総合人間科学部 教育学科

Sugimura Miki

  (杉村 美紀)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education, Sophia University
Doctor of Philosophy(Dec, 1998, University of Tokyo)
Master of Education(Mar, 1987, University of Tokyo)

Contact information
Other name(s) (e.g. nickname)
Sugimura, Miki
Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

Miki Sugimura is professor of Comarpative and International Education of Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences of Sophia University. Her research activities include analysis of educational policies and multicultural education, particularly in Asian countries, as well as trends in international cooperation networks and educational and cultural exchanges in higher education in the era of globalization and internationalization. The research projects she has been involved in as Principal Investigator include “International Joint Research on Higher Education Strategies of Asian Countries in the International Education Market",  “Empirical Comparative Research on International Student Mobility and Borderless Education in Asia and Oceania", “Comparative Educational Research on International Human Mobility and the Transformation of Multicultural Societies",  and “Comparative Educational Research on the Transformation of Multicultural Societies in the Post-Conflict Era. She also organized the project on “Comparative International Educational Research on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Asia” (Sophia University, Grant-in-Aid for Special Promotion of Scientific Research “Research on Priority Areas” 2021-2023) from 2021-2023 . As of 2024, she takes a role of principla investigator on “International Joint Research on Visualization of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education” (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 2021-2024). And she came to be a UNESCO Chair-holder on Education for Human Dignity, Peace and Sustainabilit in February 2024. 










Books and Other Publications




Teaching Experience


Research Projects


Major Social Activities


Media Coverage



  • Oct, 2020 - Sep, 2021
    アジア欧州会合(Asia Europe Meeting, ASEM)の関係団体であるアジア欧州財団(Asia Europe Foundation, ASEF)が行う第8回高等教育会議ASEF Regional Conference (ARC8)にExpertsとして参加・活動した。ARC8では、1)Inclusive Learning and Teaching in a Digital World、2)Inclusive and Flexible Lifelong Learning Pathways、3)Inclusive International Mobility of People and Knowledge、4)Equitable Access and Success in Higher Educationの分科会が設けられ、このうち第3分科会のメンバーとしてASEM大臣会合に提出したPolicy Recommendation Reportの作成に参画した。
  • Mar, 2019 - Nov, 2019
    アジア欧州会合(ASEM)の関係機関であるアジア欧州財団(ASEF)が、ASEANとEUを含む加盟51カ国・地域を集めて行う教員養成セミナー(ClassNet)の日本開催にあたり、企画運営に携わった。第15回大会は「持続可能な開発のための教育(ED)とAI]というテーマで行われ、 51の全メンバー国・機関から参加者があり、事前研修ののち、外務省及び文部科学省、国連大学サステナビリティ高等研究所(UNU-IAS)の共催のもと、上智大学を基点に2019年11月25-29日に東京で開催、セミナーにはユネスコアジア地域事務所、開発教育協会(DEAR)、JICA地球ひろば、お茶の水女子大学附属高等学校の協力で実践報告やワークショップ、学校見学など多様な活動を展開した。
  • Jan, 2008 - Aug, 2008
  • Jun, 2007 - Jun, 2007
  • Nov, 2006 - Nov, 2006
    Development Education Program was held at the first grade of Yokohama-city High School as a global learning program.