Tetsuya Tsuda, Hirotaka Ebara, Hikaru Nakamura, Norimasa Fujimoto, Hiroyo Yoshihata, Toshihide Harada
International Medical Journal 26(5) 363-365 2019年
Objective: We investigated temporal changes in the types of errors that occurred in a word-picture matching task in patients with acute aphasia. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients with aphasia participated in this study. We tested the participants at two time points (admission and discharge) on a novel spoken word-picture matching task involving varying semantic relationships between the target and a set of distracters. Results: The results showed a reduction over time in the percentage of incorrect errors, and an increase over time in the percentage of errors that involved items semantically related to the target item. Conclusions: A simple method for examining the types of errors made by patients with aphasia can give valuable information about the nature of their auditory comprehension deficits.