Curriculum Vitaes

Kitahara Mafuyu

  (北原 真冬)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of English Studies, Sophia University
Joint Ph.D. in Linguistics and Cognitive Science(Indiana University)
Joint Ph.D. in Linguistics and Cognitive(インディアナ大学)

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

External link

2000-2000 NTTコミュニケーション基礎科学研究所 日本語のアクセントおよびレキシコンの構造について研究
2001-2004 山口大学工学部 日本語のアクセントおよびレキシコンの構造について研究
2004-2016 早稲田大学法学部 日本語・英語のレキシコンの構造およびその英語学習への影響について研究
2016-現在 上智大学外国語学部英語学科および国際言語情報研究所音声学研究室 日本語と英語の音声学・音韻論について研究中

Research History


Committee Memberships




Major Misc.

  • 北原真冬
    日本音響学会誌, 61(9) 564-564, Sep 1, 2005  

Books and Other Publications



  • 木下武志, 篠原久美子, 森上あゆみ, 一川誠, 北原真冬
    日本感性工学会大会予稿集, 2005
  • KITAHARA Mafuyu, AMANO Shigeaki
    IEICE technical report. Speech, Jul 21, 2000, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    Functional load of pitch accent is proposed for Japanese words. It is calculated from 1) the ratio of the number of a pair of homophones with opposing pitch accent to the number of those with non-opposing pitch accent, and 2) word familiarity of the homophones. The functional load is larger when the difference of word familiarity scores is smaller between homophones with opposing pitch accent. The statistical characteristics of the functional load of pitch accent were analyzed using a large-scale word familiarity databases of Japanese.
  • KITAHARA Mafuyu
    IEICE technical report. Speech, Jul 8, 1999, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
    Pitch accent realization requires voicing. However, high vowels are sometimes devoiced even though the vowel carries a pitch accent in Tokyo Japanese. This devoicing, then, would obliterate the pitch accent were it not for other effects which preserve the accent information. Previous studies showed that there is either a pitch raising after the devoiced region or an accent shift to nearby moras in those cases. Two production experiments were conducted to see how various conditions, such as tonal context, boundary location, and syllabic environment, affect the pitch accent preservation. Results show that accent shift is strictly governed by the boundary and syllabic conditions but pitch raising does not always make up for the lack of accent shift. Accent location information is lost in such cases where neither pitch raising nor accent shift occurs. This suggests a relatively lower functional load of accentual contrast in Japanese.

Professional Memberships


Research Projects
