63 items found Takumi Sato Faculty of Humanities Department of Journalism Professor Oto Yoshihiro Faculty of Humanities, Department of Journalism Professor Hojo Katsutaka Faculty of Humanities, Department of History Professor Ogino Hiroyuki Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy Professor Sema Masayuki Faculty of Humanities, Department of Japanese Literature Professor Nagai Atsuko Faculty of Humanities, Department of French Literature Professor Ikeda Makoto Faculty of Humanities, Department of English Literature Professor Terada Toshiro Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy Professor Ogura Hirotaka Faculty of Humanities, Department of French Literature Professor Matsumoto Hogara Faculty of Humanities, Department of English Literature Professor 12345› Please select the form format to download from below 「Education and research environment」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ①Outline for Vitae」format 「No. 4, the Ministry of Education document style ②Education and research environment」format