Curriculum Vitaes

Sugiura Mikiko

  (杉浦 未希子)

Profile Information

Professor, Center for Global Education and Discovery/ International Cooperation Studies (Graduate School of Global Studies), Sophia University
Bachelor of Law(Mar, 1993, The University of Tokyo)
Bachelor of Art(Sep, 2001, Sophia University)
Master of International Studies(Mar, 2004, The University of Tokyo)
Doctor of Philosophy(Mar, 2007, The University of Tokyo)

Other name(s) (e.g. nickname)
Mikiko Michelle Sugiura
Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

Mikiko M. Sugiura is a Professor in the Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University. She also belongs to the Center for Global Education and Discovery.
She holds a Ph.D. and a master's degree, both in international studies, and the first B. A. in law from the University of Tokyo besides the second B. A. in comparative culture from Sophia University.

Her research focuses on developing institutional frameworks for sustainable water resources management, particularly river water use. She is keenly interested in issues related to sustainability, such as drought response, water rights systems (e.g., environmental water rights), and biodiversity conservation, based on the development of modern engineering technologies such as multi-purpose dams and long-distance water transfers.

Her teaching interests are in conservation, environmental science, development studies, and developing a trans-disciplinary approach to ecological issues.

Her interest, in other words, lies in the interaction between humans and nature, and she is particularly interested in how water resource management reflects the diversity of physical (e.g., climate) and non-physical (e.g., culture) conditions. In particular, she is strongly interested in the characteristics and trends observed in agricultural water use (especially in rice paddies) in the Asian monsoon region, where more than half of the world's population lives. She approaches irrigation commons, institutions, and conservation based on river flow characteristics (gravity-led, hydrological cycle, and fluctuation in volume).

Currently offers the following classes for undergraduate and graduate students: Conservation Studies, Environmental Science, Sustainable Development (for undergraduates), Environment and Development, Environmental History and Policies in Japan (for graduate students).


  • Mikiko Sugiura, Tajima Masahiro
    Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, 37(4) 351-358, Nov, 2024  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • Mikiko Sugiura
    2023 ROMBUNNO.7-11(R) pp467-468, Aug, 2023  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • Mikiko Sugiura
    WS-MWSCD Paper No.03, ICID Congress & 73rd IEC Meeting October 2022, Adelaide, Australia, 24-37, Oct, 2022  Peer-reviewedInvited
    Water scarcity is a social and relative concept that necessitates considering the social and technological factors that determine the quantity and quality of water demand and supply. Thus, institutional responses to water scarcity are diverse and dynamic, reflecting climatic and geographical conditions. In the case of Japan, located in monsoon Asia and experiencing irregular rainfall and drought with a certain probability, a water use order has been formed based on the river-water use for irrigation as a stable source. In terms of increasing supply, modern advances in engineering technology have made it possible to augment river flows by releasing water stored in multipurpose dams, which has enabled the establishment and operation of the modern permitted water rights system, and a new water use order and its adjustment. The "drought coordination" (Kassui-chōsei) is an example of such a system, which was institutionalized in anticipation of voluntary coordination among water users due to the functions of multipurpose dams and the existence of river administrators. Although river water is "public water" and not subject to trade along with water rights, the implementation of various administrative strategies to create new water rights has also contributed to alleviating conflicts caused by social water shortages. In terms of reducing demand, field-based irrigation commons still play an essential role. Block rotational irrigation efficiently reduces demand as part of the nesting structure implemented by LID, a traditional mura-based Water Users Association. It implements a determined rate of water conservation through effective and efficient water management as part of the structure.
  • Mikiko Sugiura, Masahiro Tajima
    2022 ROMBUNNO.6-36(R), Aug, 2022  Peer-reviewedLead author



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