Curriculum Vitaes

Yoshihata Hiroyo

  (吉畑 博代)

Profile Information

Professor, Graduate School of Languages and Linguistics, Master's (Doctoral) Program in Linguistics, Sophia University
(Concurrent)Chairperson of the Master's(Doctoral) Program in Linguistics

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID


  • Katsuya Kawakami, Shu Watanabe, Hiroyo Yoshihata, Tomoko Tanaka
    Japanese Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Resarch, 20(1) 44-52, Mar, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    We report a case of congenital prosopagnosia in a woman in her 30s. The individual, who holds a university degree and works in education, sought medical attention after experiencing difficulty remembering people's faces following a job change. An MRI scan of her head revealed no obvious brain damage and neuropsychological tests showed no obvious decline in general higher brain function. However, when naming facial and head patterns in the Visual Perception Test for Agnosia Famous Face Test version 2 (VPTA-FFT ver.2), her results had a discrepancy of more than +2SD compared to healthy peers. In a task to memorize unknown faces, she did not respond smoothly and remembered clothes rather than faces. She did not have autism, which is associated with congenital decline in facial recognition. Therefore, we diagnosed this case as congenital prosopagnosia. When supporting individuals with congenital prosopagnosia who may experience challenges in daily life, it is important for speech-language-hearing therapists to collaborate with medical doctors to conduct early evaluation and diagnosis, and to provide guidance on appropriate compensatory strategies.
  • Kawakami, Katsuya, Yoshihata, Hiroyo, Shindo, Mitsuko, Michimata, Chikashi
    Sophia linguistica : working papers in linguistics, 68(68) 197-220, Dec 31, 2019  Peer-reviewed
    Speech Pathology
  • 正木 啓太, 吉畑 博代, 坂田 善政, 荻野 美佐子
    コミュニケーション障害学, 36(3) 152-152, Dec, 2019  
  • Tetsuya Tsuda, Hirotaka Ebara, Hikaru Nakamura, Norimasa Fujimoto, Hiroyo Yoshihata, Toshihide Harada
    International Medical Journal, 26(5) 363-365, 2019  
    Objective: We investigated temporal changes in the types of errors that occurred in a word-picture matching task in patients with acute aphasia. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients with aphasia participated in this study. We tested the participants at two time points (admission and discharge) on a novel spoken word-picture matching task involving varying semantic relationships between the target and a set of distracters. Results: The results showed a reduction over time in the percentage of incorrect errors, and an increase over time in the percentage of errors that involved items semantically related to the target item. Conclusions: A simple method for examining the types of errors made by patients with aphasia can give valuable information about the nature of their auditory comprehension deficits.
  • 吉畑博代
    高次脳機能研究, 38(2) 177-183, Jun 30, 2018  Invited


  • 川上 勝也, 渡邉 基, 齋藤 玲子, 吉畑 博代, 進藤 美津子, 道又 爾, 小林 一成, 安保 雅博
    高次脳機能研究, 39(1) 70-71, Mar, 2019  
  • 吉畑博代
    脳の看護実践, 4(2) 2-7, Oct 10, 2018  Invited
  • 川上 勝也, 渡辺 基, 齋藤 玲子, 吉畑 博代, 進藤 美津子, 道又 爾, 小林 一成, 安保 雅博
    高次脳機能研究, 38(1) 98-98, Mar, 2018  
  • 横山夏奈, 沖田啓子, 渡邉光子, 吉畑博代, 津田哲也
    日本言語聴覚士協会総会・日本言語聴覚学会プログラム・抄録集, 15th 287, May 12, 2014  
  • 津田哲也, 中村光, 吉畑博代, 藤本憲正
    日本言語聴覚士協会総会・日本言語聴覚学会プログラム・抄録集, 15th 192, May 12, 2014  
  • 吉畑博代, 津田哲也
    地域リハビリテーション, 9(4) 258-263, Apr 15, 2014  Invited
  • 吉畑博代
    リハビリナース, 7(1) 19-27, Jan 10, 2014  Invited
  • 平山孝子, 吉畑博代, 津田哲也, 齋藤真実子
    日本言語聴覚士協会総会・日本言語聴覚学会プログラム・抄録集, 14th 130, Jun 10, 2013  
  • 津田哲也, 吉畑博代, 平山孝子, 藤本憲正, 中村光
    日本高次脳機能障害学会学術総会プログラム・講演抄録, 36th 209, Oct 17, 2012  
  • 吉畑 博代, 立川 賢佑, 野副 めぐみ
    地域リハビリテーション, 7(6) 494-497, Jun, 2012  
  • 立川賢佑, 吉畑博代, 津田哲也
    日本コミュニケーション障害学会学術講演会予稿集, 38th 97, Apr 3, 2012  
  • 津田哲也, 吉畑博代, 平山孝子
    日本コミュニケーション障害学会学術講演会予稿集, 38th 101, Apr 3, 2012  
  • 津田哲也, 吉畑博代, 藤本憲正, 中村光
    日本神経心理学会総会プログラム・予稿集, 35th 90, Aug 12, 2011  
  • YOSHIHATA Hiroyo
    27(2) 95-95, Aug 31, 2010  
  • 小澤 由嗣, 長谷川 純, 吉畑 博代, 玉井 ふみ, 山崎 和子, 小山 美恵
    人間と科学 : 県立広島大学保健福祉学部誌, 8(1) 189-189, Mar, 2008  
  • KOYAMA Yoshie, YAMASAKI Kazuko, HASEGAWA Jun, TAMAI Fumi, YOSHIHATA Hiroyo, OZAWA Yoshiaki
    Humanity and science : journal of the Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, 8(1) 67-77, Mar, 2008  
    We administerd a questionnaire about experience of practical education to students of our speech-language-hearing therapist course. The questionnaire included fifteen items in four groups. The students had practical training in clinical centers after having had that in the clinic of our University. Except for first-year students, they answered the questionnaire after all practical education was over. The findings of this study were as follows. 1) The students were aware that their knowledge is insufficient before having practical training in clinical centers, and they noticed importance of communication after having had that training. 2) At first their training is performed at our university, and it is performed next in clinical centers. This order increases educational effects. 3) What they learned most is the importance of communication with the people whom they are contact with. 4) It is the importance of communication that was the most impressive thing for them. And they understood the need of knowledge and their own immaturity. We think that the students were able to develop both in terms of occupational specialty and sociability by acquiring clinical experience step by step. The characteristics of students changes with the times. It is necessary to change training methods flexibly to meet the needs of students who go to clinical training.
    Humanity and science : journal of the Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, 8(1) 57-66, Mar, 2008  
    In order to examine the efficacy of an assertion training program for student speech-language-hearing therapists, a 2-day training course was conducted. 26 students participated in the course. Evaluation was carried out using 3 psychometric scales, i.e., Interaction Anxiousness Scale (IAS), Generalized Self-efficacy Scale (SES), and Assertive Mind Scale (AMS). The scores of all the 3 scales were significantly improved after the training. When the participants were divided into 3 groups according to the pre-training scores, in the "high desirability" group, i.e., the low score group in IAS, and the high score group in SES and AMS, the pre-training scores and the post-training scores were almost the same. On the other hand, in the middle score group and the "low desirability" group, significant improvement was observed in all the 3 scales, except for the low score group in SES, whose p value of a t-test was 0.06, which is close to the significance level. It can be concluded that assertion training is effective in reducing interaction anxiousness and enhancing self-efficacy and assertiveness, and is appropriate as a means of supporting students in improving their communication ability.
  • 吉畑 博代
    日本行動分析学会年次大会プログラム・発表論文集, (18) 26-26, 2000  
  • 本多 留実, 長谷川 純, 吉畑 博代
    総合リハビリテーション, 27(9) 837-842, Sep, 1999  
  • 藤岡 絵里, 中村 早苗, 吉畑 博代
    日本聴能言語学会学術講演会予稿集, 25 60-60, May 6, 1999  
  • YOSHIHATA Hiroyo, HONDA Rumi, OKITA Keiko, WATAMORI Toshiko
    Bulletin of Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health and Welfare, 4(1) 129-135, Mar, 1999  
    A computerized visual communication system using iconic symbols was developed as an alternative communication system and therapeutic tool for people with severe aphasia. The system was designed in order to 1) assess and train sentence production ability as expressed in the selection and arrangement of appropriate symbols in a specific order and 2) facilitate a spontaneous communication with one's partners utilizing the system as an augmentative and alternative communication method. The icon vocabulary of PCS (Picture Communication Symbols) was organized hierarchically representing different lexical categories. People with severe aphasia can access the vocabulary by clicking on the appropriate symbols. They can convey their thoughts by retrieving specific icons and arranging them into a serial order in a space provided on the computer screen. Further study is needed in order to verify functional application in the people with severe aphasia.
  • HONDA Rumi, YOSHIHATA Hiroyo, WATAMORI Toshiko
    Bulletin of Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health and Welfare, 4(1) 103-111, Mar, 1999  
    This study examined the effects of task variability on normal adults' discourse production with regard to quantitative aspects. Seven different tasks were administered to 11 adult volunteers : two types of picture description, cartoon description, recount of a short TV drama, generating a story using three specified words and two types of procedural tasks. The measures of quantitative analysis consisted of five indices that represent quantitative aspects of speech and information conveyed, such as time, total words, correct information units, etc., and eight indices which represent efficacy of discourse that were computed from the five indices. The result revealed that ten indices out of 13 showed significant differences among the tasks. Furthermore, 12 indices showed significant individual differences among the subjects. In order to identify the most stable results, coefficients of variation were compared among the tasks. The TV drama task was identified as the most robust one among the seven tasks. Although the variety of tasks greatly influenced the quantitative aspects of discourse production, each subject maintained individual tendency across tasks.
  • 吉畑 博代, 高橋 雅子, 綿森 淑子
    作業療法ジャーナル, 33(2) 153-159, Feb, 1999  
  • YOSHIHATA Hiroyo
    Bulletin of Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health and Welfare, 2(1) 21-29, Mar, 1997  
    A case of visual associative agnosia previously reported elsewhere by the author was re-examined in the light of recent theories of visual recognition. This 57 year-old right-handed male had multiple cerebral infarctions which caused visual agnosia. Extensive tests on his perceptual and cognitive functions revealed a following pattern. The patient's visual perception was judged to be preserved because he could accurately copy line drawings of objects and letters, and could correctly choose an object which matches the other objects. However, the patient's performance on the cognitive tasks that utilize the visual modality were disturbed, regardless of the stimulus characteristics, i.e., real objects or line drawings of objects, colors, faces and letters. In other words the patient showed object agnosia, color naming disturbance, prosopagnosia and alexia without agraphia. On the other hand the patient did not show disturbances in auditory or tactile modalities. The patient's symptoms were also different from those of optic aphasia, visual modality-specific naming disorders ; that is, the patient could not categorize visual stimuli based on their function and could not gesture an appropriate pantomime showing how to use a visually presented stimulus. Taken together, the symptoms suggested the patient was a case of a visual associative agnosia based on Lissaure's theory which classifies visual agnosia into apperceptive and associative. Recent development of theories in visual recognition has made it clear that the mechanism of visual agnosia has to be explained by more complex theory than Lissaure's. This paper outlines two recent models of visual recognition. The first one is a functional model for object recognition by Ellis & Young which is based on Marr's idea about multiple object representations. The second one is a Farah's computational model of visual recognition which integrates neuropsychological evidence. The patient was re-examined using these models.

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