Curriculum Vitaes

Tsunogai Hiroshi

  (角皆 宏)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Sophia University

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Number Theory, Galois representations attached to fundamental groups, Constructive Galois theory

Number Theory. Galois representation attached to fundamental groups. Inverse Galois Problem. Construction of generic polynomials. Noether's problem.

(Subject of research)
Number Theory

Research History



  • Hiroshi TSUNOGAI
    RIMS Ko^kyu^roku Bessatsu B, 86 331-349, Jul, 2021  Peer-reviewedInvitedLead authorCorresponding author
  • Hiroshi TSUNOGAI
    Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, 39(3) 901-922, Mar 1, 2017  Peer-reviewedInvitedLead authorCorresponding author
    In this article, we consider an analogue of Noether's problem for the fields of cross-ratios, and discuss on a rationality problem which connects this with Noether's problem. We show that the affirmative answer of the analogue implies the affirmative answer for Noether's Problem for any permutation group with odd degree. We also obtain some negative results for various permutation groups with even degree.
  • Kiichiro Hashimoto, Hiroshi Tsunogai
    Suppose that a finite group G is realized in the Cremona group Cr-m(k), the group of k-automorphisms of the rational function field K of m variables over a constant field k. The most general version of Noether's problem is then to ask, whether the subfield K-G consisting of G-invariant elements is again rational or not. This paper treats Noether's problem for various subgroups G of G6, the symmetric group of degree 6, acting on the function field Q(s, t, z) over k = Q of the moduli space M-0,(6) of P-1 with ordered six marked points. We shall show that this version of Noether's problem has an affirmative answer for all but two conjugacy classes of transitive subgroups G of G6, by exhibiting explicitly a system of generators of the fixed field Q(s, t, z)G. In the exceptional cases G = 21(6), 21(5), the problem remains open.
  • Hiroaki Nakamura, Hiroshi Tsunogai, Seidai Yasuda
    JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS OF JUSSIEU, 9(2) 431-448, Apr, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    We study behaviours of the 'equianharmonic' parameter of the Grothendieck-Teichmuller group introduced by Lochak and Schneps. Using geometric construction of a certain one-parameter family of quartics, we realize the Galois action on the fundamental group of a punctured Mordell elliptic curve in the standard Galois action on a specific subgroup of the braid group (B) over cap (4). A consequence is to represent a matrix specialization of the `equianharmonic' parameter in terms of special values of the adelic beta function introduced and studied by Anderson and Ihara.
  • Hiroaki Nakamura, Hiroshi Tsunogai
    PRIMES AND KNOTS, 416 197-211, 2006  Peer-reviewed
    In [LS], Lochak and Schneps introduced the "harmonic parameter g" of the Grothendieck-Teichmidller group (GT) over cap. We closely study the behavior of g on the absolute Galois group G(Q) using a family of lemniscate elliptic curves. We obtain a relationship of the adelic beta function and the harmonic parameter specialized in the matrix group SL2((Z) over cap).
  • Hiroshi Tsunogai
    Primes and Knots, 416 263-284, 2006  Peer-reviewed
    It is a fascinating problem to determine the image of the absolute Galois group G(Q) of the rationals in the Grothendieck-Teichmuller group (GT) over cap. In this article we give some new-type equations satisfied by the Galois images in (GT) over cap arising from various embeddings of a punctured projective line into the moduli space of projective lines with five marked points.
  • K Hashimoto, H Tsunogai
    In this article, we construct generic polynomials over Q with two parameters for all transitive subgroups of the symmetric group of degree 5 by considering the action on the moduli space of the projective line with ordered five marked points. Although polynomials having such properties are already known, our device is unifying through all the cases, and in some cases we obtain polynomials with much simpler coefficients.
  • H Nakamura, H Tsunogai
    FORUM MATHEMATICUM, 15(6) 877-892, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    We study Galois behaviors of certain chains appearing in fundamental groupoids of punctured lines and deduce some newtype equations satisfied by the Galois image in the Grothendieck-Teichmuller group.
  • Hiroshi Tsunogai
    ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 136(1) 221-250, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    In this article, we consider certain systems, of derivation algebras related to Galois representations attached to fundamental groups of algebraic curves of positive genera and establish some stability property. This is A generalization of Ihara's result in the case of genus zero.
  • K Hashimoto, H Tsunogai
    MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION, 68(228) 1649-1662, Oct, 1999  Peer-reviewed
    An abelian surface A is called a QM-abelian surface if its endomorphism ring includes an order of an indefinite quaternion algebra, and a curve C of genus two is called a QM-curve if its jacobian variety is a QM-abelian surface. We give a computational result about the distribution oft he arguments of the eigenvalues of the Frobenius endomorphisms of QM-abelian surfaces module good primes, which supports an analogue of the Sate-Tate Conjecture for such abelian surfaces. We also make some remarks on the field of definition of QM-curves and their endomorphisms.
  • H Tsunogai
  • Hiroshi Tsunogai
    Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 31(1) 113-134, Mar, 1995  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
  • Hiroshi Tsunogai
    Mathematische Nachrichten, 171(1) 315-324, 1995  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    In section 1 of this article, we study group-theoretical properties of some automorphism group PSI* of the meta-abelian quotient PI/PI'' of a free pro-l group PI of rank two, and show that the conjugacy class of some element of order two of PSI* is not determined by the action induced on the abelian quotient PI/PI' of PI in the case of l = 2. In section 2 we apply the results to the outer Galois representation phi(c) attached to the curve C deleted one point from an elliptic curve E, and give an example that phi(c) does not factor through the l-adic representation attached to E.
  • Hiroaki Nakamura, Hiroshi Tsunogai
    Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 1993(441) 115-144, Aug 1, 1993  Peer-reviewed



Books and Other Publications



  • 角皆 宏
    「dessinの数え上げと計算」セミナー, Nov 21, 2022
  • 角皆 宏
    早稲田整数論セミナー, Sep 30, 2022  Invited
    Shanksの3次巡回多項式において、助変数tを整数値に特殊化した際に得られる3次巡回体は、最簡3次体 (simplest cubic fields) と呼ばれ、根が単数群を生成するなど興味深い性質を持つため、数多くの研究がある。特に差積が素数pの場合には、導手pの3次巡回体のGauss周期とShanks多項式の根との関係が知られている。本講演では、最簡とも素数導手とも限らない一般の3次巡回体に対して、Gauss周期とShanks多項式との関係を一般化する。素数導手の場合と異なり、合成数導手dの3次巡回体は複数あるので、Shanks多項式の助変数tを特殊化して得られる導手dの3次巡回体がそのうちのどれであるか、特定することが必要である。また、合成数導手の場合、その体が最簡3次体であっても、議論の中で最簡でない3次体を経由するので、tの値を有理数まで拡げて考えることが必要になる。Gauss以来の古典的な結果を振り返りながら、今回考察を拡げた部分について紹介する。90分。
  • 角皆 宏
    第27回整数論サマースクール「構成的ガロア逆問題と不変体の有理性問題」, Sep 9, 2019, 第27回整数論サマースクール世話人  Invited
  • 角皆 宏
    第27回整数論サマースクール「構成的ガロア逆問題と不変体の有理性問題」, Sep 7, 2019, 第27回整数論サマースクール世話人  Invited
  • Sophia University Mathematics Colloquium, Apr 26, 2019
    As a topic of constructive Galois theory, we will introduce a dihedral quintic polynomial constructed and investigated by Brumer, Hashimoto and the speaker, in particular, its re-construction using cross-ratios. We will also give some applications to algebraic number theory, for example, a constuction of dihedral quintic fields with unramified biquadratic extensions or with explicit units of full rank. (60 min.)

Professional Memberships


Research Projects


Academic Activities


Social Activities



  • 2011 - Present
  • Oct, 2006 - Present
  • May, 2020 - Oct, 2021
  • 2001 - 2019
  • Nov, 2011 - Nov, 2011