Information and Communication Sciences

Satoshi Goto

  (後藤 聡史)

Profile Information

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Sophia University

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

(Subject of research)
Operator Algebras

Research Interests



  • Satoshi Goto
    TOKYO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 39(3) 597-617, Mar, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    We generalize the quantum double construction of subfactors to that from arbitrary flat connections on 4-partite graphs and call it the mixed quantum double construction. If all the four graphs of the original 4 partite graph are connected, it is easy to see that this construction produces Ocneanu's asymptotic inclusion of both subfactors generated by the original flat connection horizontally and vertically. The construction can be applied for example to the non-standard flat connections which appear in the construction of the Goodman-de la HarpeJones subfactors or to those obtained by the composition of flat part of any biunitary connections as in N. Sato's paper [40]. An easy application shows that the asymptotic inclusions of the Goodman-de la Harpe-Jones subfactors are isomorphic to those of the Jones subfactors of type An except for the cases of orbifold type. If two subfactors A subset of B and A subset of C have common A-A bimodule systems, we can construct a flat connection in general. Then by applying our construction to the flat connection, we obtain the asymptotic inclusion of both A subset of B and A subset of C. We also discuss the case when the original 4-partite graph contains disconnected graphs and give some such examples. General phenomena when disconnected graphs appear are explained by using bimodule systems.
  • Satoshi Goto
    By using Ocneanu's result on the classification of all irreducible connections on the Dynkin diagrams, we show that the dual principal graphs as well as the fusion rules of bimodules arising from any Goodman-de la Harpe-Jones subfactors are obtained by a purely combinatorial method. In particular we obtain the dual principal graph and the fusion rule of bimodules arising from the Goodman-de la Harpe-Jones subfactor corresponding to the Dynkin diagram E-8. As an application, we also show some subequivalence among A-D-E paragroups.
  • Satoshi Goto
    EXPOSITIONES MATHEMATICAE, 28(3) 218-253, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    We give an exposition of Ocneanu's theory of double triangle algebras for subfactors and its application to the classification of irreducible bi-unitary connections on the Dynkin diagrams A(n), D(n), E(6), E(7) and E(8). More precisely, we give a detailed proof of the complete classification of irreducible K-L bi-unitary connections up to gauge choice, where K and L represent the two horizontal graphs which are among the A-D-E Dynkin diagrams. The result also provides a simple proof of the flatness of D(2n), E(6) and E(8) connections as well as an easy computation of the flat part of E(7) as an application. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
  • S Goto
    JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 52(1) 187-198, Jan, 2000  Peer-reviewed
    By generalizing Erlijman's method, we construct a subfactor from a fusion rule algebra with quantum 6j-symbols which produce periodic commuting squares. This construction produces the same subfactor as Ocneanu's asymptotic inclusion for the subfactor which is generated by the original periodic commuting square. This result can be applied to the quantum SU(n)(k) subfactors which is the same as Hecke algebra subfactors of type A of Wenzl for example, which shows that Erlijman's construction gives the same subfactor as the asymptotic inclusion.



Professional Memberships


Research Projects



  • Jun, 2015 - Jul, 2015
  • Mar, 2014 - 2015
  • Mar, 2014 - 2015
    2014年3月に,情報理工学科の大半の研究室が市ケ谷に移転することに伴い,四谷の旧学科事務室を授業準備室として利用することになった.四谷での授業は150人近い必修科目など多人数の授業が多数開講されるため,授業での配布プリント類を準備するためには高速プリンタが大変有用である.このため,移転の機に高速カラープリンター・オルフィスの導入と共にその利用のためのPCと小型の複合機などを設置することになり,その設置と設定を私1人で担当した.また,大量に消費されるプリンタ用紙の補充・管理も1人で行っている.現在,オルフィスなしでは 授業に支障が出るというほど,毎日のように利用され,情報理工学科教員担当の授業・教育に大きく貢献している.
  • 2009 - 2015
  • 2009 - 2015
    数学科の4年生の卒業研究にノートPCを使用したいという希望があったため,各研究室の希望台数を確認し,2009年に16台,2010年に16台,合計32台ほどのノートPCを購入し,それぞれの研究室に配布した.購入の見積り,納品(受取),検収,伝票処理等の作業,および使用後のPCの管理と希望に応じた再配布などの作業は,すべて私1人で行っている.これらのノートPCは,卒業研究のためのプログラミング,Word や LaTeX による原稿執筆に役立っている.一部は現在の情報理工学科4年生用としても継続利用されている.