
Kikawada Yoshikazu

  (木川田 喜一)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Materials and Life Sciences, Sophia University
Bachelor of Science(Sophia University)
Master of Science(Sophia University)
Doctor of Philosophy(Sophia University)

Contact information
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(Subject of research)
Geochemical study on Kusatsu-shirane volcano region
Study on mobility of trace elements in volcanic areas
Study on atmospheric pollution in Japan using chemical compositions of aerosols

Research History



  • Katsumi Hirose, Yuichi Onda, Hirofumi Tsukada, Yuko Hiroyama, Yukiko Okada, Yoshikazu Kikawada
    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 278 107486-107486, Sep, 2024  Peer-reviewedLast author
  • Yoshikazu Kikawada, Katsumi Hirose
    Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 278 107471-107471, Sep, 2024  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
  • Satoshi Yanase, Yoshikazu Kikawada, Takao Oi
    Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 1-14, Apr 10, 2024  Peer-reviewed
  • Yoshikazu KIKAWADA
    Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), 131(6) 625-645, Dec 25, 2022  Peer-reviewedInvitedLead authorCorresponding author
  • Pedro A. Hernández, Kenji Nogami, Eleazar Padrón, Luis Somoza, Cecilia Amonte, Toshiya Mori, Gladys V. Melián, Hirochicka Sumino, Yoshikazu Kikawada, Nemesio M. Pérez
    Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, Dec 17, 2021  Peer-reviewed
    The gases dissolved in the waters of volcanic lakes can present a serious hazard if the physical-chemical conditions change due to variations in the supply of magmatic gases. The monitoring of gases such as CO2 and He help us understand the degassing process and their connection with magmatic/hydrothermal system. One of the most acidic volcanic lakes on the planet is the Yugama, on Kusatsu Shirane volcano (Japan). We report the results of an interdisciplinary study carried out in August 2013 at Yugama consisting of the first estimation of rate of diffuse CO2 emission, the chemical and isotopic analysis of water and dissolved gases in samples from vertical lake profiles, and an echo-sounding survey. The lake water has an average temperature of 24-25°C, pH 1.01, concentrations of SO42- between 1,227 and 1,654 mgL−1 and Cl between 1,506 and 2,562 mgL−1, with gas bubbling at several locations and floating sulfur globules with sulfide inclusions. A total of 66 CO2 efflux measurements were taken at the lake surface by means of the floating accumulation chamber method to estimate the diffuse CO2 output from the studied area. CO2 efflux values ranged from 82 up to 25,800 g m−2 d−1. Estimation of the diffuse CO2 emission at Yaguma Crater Lake was 30 ± 12 t d−1. Normalized CO2 emission rate (assuming an area of 0.066 km2) was 454 t km−2 d−1, a value within the range of acid volcanic lakes. Vertical profiles of major ions and dissolved gases showed variations with increases in ion content and dissolved CO2 and He with depth. Acoustic imaging shows the presence of intense bubbling and provides important information on the bathymetry of the lake. The 50–200 kHz echograms exhibit frequent vertical plumes of rising gas bubbles. Within the crater-lake, three circular submarine vents have been identified showing flares due to a significant activity of sublacustrine emissions. This work shows the first data of diffuse CO2 degassing, dissolved gases in water and echosounding (ES) from Yugama Crater Lake. Periodic hydrogeochemical and hydroacoustic surveys at Yugama Crater Lakemay thus help to document changes in the state of activity of this high-risk volcanic area.


  • Kikawada Yoshikazu, Hirayama Yuko, Okawa Aya, Hirose Katsumi
    Programme and abstracts the Volcanological Society of Japan, 2015 23-23, Sep 28, 2015  
  • Kikawada Yoshikazu, Kogo Rina
    Programme and abstracts the Volcanological Society of Japan, 2014 70-70, Nov 2, 2014  
  • 中町鴻, 廣瀬正明, 木川田喜一, 鈴木章悟, 岡田往子, 本多照幸
    アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会要旨集, 51st 3, Jun 20, 2014  
  • 松本祐介, 木川田喜一, 大井隆夫, 廣瀬勝己, 五十嵐康人, 藤原英司, 野村雅夫, JUGDER Dulam
    日本地球化学会年会講演要旨集, 58th 39-38, 2011  
  • 松本祐介, 木川田喜一, 大井隆夫, 赤峰生朗, 廣瀬勝己, 五十嵐康人, 藤原英司, 野村雅夫, JUGDER Dulam
    日本地球化学会年会講演要旨集, 57th 249-237, 2010  
    我々のこれまでの研究により、1964年~2000年の福岡大気降下物に天然とは異なる同位体比を有するウランが見出された。これは核実験により汚染された中国大陸の土壌粒子を含む風送塵により付加された可能性が高い。近年日本に飛来する黄砂は中国北部からモンゴルを起源とすることが多いと考えられることから、モンゴルの表層土壌の化学組成を日本の大気降下物、ならびに広く黄砂粒子の起源と認識されている中国黄土高原の表層土及びタクラマカン砂漠の砂と化学組成を比較した。その結果2000年3月の福岡大気降下物において特にモンゴル表層土壌の寄与がうかがわれた。このことから国内で見出される大気降下物の異常ウラン同位体比がモンゴルの表層土壌に由来していることは十分に考えられる。しかしこれまでのところ、モンゴルの表層土壌のHNO3抽出液、抽出残渣の235U / 238U比は共に測定誤差範囲内で天然比に等しいという結果が得られている。

Books and Other Publications




Research Projects



  • Apr, 2006 - Mar, 2015
  • Oct, 1996 - Mar, 2015
  • Apr, 1996 - Mar, 2015
  • Apr, 1996 - Mar, 2015
  • Apr, 1996 - Mar, 2015