative systems. This paper proposes Timed STDs with the three concepts, and models the collaborative systems with this diagram.
  • KASAHARA Toshiharu, OHSONE Atsuo, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    Technical report of IEICE. KBSE, 105(48) 19-24, May 9, 2005  
    In systems analysis, it is important to analyze and describe the target system from the viewpoint of collaboration task. This paper uses use case diagram at the beginning of the analysis of collaboration task. The authors propose a method to describe use case diagram from the viewpoint of collaboration task. In the method, use case diagram is described for each material or information in the system. A use case expresses a state of material or information. By focusing on lifecycle of each material and information, use cases can be identified easily. Since the use case is described for representing collaboration task, the components described in the use case diagram can be used to next phase in the analysis. The authors developed the editor for describing use case diagram for collaboration task. The editor implements navigator which supports to describe Petri Net and MCM by using components in the use case diagram.
    Technical report of IEICE. KBSE, 103(604) 1-6, Dec, 2004  
    In this paper we propose a composite-server model and make use of the knowledge of the intrinsic composition of its service providing units (personnel or equipment) to derive Qualitative knowledge-based rules for its performance evaluation. The composite server model that takes into account the composite nature of service has wider scope in its applications and can be used to represent a variety of system classes. We use this novel concept in the performance design and improvement of collaborative engineering systems. System modeling is done by Multi-Context Map (MCM) technique. MCM is a descriptive model that expresses the collaborative activity performed through the exchange of token, material and information; bottlenecks primarily arise due to the non-uniformity in the flow of token, material and information. Another source of bottlenecks in collaborative engineering systems is the lack or surplus of service-providing units, known as "Perspectives" in the MCM terminology. Bottlenecks due to inappropriate Perspective allocation are resolved by the Qualitative Reasoning approach. We have found this method successful in the performance design, evaluation and improvement of a practical collaborative engineering system presented at the end of this paper.
  • 川端亮, 田端俊哉, 伊藤潔
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SWIM, ソフトウェアインタプライズモデリング, 103(557) 15-20, Oct, 2004  
    本稿では,システム化の対象業務を協調業務の観点から捉え,分析するプロセスの提案を行う.この協調業務の分析プロセスでは,対象業務の中でサービスを受ける主体と,サービスを提供する作業主体を捉え,作業主体ごとの作業の流れを記述し,作業主体間でのものや情報のやりとりを分析・記述する.本稿では,協調業務の記述にペトリネットを用いる.著者らは,ペトリネットに協調業務の分析向きに規律を導入した.このペトリネットの記述により,サービスを受ける主体と,サービスを提供する主体の観点からのペトリネットの記述が行える.このペトリネットによる分析・記述を支援するためのEditor, Visualizer, Simulatorを開発した.
  • 熊谷敏, 廣田豊彦, 川端亮, 伊藤潔
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. KBSE, 知能ソフトウェア工学, 104(282) 7-12, Aug 31, 2004  
  • HIROTA Toyohiko, KUMAGAI Satoshi, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    Technical report of IEICE. KBSE, 104(49) 7-12, May 10, 2004  
    Process for systems analysis is clarified using two or more types of diagram representations in order to increase the efficiency in systems analysis. It adopts use case diagram. Petri net, IDEF0 diagram as changing systems views and semi-automatic diagram transformations. The entrance examination management system is analyzed as an example.
  • KAWABATA Ryo, TABATA Shunya, ITOH Kiyoshi
    2004(1) 15-20, Jan 16, 2004  
  • YANO Yuichi, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report. Education technology, 104(534) 43-48, 2004  
    In study of solid geometry, it is essential to look at a solid geometry from many viewpoints and the cross-sectional view of solid geometry. In a class, teacher draws a solid geometry in two-dimensional drawing on blackboard. The solid geometry can not be seen from other viewpoints. It is difficult to learn solid geometry by using blackboard. In this paper, we propose a tool for supporting the understanding of solid geometry. This tool, Asks a learner about solid geometry with questions such as "the cross-sectional view of solid geometry cut by plane", "the shape seen from a certain side", "the solid which is symmetric with respect to a point". This tool has some functions such as "Rotating a solid in the arbitrary direction only by mouse operation", "Cutting a solid by an arbitrary plane", "Making a solid of revolution formed by an arbitrary curve round an arbitrary axis", "Making a projection of an object on an arbitrary plane".
    IPSJ SIG Notes. ICS, 2003(90) 159-164, Sep 14, 2003  
    This paper discusses the design and implementation of a novel system performance improvement Expert System (ES) with a Qualitative inference engine. The motive for using Qualitative Reasoning is to overcome the computational complexity posed by the triple-input-triple-output contexts interactions in the Multi-Context Map (MCM) queuing network which models the system. The ES analyses the GPSS simulation data of system performance, consults the MCM knowledge base of the system, and with its inference engine driven by qualitative rules draws the parameter-tuning plan to resolve bottlenecks. The ES has been successfully applied in improving a typical benchmarking system in Collaboration Engineering.
    IEICE technical report. Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based processing, 103(306) 15-20, Sep 9, 2003  
    This paper discusses the design and implementation of a novel system performance improvement Expert System (ES) with a Qualitative inference engine. The motive for using Qualitative Reasoning is to overcome the computational complexity posed by the triple-input-triple-output contexts interactions in the Multi-Context Map (MCM) queuing network which models the system. The ES analyses the GPSS simulation data of system performance, consults the MCM knowledge base of the system, and with its inference engine driven by qualitative rules draws the parameter-tuning plan to resolve bottlenecks. The ES has been successfully applied in improving a typical benchmarking system in Collaboration Engineering.
  • NAKAGAWA Kengo, KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IEICE technical report. Education technology, 102(697) 55-60, 2003  
    In collaborative engineering, two or more workers gather at conference which repeats opinion exchange and an argument towards decision-making for engineering. In the conference, various documents, such as plans, drafts, drawings, are delivered and shared among workers, and workers modify or correct the documents. We define this conference as "a collaborative engineering conference", and develop "CMCES (Computer-Mediated Collaborative Engineering System)" as a system that supports engineering collaboration in distributed real-time environment. In addition, we make the trial that applies CMCES to learning software engineering.
  • KAWABATA Ryo, MIYAMORI Nobuyuki, ITOH Kiyoshi, TOMITA Yoshitaka, KUMAGAI Satoshi
    Technical report of IEICE. KBSE, 102(277) 1-8, Aug 16, 2002  
    Acquiring business process model is performed to analyze business process for improving the efficiency or to systematize the business process with computer. Well business process models are acquired by domain experts. However domain experts don't have enough time to perform analysis because they have their own daily work. In this paper, we propose sheets for describing IDEF0. Acquiring process of IDEF0 is subdivided into nine sheets so that the domain expert can analyze the business process in a limited time. Domain experts can identify the issues in the business process and acquire a model to improve the process.
  • KATO Naoyuki, KAMIMURA Manabu, KAWABATA Ryo, KUMAGAI Satoshi, ITOH Kiyoshi
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2001(31) 17-24, Mar 22, 2001  
    To make collaboration processes working effectively, it is very important to analyze what collaborators are doing, which position they are, and how they communicate with each other. Multi-Context Map (MCM) and Collaborative Linkage Map (CLM) are developed to meet such demands. These methods analyze each collaborator in precise, so the model consists much important information in the process. In this paper, we propose to extract E-R models, which are widely used to design databases in the early phases, from MCM and CLM. E-R models do not have a standard method of composing, and rely on the designer's intuition. Our extraction provides a method of designing data models.
  • 伊藤 潔, 川端 亮
    ソフィア, 50(4) 516-525, 2001  
  • KAWABATA Ryo, ITOH Kiyoshi, KUMAGAI Satoshi
    Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, 41(9) 2555-2566, Sep 15, 2000  
    Domain analysis and modeling(DAM)enables efficient system developments. Domain model which is acquired through DAM process takes various forms such as analysis method, glossary, specifications, library and source codes. Since domain model makes the best use of the domain characteristics for the reuse within that domain, it is highly dependent on the domain and needs extra efforts for reuse to another domain. The authors have recognized common facets acknowledged across several domains and called them generic task. Generic task includes trading task, allocation task, monitoring task, and collaboration task, etc. In order to validate the reusability of generic task beyond a particular domain, this paper deals with prototyping cycle of generic tasks as a domain model to be reused. Prototyping cycle is a method which allows to analyze, design, and evaluate a system in an interactive manner while executing a prototype of the system. Prototyping cycle of the generic task can be reused to different domains. We analyze the domain for academic affairs in terms of collaboration task and trading task and develop a prototyping tool for the domain. The tool integrates the two prototyping cycles of the generic taskes. The tool allows to analyze the system in terms of collaboration task, while simulating and evaluating it in terms of efficiency of collaboration. The output of the analysis in terms of the trading task is obtained in the form of SQL description for the evaluation of database behaviors.
  • KAWABATA Ryo, TAMURA Yasuhisa, ITOH Kiyoshi, TOMII Norio
    Technical report of IEICE. KBSE, 96(52) 41-48, May 21, 1996  
    This paper proposes a domain model and a related developing process for assignment business. For example the railway business has entities of rail section, workers, and vehicles. To provide transportation business, these entities should be assigned in proper manner. With use of the proposing domain model, the user is led from the perspective view of the whole transportation business to the microscopic view of each assignment task. The authors proposes ECA and APO charts to express this domain model with good understandability, and also reusability to another business.

Books and Other Publications




Research Projects



  • Apr, 2007
  • Apr, 2007
  • Apr, 2002
  • Apr, 1998
  • Apr, 1998